
package odin

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. odin
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. type Action = (Seq[Mention], State) ⇒ Seq[Mention]
  2. class Actions extends AnyRef

    Inherit from this class to implement your custom actions.

    Inherit from this class to implement your custom actions.

    An action is a method of the form:

    def customAction(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention]
  3. trait Attachment extends AnyRef
  4. class CrossSentenceMention extends Mention
  5. class EventMention extends Mention
  6. class ExtractorEngine extends AnyRef
  7. trait Mention extends Equals with Ordered[Mention] with Serializable
  8. type MentionLUT = Map[SentenceToken, Seq[Mention]]
  9. class RelationMention extends Mention
  10. type SentenceToken = (Int, Int)
  11. class State extends AnyRef

    Represents the current state of the ExtractorEngine.

    Represents the current state of the ExtractorEngine. Contains all the mentions found in previous iterations.

  12. type SynPath = Seq[(Int, Int, String)]
  13. class TextBoundMention extends Mention

Value Members

  1. def identityAction(mentions: Seq[Mention], state: State): Seq[Mention]
  2. def mkTokenInterval(arguments: Map[String, Seq[Mention]]): Interval
  3. def mkTokenInterval(trigger: TextBoundMention, arguments: Map[String, Seq[Mention]]): Interval
  4. object ExtractorEngine
  5. object State

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
