Class FessConfig.SimpleImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, FessConfig, FessEnv, FessProp, org.lastaflute.core.direction.AccessibleConfig
Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing interface:

public static class FessConfig.SimpleImpl extends FessEnv.SimpleImpl implements FessConfig
The simple implementation for configuration.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleImpl

      public SimpleImpl()
  • Method Details

    • getDomainTitle

      public String getDomainTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'domain.title'.
      The value is, e.g. Fess
      comment: The title of domain the application for logging
      Specified by:
      getDomainTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineType

      public String getSearchEngineType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.type'.
      The value is, e.g. default
      comment: Search Engine
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineType in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineType in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineHttpUrl

      public String getSearchEngineHttpUrl()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.http.url'.
      The value is, e.g. http://localhost:9201
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHttpUrl in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHttpUrl in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthorities

      public String getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthorities()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.http.ssl.certificate_authorities'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthorities in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthorities in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthoritiesAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthoritiesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.http.ssl.certificate_authorities' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHttpSslCertificateAuthoritiesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineUsername

      public String getSearchEngineUsername()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.username'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineUsername in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineUsername in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineUsernameAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchEngineUsernameAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.username' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineUsernameAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEnginePassword

      public String getSearchEnginePassword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.password'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEnginePassword in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEnginePassword in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEnginePasswordAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchEnginePasswordAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.password' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchEnginePasswordAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineHeartbeatInterval

      public String getSearchEngineHeartbeatInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.heartbeat_interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHeartbeatInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchEngineHeartbeatIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchEngineHeartbeatIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'search_engine.heartbeat_interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHeartbeatIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchEngineHeartbeatIntervalAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppCipherAlgorism

      public String getAppCipherAlgorism()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.cipher.algorism'.
      The value is, e.g. aes
      comment: Cryptographer
      Specified by:
      getAppCipherAlgorism in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppCipherKey

      public String getAppCipherKey()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.cipher.key'.
      The value is, e.g. ___change__me___
      Specified by:
      getAppCipherKey in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppDigestAlgorism

      public String getAppDigestAlgorism()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.digest.algorism'.
      The value is, e.g. sha256
      Specified by:
      getAppDigestAlgorism in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppEncryptPropertyPattern

      public String getAppEncryptPropertyPattern()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. .*password|.*key|.*token|.*secret
      Specified by:
      getAppEncryptPropertyPattern in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppExtensionNames

      public String getAppExtensionNames()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.extension.names'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getAppExtensionNames in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppExtensionNamesAsInteger

      public Integer getAppExtensionNamesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.extension.names' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getAppExtensionNamesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppAuditLogFormat

      public String getAppAuditLogFormat()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.audit.log.format'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getAppAuditLogFormat in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAppAuditLogFormatAsInteger

      public Integer getAppAuditLogFormatAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'app.audit.log.format' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getAppAuditLogFormatAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJvmCrawlerOptions

      public String getJvmCrawlerOptions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'jvm.crawler.options'.
      The value is, e.g. -Djava.awt.headless=true

      comment: JVM options
      Specified by:
      getJvmCrawlerOptions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJvmCrawlerOptions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJvmSuggestOptions

      public String getJvmSuggestOptions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'jvm.suggest.options'.
      The value is, e.g. -Djava.awt.headless=true

      Specified by:
      getJvmSuggestOptions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJvmSuggestOptions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJvmThumbnailOptions

      public String getJvmThumbnailOptions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'jvm.thumbnail.options'.
      The value is, e.g. -Djava.awt.headless=true

      Specified by:
      getJvmThumbnailOptions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJvmThumbnailOptions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobSystemJobIds

      public String getJobSystemJobIds()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.system.job.ids'.
      The value is, e.g. default_crawler
      comment: job
      Specified by:
      getJobSystemJobIds in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJobSystemJobIds in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobTemplateTitleWeb

      public String getJobTemplateTitleWeb()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.template.title.web'.
      The value is, e.g. Web Crawler - {0}
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleWeb in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleWeb in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobTemplateTitleFile

      public String getJobTemplateTitleFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.template.title.file'.
      The value is, e.g. File Crawler - {0}
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleFile in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleFile in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobTemplateTitleData

      public String getJobTemplateTitleData()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. Data Crawler - {0}
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleData in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateTitleData in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobTemplateScript

