Class MockProxyMetaClass

  extended by groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl
      extended by groovy.lang.ProxyMetaClass
          extended by groovy.mock.interceptor.MockProxyMetaClass
All Implemented Interfaces:
AdaptingMetaClass, MetaClass, MetaObjectProtocol, MutableMetaClass

public class MockProxyMetaClass
extends ProxyMetaClass

The ProxyMetaClass for the MockInterceptor. Instance and class methods are intercepted, but constructors are not to allow mocking of aggregated objects.

Dierk Koenig

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class groovy.lang.ProxyMetaClass
adaptee, interceptor
Fields inherited from class groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl
getPropertyMethod, INVOKE_METHOD_METHOD, invokeMethodMethod, isGroovyObject, isMap, metaMethodIndex, METHOD_MISSING, PROPERTY_MISSING, registry, setPropertyMethod, STATIC_METHOD_MISSING, STATIC_PROPERTY_MISSING, theCachedClass, theClass
Constructor Summary
MockProxyMetaClass(MetaClassRegistry registry, Class theClass, MetaClass adaptee)
Method Summary
 Object getProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, boolean b, boolean b1)
          Interceptors the call to getProperty if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available
 Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)
          Unlike general impl in superclass, ctors are not intercepted but relayed
 Object invokeMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
          Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
 Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments)
          Call invokeStaticMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor.
static MockProxyMetaClass make(Class theClass)
          convenience factory method for the most usual case.
 void setProperty(Class aClass, Object object, String property, Object newValue, boolean b, boolean b1)
          Interceptors the call to a property setter if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available
Methods inherited from class groovy.lang.ProxyMetaClass
getAdaptee, getInstance, getInterceptor, initialize, setAdaptee, setInterceptor, use, use
Methods inherited from class groovy.lang.MetaClassImpl
addMetaBeanProperty, addMetaMethod, addMetaMethodToIndex, addNewInstanceMethod, addNewStaticMethod, checkIfGroovyObjectMethod, checkInitalised, chooseMethod, clearInvocationCaches, createConstructorSite, createPogoCallCurrentSite, createPogoCallSite, createPojoCallSite, createStaticSite, dropMethodCache, dropStaticMethodCache, findMethodInClassHierarchy, findMixinMethod, findOwnMethod, findPropertyInClassHierarchy, getAdditionalMetaMethods, getAttribute, getAttribute, getAttribute, getClassInfo, getClassNode, getEffectiveGetMetaProperty, getMetaMethod, getMetaMethods, getMetaProperty, getMethods, getMethodWithCaching, getMethodWithoutCaching, getProperties, getProperty, getStaticMetaMethod, getSubclassMetaMethods, getSuperClasses, getTheCachedClass, getTheClass, getVersion, hasProperty, incVersion, invokeConstructorAt, invokeMethod, invokeMethod, invokeMissingMethod, invokeMissingProperty, invokeStaticMissingProperty, isGroovyObject, isInitialized, isModified, onGetPropertyFoundInHierarchy, onInvokeMethodFoundInHierarchy, onMixinMethodFound, onSetPropertyFoundInHierarchy, onSuperMethodFoundInHierarchy, onSuperPropertyFoundInHierarchy, pickMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, retrieveConstructor, retrieveMethod, retrieveStaticMethod, selectConstructorAndTransformArguments, setAttribute, setAttribute, setProperties, setProperty, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface groovy.lang.MetaClass
getAttribute, getClassNode, getMetaMethods, getMethods, getProperties, invokeMethod, invokeMissingMethod, invokeMissingProperty, pickMethod, selectConstructorAndTransformArguments, setAttribute
Methods inherited from interface groovy.lang.MetaObjectProtocol
getAttribute, getMetaMethod, getMetaProperty, getProperty, getStaticMetaMethod, getTheClass, hasProperty, invokeMethod, respondsTo, respondsTo, setAttribute, setProperty

Constructor Detail


public MockProxyMetaClass(MetaClassRegistry registry,
                          Class theClass,
                          MetaClass adaptee)
                   throws IntrospectionException
adaptee - the MetaClass to decorate with interceptability
Method Detail


public static MockProxyMetaClass make(Class theClass)
                               throws IntrospectionException
convenience factory method for the most usual case.



public Object invokeMethod(Object object,
                           String methodName,
                           Object[] arguments)
Description copied from class: ProxyMetaClass
Call invokeMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

Specified by:
invokeMethod in interface MetaObjectProtocol
invokeMethod in class ProxyMetaClass
object - The instance which the method is invoked on
methodName - The name of the method
arguments - The arguments to the method
The return value of the method which is null if the return type is void
See Also:


public Object invokeStaticMethod(Object object,
                                 String methodName,
                                 Object[] arguments)
Description copied from class: ProxyMetaClass
Call invokeStaticMethod on adaptee with logic like in MetaClass unless we have an Interceptor. With Interceptor the call is nested in its beforeInvoke and afterInvoke methods. The method call is suppressed if Interceptor.doInvoke() returns false. See Interceptor for details.

Specified by:
invokeStaticMethod in interface MetaObjectProtocol
invokeStaticMethod in class ProxyMetaClass
object - An instance of the class returned by the getTheClass() method or the class itself
methodName - The name of the method
arguments - The arguments to the method
The return value of the method which is null if the return type is void
See Also:


public Object getProperty(Class aClass,
                          Object object,
                          String property,
                          boolean b,
                          boolean b1)
Description copied from class: ProxyMetaClass
Interceptors the call to getProperty if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available

Specified by:
getProperty in interface MetaClass
getProperty in class ProxyMetaClass
aClass - The java.lang.Class instance that requested the property
object - the object to invoke the getter on
property - the property name
b - Whether the call is to a super class property
b1 - ??
the value of the property


public void setProperty(Class aClass,
                        Object object,
                        String property,
                        Object newValue,
                        boolean b,
                        boolean b1)
Description copied from class: ProxyMetaClass
Interceptors the call to a property setter if a PropertyAccessInterceptor is available

Specified by:
setProperty in interface MetaClass
setProperty in class ProxyMetaClass
aClass - The java.lang.Class instance that is mutating the property
object - The object to invoke the setter on
property - The property name to set
newValue - The new value of the property
b - Whether the call is to a super class property
b1 - ??


public Object invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments)
Unlike general impl in superclass, ctors are not intercepted but relayed

Specified by:
invokeConstructor in interface MetaObjectProtocol
invokeConstructor in class ProxyMetaClass
arguments - The arguments to the constructor
An instance of the java.lang.Class that this MetaObjectProtocol object applies to

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