Annotation Type AutoClone

public @interface AutoClone

Note: This annotation is currently experimental! Use at your own risk!

Class annotation used to assist in the creation of Cloneable classes. The @AutoClone annotation instructs the compiler to execute an AST transformation which adds a public clone() method and adds Cloneable to the interfaces which the class implements.

Because the JVM doesn't have a one-size fits all cloning strategy, several customizations exist for the cloning implementation. By default, the clone() method will call super.clone() before calling clone() on each Cloneable property of the class.

Example usage:

 import groovy.transform.AutoClone
 class Person {
   String first, last
   List favItems
   Date since
Which will create a class of the following form:
 class Person implements Cloneable {
   public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     Object result = super.clone()
     result.favItems = favItems.clone()
     result.since = since.clone()
     return result
Which can be used as follows:
 def p = new Person(first:'John', last:'Smith', favItems:['ipod', 'shiraz'], since:new Date())
 def p2 = p.clone()

 assert p instanceof Cloneable
 assert p.favItems instanceof Cloneable
 assert p.since instanceof Cloneable
 assert !(p.first instanceof Cloneable)

 assert !
 assert !
 assert !
In the above example, super.clone() is called which in this case calls clone() from java.lang.Object. This does a bit-wise copy of all the properties (references and primitive values). Properties like first has type String which is not Cloneable so it is left as the bit-wise copy. Both Date and ArrayList are Cloneable so the clone() method on each of those properties will be called. For the list, a shallow copy is made during its clone() method.

If your classes require deep cloning, it is up to you to provide the appropriate deep cloning logic in the respective clone() method for your class.

If one of your properties contains an object that doesn't support cloning or attempts deep copying of a data structure containing an object that doesn't support cloning, then a CloneNotSupportedException may occur at runtime.

Another popular cloning strategy is known as the copy constructor pattern. If any of your fields are final and Cloneable you should set style=COPY_CONSTRUCTOR which will then use the copy constructor pattern. Here is an example making use of the copy constructor pattern:

 import groovy.transform.AutoClone
 import static groovy.transform.AutoCloneStyle.*
 class Person {
   final String first, last
   final Date birthday
 class Customer extends Person {
   final int numPurchases
   final List favItems
Which will create classes of the following form:
 class Person implements Cloneable {
   protected Person(Person other) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     first = other.first
     last = other.last
     birthday = other.birthday.clone()
   public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     return new Person(this)
 class Customer extends Person {
   protected Customer(Customer other) throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     numPurchases = other.numPurchases
     favItems = other.favItems.clone()
   public Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     return new Customer(this)
If you use this style on a child class, the parent class must also have a copy constructor (created using this annotation or by hand). This approach can be slightly slower than the traditional cloning approach but the Cloneable fields of your class can be final.

As a final example, if your class already implements the Serializable or Externalizable interface, you can choose the following cloning style:

 class Person implements Serializable {
   String first, last
   Date birthday
which outputs a class with the following form:
 class Person implements Cloneable, Serializable {
   Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
     def baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
     baos.withObjectOutputStream{ it.writeObject(this) }
     def bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(baos.toByteArray())
     bais.withObjectInputStream(getClass().classLoader){ it.readObject() }
This will output an error if your class doesn't implement one of Serializable or Externalizable, will typically be significantly slower than the other approaches, also doesn't allow fields to be final, will take up more memory as even immutable classes like String will be cloned but does have the advantage that it performs deep cloning automatically.

Further references on cloning:

See Also:
AutoCloneStyle, AutoExternalize

Optional Element Summary
 java.lang.String[] excludes
          Comma separated list of property names to exclude from cloning.
 boolean includeFields
          Include fields as well as properties when cloning.
 AutoCloneStyle style
          Style to use when cloning.


public abstract java.lang.String[] excludes
Comma separated list of property names to exclude from cloning. For convenience, a String with comma separated names can be used in addition to an array (using Groovy's literal list notation) of String values.



public abstract boolean includeFields
Include fields as well as properties when cloning.



public abstract AutoCloneStyle style
Style to use when cloning.