      public String getJobTemplateScript()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.template.script'.
      The value is, e.g. return container.getComponent("crawlJob").logLevel("info").webConfigIds([{0}] as String[]).fileConfigIds([{1}] as String[]).dataConfigIds([{2}] as String[]).jobExecutor(executor).execute();
      Specified by:
      getJobTemplateScript in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobMaxCrawlerProcesses

      public String getJobMaxCrawlerProcesses()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.max.crawler.processes'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getJobMaxCrawlerProcesses in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobMaxCrawlerProcessesAsInteger

      public Integer getJobMaxCrawlerProcessesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.max.crawler.processes' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getJobMaxCrawlerProcessesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobDefaultScript

      public String getJobDefaultScript()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'job.default.script'.
      The value is, e.g. groovy
      Specified by:
      getJobDefaultScript in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobSystemPropertyFilterPattern

      public String getJobSystemPropertyFilterPattern()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getJobSystemPropertyFilterPattern in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJobSystemPropertyFilterPatternAsInteger

      public Integer getJobSystemPropertyFilterPatternAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getJobSystemPropertyFilterPatternAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getProcessors

      public String getProcessors()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'processors'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getProcessors in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getProcessorsAsInteger

      public Integer getProcessorsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'processors' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getProcessorsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getProcessorsAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getJavaCommandPath

      public String getJavaCommandPath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'java.command.path'.
      The value is, e.g. java
      Specified by:
      getJavaCommandPath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPythonCommandPath

      public String getPythonCommandPath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'python.command.path'.
      The value is, e.g. python
      Specified by:
      getPythonCommandPath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPathEncoding

      public String getPathEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'path.encoding'.
      The value is, e.g. UTF-8
      Specified by:
      getPathEncoding in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUseOwnTmpDir

      public String getUseOwnTmpDir()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'use.own.tmp.dir'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getUseOwnTmpDir in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isUseOwnTmpDir

      public boolean isUseOwnTmpDir()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'use.own.tmp.dir' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isUseOwnTmpDir in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMaxLogOutputLength

      public String getMaxLogOutputLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'max.log.output.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 4000
      Specified by:
      getMaxLogOutputLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMaxLogOutputLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getMaxLogOutputLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'max.log.output.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 4000
      Specified by:
      getMaxLogOutputLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAdaptiveLoadControl

      public String getAdaptiveLoadControl()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'adaptive.load.control'.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getAdaptiveLoadControl in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAdaptiveLoadControlAsInteger

      public Integer getAdaptiveLoadControlAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'adaptive.load.control' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getAdaptiveLoadControlAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSupportedUploadedJsExtentions

      public String getSupportedUploadedJsExtentions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'supported.uploaded.js.extentions'.
      The value is, e.g. js
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedJsExtentions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedJsExtentions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSupportedUploadedCssExtentions

      public String getSupportedUploadedCssExtentions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'supported.uploaded.css.extentions'.
      The value is, e.g. css
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedCssExtentions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedCssExtentions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSupportedUploadedMediaExtentions

      public String getSupportedUploadedMediaExtentions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. jpg,jpeg,gif,png,swf
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedMediaExtentions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedMediaExtentions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSupportedUploadedFiles

      public String getSupportedUploadedFiles()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'supported.uploaded.files'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedFiles in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSupportedUploadedFiles in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSupportedLanguages

      public String getSupportedLanguages()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'supported.languages'.
      The value is, e.g. ar,bg,bn,ca,ckb_IQ,cs,da,de,el,en_IE,en,es,et,eu,fa,fi,fr,gl,gu,he,hi,hr,hu,hy,id,it,ja,ko,lt,lv,mk,ml,nl,no,pa,pl,pt_BR,pt,ro,ru,si,sq,sv,ta,te,th,tl,tr,uk,ur,vi,zh_CN,zh_TW,zh
      Specified by:
      getSupportedLanguages in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSupportedLanguages in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAccessTokenLength

      public String getApiAccessTokenLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.access.token.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAccessTokenLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getApiAccessTokenLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.access.token.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAccessTokenRequired

      public String getApiAccessTokenRequired()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.access.token.required'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenRequired in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenRequired in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiAccessTokenRequired

      public boolean isApiAccessTokenRequired()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'api.access.token.required' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isApiAccessTokenRequired in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAccessTokenRequestParameter

      public String getApiAccessTokenRequestParameter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.access.token.request.parameter'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenRequestParameter in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAccessTokenRequestParameterAsInteger

      public Integer getApiAccessTokenRequestParameterAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.access.token.request.parameter' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiAccessTokenRequestParameterAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiAdminAccessPermissions

      public String getApiAdminAccessPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.admin.access.permissions'.
      The value is, e.g. Radmin-api
      Specified by:
      getApiAdminAccessPermissions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiAdminAccessPermissions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiSearchAcceptReferers

      public String getApiSearchAcceptReferers()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiSearchAcceptReferers in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiSearchAcceptReferers in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiSearchAcceptReferersAsInteger

      public Integer getApiSearchAcceptReferersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiSearchAcceptReferersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiSearchScroll

      public String getApiSearchScroll()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getApiSearchScroll in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiSearchScroll

      public boolean isApiSearchScroll()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isApiSearchScroll in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiJsonResponseHeaders

      public String getApiJsonResponseHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.json.response.headers'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiJsonResponseHeaders in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiJsonResponseHeaders in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiJsonResponseHeadersAsInteger

      public Integer getApiJsonResponseHeadersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.json.response.headers' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiJsonResponseHeadersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded

      public String getApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.json.response.exception.included'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded

      public boolean isApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'api.json.response.exception.included' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isApiJsonResponseExceptionIncluded in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiGsaResponseHeaders

      public String getApiGsaResponseHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.gsa.response.headers'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiGsaResponseHeaders in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiGsaResponseHeaders in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiGsaResponseHeadersAsInteger

      public Integer getApiGsaResponseHeadersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.gsa.response.headers' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiGsaResponseHeadersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded

      public String getApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.gsa.response.exception.included'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded

      public boolean isApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'api.gsa.response.exception.included' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isApiGsaResponseExceptionIncluded in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiDashboardResponseHeaders

      public String getApiDashboardResponseHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.dashboard.response.headers'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiDashboardResponseHeaders in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiDashboardResponseHeaders in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiDashboardResponseHeadersAsInteger

      public Integer getApiDashboardResponseHeadersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.dashboard.response.headers' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getApiDashboardResponseHeadersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsAllowOrigin

      public String getApiCorsAllowOrigin()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.allow.origin'.
      The value is, e.g. *
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsAllowOrigin in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsAllowOrigin in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsAllowMethods

      public String getApiCorsAllowMethods()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.allow.methods'.
      The value is, e.g. GET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE, PUT
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsAllowMethods in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsMaxAge

      public String getApiCorsMaxAge()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.max.age'.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsMaxAge in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsMaxAgeAsInteger

      public Integer getApiCorsMaxAgeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.max.age' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsMaxAgeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsAllowHeaders

      public String getApiCorsAllowHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.allow.headers'.
      The value is, e.g. Origin, Content-Type, Accept, Authorization, X-Requested-With
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsAllowHeaders in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiCorsAllowCredentials

      public String getApiCorsAllowCredentials()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.cors.allow.credentials'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getApiCorsAllowCredentials in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiCorsAllowCredentials

      public boolean isApiCorsAllowCredentials()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'api.cors.allow.credentials' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isApiCorsAllowCredentials in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiJsonpEnabled

      public String getApiJsonpEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'api.jsonp.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getApiJsonpEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isApiJsonpEnabled

      public boolean isApiJsonpEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'api.jsonp.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isApiJsonpEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getApiPingSearchEngineFields

      public String getApiPingSearchEngineFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. status,timed_out
      Specified by:
      getApiPingSearchEngineFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getApiPingSearchEngineFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getVirtualHostHeaders

      public String getVirtualHostHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      comment: Virtual Host:
      Specified by:
      getVirtualHostHeaders in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getVirtualHostHeaders in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getVirtualHostHeadersAsInteger

      public Integer getVirtualHostHeadersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      comment: Virtual Host:
      Specified by:
      getVirtualHostHeadersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyHost

      public String getHttpProxyHost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyHost in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyHost in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyHostAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpProxyHostAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyHostAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyPort

      public String getHttpProxyPort()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.port'.
      The value is, e.g. 8080
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPort in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyPortAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpProxyPortAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.port' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 8080
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPortAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPortAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyUsername

      public String getHttpProxyUsername()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.username'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyUsername in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyUsername in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyUsernameAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpProxyUsernameAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.username' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyUsernameAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyPassword

      public String getHttpProxyPassword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.password'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPassword in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPassword in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpProxyPasswordAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpProxyPasswordAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.proxy.password' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getHttpProxyPasswordAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadMaxSize

      public String getHttpFileuploadMaxSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.max.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 262144000
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadMaxSize in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadMaxSize in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadMaxSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpFileuploadMaxSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.max.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 262144000
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadMaxSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadThresholdSize

      public String getHttpFileuploadThresholdSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.threshold.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 262144
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadThresholdSize in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadThresholdSize in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadThresholdSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpFileuploadThresholdSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.threshold.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 262144
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadThresholdSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCount

      public String getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.max.file.count'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCountAsInteger

      public Integer getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'http.fileupload.max.file.count' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getHttpFileuploadMaxFileCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDefaultScript

      public String getCrawlerDefaultScript()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.default.script'.
      The value is, e.g. groovy
      comment: common
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDefaultScript in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSize

      public String getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.http.thread_pool.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.http.thread_pool.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHttpThreadPoolSizeAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLength

      public String getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxSiteLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentSiteEncoding

      public String getCrawlerDocumentSiteEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. UTF-8
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentSiteEncoding in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentUnknownHostname

      public String getCrawlerDocumentUnknownHostname()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.unknown.hostname'.
      The value is, e.g. unknown
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentUnknownHostname in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish

      public String getCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentUseSiteEncodingOnEnglish in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentAppendData

      public String getCrawlerDocumentAppendData()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentAppendData in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentAppendData

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentAppendData()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentAppendData in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename

      public String getCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.append.filename'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.append.filename' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentAppendFilename in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSize

      public String getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.max.alphanum.term.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.max.alphanum.term.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxAlphanumTermSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSize

      public String getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.max.symbol.term.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.max.symbol.term.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentMaxSymbolTermSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved

      public String getCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.duplicate.term.removed'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.duplicate.term.removed' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentDuplicateTermRemoved in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentSpaceChars

      public String getCrawlerDocumentSpaceChars()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. u0009u000Au000Bu000Cu000Du001Cu001Du001Eu001Fu0020u00A0u1680u180Eu2000u2001u2002u2003u2004u2005u2006u2007u2008u2009u200Au200Bu200Cu202Fu205Fu3000uFEFFuFFFDu00B6
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentSpaceChars in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentSpaceChars in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFullstopChars

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFullstopChars()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.fullstop.chars'.
      The value is, e.g. u002eu06d4u2e3cu3002
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFullstopChars in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFullstopChars in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerCrawlingDataEncoding

      public String getCrawlerCrawlingDataEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. UTF-8
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerCrawlingDataEncoding in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerWebProtocols

      public String getCrawlerWebProtocols()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.web.protocols'.
      The value is, e.g. http,https
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerWebProtocols in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerWebProtocols in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerFileProtocols

      public String getCrawlerFileProtocols()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.file.protocols'.
      The value is, e.g. file,smb,smb1,ftp,storage
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerFileProtocols in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerFileProtocols in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDataEnvParamKeyPattern

      public String getCrawlerDataEnvParamKeyPattern()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. ^FESS_ENV_.*
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDataEnvParamKeyPattern in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt

      public String getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.ignore.robots.txt'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt

      public boolean isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.ignore.robots.txt' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTxt in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags

      public String getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.ignore.robots.tags'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags

      public boolean isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.ignore.robots.tags' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerIgnoreRobotsTags in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerIgnoreContentException

      public String getCrawlerIgnoreContentException()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.ignore.content.exception'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerIgnoreContentException in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerIgnoreContentException

      public boolean isCrawlerIgnoreContentException()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.ignore.content.exception' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerIgnoreContentException in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodes

      public String getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 404
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodesAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 404
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerFailureUrlStatusCodesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerSystemMonitorInterval

      public String getCrawlerSystemMonitorInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.system.monitor.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerSystemMonitorInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.system.monitor.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.ignore_idle_threads'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads

      public boolean isCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.hotthread.ignore_idle_threads' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerHotthreadIgnoreIdleThreads in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadInterval

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 500ms
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshots

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshots()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.snapshots'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshots in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshotsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshotsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.snapshots' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadSnapshotsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadThreads

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadThreads()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.threads'.
      The value is, e.g. 3
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadThreads in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadThreadsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerHotthreadThreadsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.threads' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 3
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadThreadsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadTimeout

