Uses of Package

Provides Cloudlet implementations, that represent an application that will run inside a Vm.
Provides core classes used just internally by CloudSim Plus, except the CloudSim class that is the start point and main class used to run simulations.
Provides Datacenter implementations, that represents a physical Cloud Datacenter and contains a set of Host that together provide the basic cloud infrastructure.
Provides Host implementations that represent a Physical Machine (PM) is used to run Vm from different cloud customers (represented by a DatacenterBroker).
Provides network-enabled Host implementations.
Provides ResourceProvisioner implementations that define policies used by a Host to manage the allocation of some resource for its VMs, such as Ram, Bandwidth or Pe.
Provides classes that represent different physical and logical Resource used by simulation objects such as Hosts and VMs.
Provides processor schedulers implementations to enable multiple processes to run on some CPU cores (Pe).
Provides VmScheduler implementations that are used to schedule the execution of multiple Vm inside a given Host.
Provides implementations of Virtual Machines (Vm) which are a software package that emulate the architecture of a physical machine.
Provides network-enabled Vm implementations.
Provides classes to enable horizontal and vertical scaling of VMs in order to, respectively, adapt resource requirements to current workload and to balance load across different VMs.
Provides Builder classes that implement the Builder Design Pattern to allow instantiating multiple simulation objects more easily.
Provides EventListener implementations to enable event notifications during simulation execution.