Class MachineEvent


public final class MachineEvent
extends Object
A data class to store the attributes to create a Host, according to the data read from a line inside a "machine events" trace file. Instance of this class are created by the GoogleMachineEventsTraceReader and provided to the user's simulation.

In order to create such Hosts, the GoogleMachineEventsTraceReader requires the developer to provide a Function that creates Hosts according to the developer needs.

The GoogleMachineEventsTraceReader cannot create the Hosts itself by hardcoding some simulation specific parameters such as the VmScheduler or ResourceProvisioner. This way, it request a Function implemented by the developer using the GoogleMachineEventsTraceReader class that has the custom logic to create Hosts. However, this developer's Function needs to receive the host parameters read from the trace file. To avoid passing so many parameters to the developer's Function, an instance of this class that wraps all these parameters is used instead.

CloudSim Plus 4.0.0
Manoel Campos da Silva Filho