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 30s
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerHotthreadType

      public String getCrawlerHotthreadType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.hotthread.type'.
      The value is, e.g. cpu
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerHotthreadType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerMetadataContentExcludes

      public String getCrawlerMetadataContentExcludes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.metadata.content.excludes'.
      The value is, e.g. resourceName,X-Parsed-By,Content-Encoding.*,Content-Type.*,X-TIKA.*,X-FESS.*
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerMetadataContentExcludes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerMetadataContentExcludes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerMetadataNameMapping

      public String getCrawlerMetadataNameMapping()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. title=title:string

      Specified by:
      getCrawlerMetadataNameMapping in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerMetadataNameMapping in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlContentXpath

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlContentXpath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.content.xpath'.
      The value is, e.g. //BODY
      comment: html
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlContentXpath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlLangXpath

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlLangXpath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.lang.xpath'.
      The value is, e.g. //HTML/@lang
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlLangXpath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDigestXpath

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDigestXpath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.digest.xpath'.
      The value is, e.g. //META[@name='description']/@content
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDigestXpath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlCanonicalXpath

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlCanonicalXpath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.canonical.xpath'.
      The value is, e.g. //LINK[@rel='canonical'][1]/@href
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlCanonicalXpath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlPrunedTags

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlPrunedTags()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.pruned.tags'.
      The value is, e.g. noscript,script,style,header,footer,aside,nav,a[rel=nofollow]
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlPrunedTags in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlPrunedTags in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLength

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.max.digest.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 120
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.max.digest.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 120
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlMaxDigestLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLang

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.default.lang'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLangAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLangAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.default.lang' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultLangAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.default.include.index.patterns'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.default.include.index.patterns' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.html.default.exclude.index.patterns'.
      The value is, e.g. (?i).*(css|js|jpeg|jpg|gif|png|bmp|wmv|xml|ico|exe)
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentHtmlDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncoding

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      comment: file
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncoding in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncodingAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncodingAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      comment: file
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileNameEncodingAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileNoTitleLabel

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileNoTitleLabel()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. No title.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileNoTitleLabel in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.ignore.empty.content'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.file.ignore.empty.content' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentFileIgnoreEmptyContent in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLength

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.max.title.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.max.title.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxTitleLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLength

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.max.digest.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 200
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.max.digest.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 200
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileMaxDigestLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.append.meta.content'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.file.append.meta.content' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendMetaContent in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.append.body.content'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.file.append.body.content' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentFileAppendBodyContent in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLang

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.lang'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLangAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLangAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.lang' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultLangAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.include.index.patterns'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.include.index.patterns' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeIndexPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.exclude.index.patterns'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.file.default.exclude.index.patterns' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeIndexPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultIncludeSearchPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns

      public String getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatterns in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentFileDefaultExcludeSearchPatternsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled

      public String getCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.cache.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: cache
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled

      public boolean isCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'crawler.document.cache.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: cache
      Specified by:
      isCrawlerDocumentCacheEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSize

      public String getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.cache.max.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 2621440
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.cache.max.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 2621440
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheMaxSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentCacheSupportedMimetypes

      public String getCrawlerDocumentCacheSupportedMimetypes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.cache.supported.mimetypes'.
      The value is, e.g. text/html
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheSupportedMimetypes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheSupportedMimetypes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCrawlerDocumentCacheHtmlMimetypes

      public String getCrawlerDocumentCacheHtmlMimetypes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'crawler.document.cache.html.mimetypes'.
      The value is, e.g. text/html
      comment: ,text/plain,application/xml,application/pdf,application/msword,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document,application/,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet,application/,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheHtmlMimetypes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getCrawlerDocumentCacheHtmlMimetypes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerThreadDumpEnabled

      public String getIndexerThreadDumpEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.thread.dump.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: indexer
      Specified by:
      getIndexerThreadDumpEnabled in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexerThreadDumpEnabled in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isIndexerThreadDumpEnabled

      public boolean isIndexerThreadDumpEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'indexer.thread.dump.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: indexer
      Specified by:
      isIndexerThreadDumpEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSize

      public String getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.unprocessed.document.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.unprocessed.document.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerUnprocessedDocumentSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerClickCountEnabled

      public String getIndexerClickCountEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getIndexerClickCountEnabled in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexerClickCountEnabled in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isIndexerClickCountEnabled

      public boolean isIndexerClickCountEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isIndexerClickCountEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled

      public String getIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.favorite.count.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled

      public boolean isIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'indexer.favorite.count.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isIndexerFavoriteCountEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTime

