Interface HeuristicSolution<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type used to store the result of the solution. Check getResult() for more details.
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public interface HeuristicSolution<T>
extends Comparable<HeuristicSolution<T>>
A solution for a complex problem found using a Heuristic implementation. A heuristic can generate multiple solutions until find an optimal or suboptimal solution for the problem.
CloudSim Plus 1.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
  • Field Details

    • LOGGER

      static final org.slf4j.Logger LOGGER
    • NULL

      static final HeuristicSolution NULL
      An attribute that implements the Null Object Design Pattern for HeuristicSolution objects.
  • Method Details

    • getHeuristic

      Heuristic<HeuristicSolution<T>> getHeuristic()
      the heuristic that generated this solution.
    • getFitness

      default double getFitness()
      Defines how good the solution is and it the inverse of the getCost(). As higher is the fitness, better is a solution. How a solution fitness is computed is totally dependent of the heuristic implementation being used to find a solution.
      the solution fitness
      See Also:
    • getCost

      double getCost()
      Defines the cost of using this solution. As higher is the cost, worse is a solution. How a solution cost is computed is totally dependent of the heuristic implementation being used to find a solution.
      the solution cost
      See Also:
    • getResult

      T getResult()
      Gets the result of the solution. For instance, if a implementation of this interface aims to provide a mapping between Cloudlets and Vm's, this type would be a Map<Cloudlet, Vm>, that will indicate which Vm will run each Cloudlet. This way, the type T of the solution is totally dependent of the problem being solved by the heuristic implementation.

      The result of solution is generated by a heuristic. Getting an optimal or sub-optimal solution is the final goal of a heuristic.

      the object containing the result of the generated solution.