Interface VmHostEventInfo

All Superinterfaces:
EventInfo, HostEventInfo, VmEventInfo

public interface VmHostEventInfo
extends VmEventInfo, HostEventInfo
An interface that represents data to be passed to EventListener objects that are registered to be notified when some events happen for a given Vm that is related to some Host.

It can be used to notify Listeners when a Host is Vm.addOnHostAllocationListener(EventListener) allocated} to or Vm.addOnHostDeallocationListener(EventListener) deallocated} from a given Vm, when a Vm has its Vm.addOnUpdateProcessingListener(EventListener) processing updated by its Host}, etc.

CloudSim Plus 1.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho
See Also:
Vm.addOnHostAllocationListener(EventListener), Vm.addOnHostDeallocationListener(EventListener), Vm.addOnUpdateProcessingListener(EventListener)