      public String getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTime()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.commit.margin.time'.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTime in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTimeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTimeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.commit.margin.time' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsCommitMarginTimeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCount

      public String getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.empty.list.count'.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCountAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.empty.list.count' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxEmptyListCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsUpdateInterval

      public String getIndexerWebfsUpdateInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.update.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsUpdateInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsUpdateIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerWebfsUpdateIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.update.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsUpdateIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSize

      public String getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.document.cache.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.document.cache.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSize

      public String getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.document.request.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1048576
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.webfs.max.document.request.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1048576
      Specified by:
      getIndexerWebfsMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSize

      public String getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDocumentCacheSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSize

      public String getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1048576
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1048576
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDocumentRequestSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSize

      public String getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxDeleteCacheSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCount

      public String getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCountAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexerDataMaxRedirectCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerLanguageFields

      public String getIndexerLanguageFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.language.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. content,important_content,title
      Specified by:
      getIndexerLanguageFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexerLanguageFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerLanguageDetectLength

      public String getIndexerLanguageDetectLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.language.detect.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerLanguageDetectLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerLanguageDetectLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerLanguageDetectLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.language.detect.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerLanguageDetectLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerMaxResultWindowSize

      public String getIndexerMaxResultWindowSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.max.result.window.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerMaxResultWindowSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerMaxResultWindowSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerMaxResultWindowSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'indexer.max.result.window.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerMaxResultWindowSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerMaxSearchDocSize

      public String getIndexerMaxSearchDocSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 50000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerMaxSearchDocSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexerMaxSearchDocSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexerMaxSearchDocSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50000
      Specified by:
      getIndexerMaxSearchDocSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexCodec

      public String getIndexCodec()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.codec'.
      The value is, e.g. default
      comment: index setting
      Specified by:
      getIndexCodec in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexNumberOfShards

      public String getIndexNumberOfShards()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.number_of_shards'.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getIndexNumberOfShards in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexNumberOfShardsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexNumberOfShardsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.number_of_shards' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getIndexNumberOfShardsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAutoExpandReplicas

      public String getIndexAutoExpandReplicas()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.auto_expand_replicas'.
      The value is, e.g. 0-1
      Specified by:
      getIndexAutoExpandReplicas in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexIdDigestAlgorithm

      public String getIndexIdDigestAlgorithm()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. SHA-512
      Specified by:
      getIndexIdDigestAlgorithm in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexUserInitialPassword

      public String getIndexUserInitialPassword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.user.initial_password'.
      The value is, e.g. admin
      Specified by:
      getIndexUserInitialPassword in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldFavoriteCount

      public String getIndexFieldFavoriteCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.favorite_count'.
      The value is, e.g. favorite_count
      comment: field names
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldFavoriteCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldClickCount

      public String getIndexFieldClickCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.click_count'.
      The value is, e.g. click_count
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldClickCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldConfigId

      public String getIndexFieldConfigId()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.config_id'.
      The value is, e.g. config_id
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldConfigId in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldExpires

      public String getIndexFieldExpires()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.expires'.
      The value is, e.g. expires
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldExpires in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldUrl

      public String getIndexFieldUrl()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.url'.
      The value is, e.g. url
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldUrl in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldDocId

      public String getIndexFieldDocId()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.doc_id'.
      The value is, e.g. doc_id
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldDocId in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldId

      public String getIndexFieldId()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. _id
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldId in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldVersion

      public String getIndexFieldVersion()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.version'.
      The value is, e.g. _version
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldVersion in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldSeqNo

      public String getIndexFieldSeqNo()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.seq_no'.
      The value is, e.g. _seq_no
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldSeqNo in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldPrimaryTerm

      public String getIndexFieldPrimaryTerm()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.primary_term'.
      The value is, e.g. _primary_term
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldPrimaryTerm in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldLang

      public String getIndexFieldLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.lang'.
      The value is, e.g. lang
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldHasCache

      public String getIndexFieldHasCache()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.has_cache'.
      The value is, e.g. has_cache
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldHasCache in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldLastModified

      public String getIndexFieldLastModified()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.last_modified'.
      The value is, e.g. last_modified
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldLastModified in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldAnchor

      public String getIndexFieldAnchor()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.anchor'.
      The value is, e.g. anchor
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldAnchor in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldSegment

