Interface VmSelectionPolicy

All Known Implementing Classes:
VmSelectionPolicyMinimumMigrationTime, VmSelectionPolicyMinimumUtilization, VmSelectionPolicyRandomSelection

public interface VmSelectionPolicy
An interface to be used to implement VM selection policies for a list of migratable VMs. The selection is defined by sub classes.
If you are using any algorithms, policies or workload included in the power package please cite the following paper:
CloudSim Toolkit 3.0
Anton Beloglazov
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type Field Description
    static VmSelectionPolicy NULL  
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    Vm getVmToMigrate​(Host host)
    Gets a VM to migrate from a given host.
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getVmToMigrate

      Vm getVmToMigrate​(Host host)
      Gets a VM to migrate from a given host.
      host - the host to get a Vm to migrate from
      the vm to migrate or Vm.NULL if there is not Vm to migrate