      public String getIndexFieldSegment()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.segment'.
      The value is, e.g. segment
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldSegment in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldRole

      public String getIndexFieldRole()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.role'.
      The value is, e.g. role
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldRole in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldBoost

      public String getIndexFieldBoost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.boost'.
      The value is, e.g. boost
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldBoost in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldCreated

      public String getIndexFieldCreated()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.created'.
      The value is, e.g. created
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldCreated in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldTimestamp

      public String getIndexFieldTimestamp()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.timestamp'.
      The value is, e.g. timestamp
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldTimestamp in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldLabel

      public String getIndexFieldLabel()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.label'.
      The value is, e.g. label
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldLabel in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldMimetype

      public String getIndexFieldMimetype()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.mimetype'.
      The value is, e.g. mimetype
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldMimetype in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldParentId

      public String getIndexFieldParentId()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.parent_id'.
      The value is, e.g. parent_id
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldParentId in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldImportantContent

      public String getIndexFieldImportantContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.important_content'.
      The value is, e.g. important_content
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldImportantContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldContent

      public String getIndexFieldContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.content'.
      The value is, e.g. content
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldContentMinhashBits

      public String getIndexFieldContentMinhashBits()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.content_minhash_bits'.
      The value is, e.g. content_minhash_bits
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldContentMinhashBits in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldCache

      public String getIndexFieldCache()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.cache'.
      The value is, e.g. cache
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldCache in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldDigest

      public String getIndexFieldDigest()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.digest'.
      The value is, e.g. digest
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldDigest in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldTitle

      public String getIndexFieldTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.title'.
      The value is, e.g. title
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldHost

      public String getIndexFieldHost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. host
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldHost in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldSite

      public String getIndexFieldSite()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. site
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldSite in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldContentLength

      public String getIndexFieldContentLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.content_length'.
      The value is, e.g. content_length
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldContentLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldFiletype

      public String getIndexFieldFiletype()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.filetype'.
      The value is, e.g. filetype
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldFiletype in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldFilename

      public String getIndexFieldFilename()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.filename'.
      The value is, e.g. filename
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldFilename in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldThumbnail

      public String getIndexFieldThumbnail()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.thumbnail'.
      The value is, e.g. thumbnail
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldThumbnail in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFieldVirtualHost

      public String getIndexFieldVirtualHost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.field.virtual_host'.
      The value is, e.g. virtual_host
      Specified by:
      getIndexFieldVirtualHost in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseFieldContentTitle

      public String getResponseFieldContentTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.field.content_title'.
      The value is, e.g. content_title
      Specified by:
      getResponseFieldContentTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseFieldContentDescription

      public String getResponseFieldContentDescription()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.field.content_description'.
      The value is, e.g. content_description
      Specified by:
      getResponseFieldContentDescription in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseFieldUrlLink

      public String getResponseFieldUrlLink()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.field.url_link'.
      The value is, e.g. url_link
      Specified by:
      getResponseFieldUrlLink in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseFieldSitePath

      public String getResponseFieldSitePath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.field.site_path'.
      The value is, e.g. site_path
      Specified by:
      getResponseFieldSitePath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseMaxTitleLength

      public String getResponseMaxTitleLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.max.title.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getResponseMaxTitleLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseMaxTitleLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getResponseMaxTitleLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.max.title.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getResponseMaxTitleLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseMaxSitePathLength

      public String getResponseMaxSitePathLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getResponseMaxSitePathLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseMaxSitePathLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getResponseMaxSitePathLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getResponseMaxSitePathLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled

      public String getResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.highlight.content_title.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled

      public boolean isResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'response.highlight.content_title.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isResponseHighlightContentTitleEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getResponseInlineMimetypes

      public String getResponseInlineMimetypes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'response.inline.mimetypes'.
      The value is, e.g. application/pdf,text/plain
      Specified by:
      getResponseInlineMimetypes in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentSearchIndex

      public String getIndexDocumentSearchIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      comment: document index
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentSearchIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentUpdateIndex

      public String getIndexDocumentUpdateIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.update.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess.update
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentUpdateIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentSuggestIndex

      public String getIndexDocumentSuggestIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.suggest.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentSuggestIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerIndex

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess_crawler
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShards

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShards()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.queue.number_of_shards'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShards in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShardsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShardsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.queue.number_of_shards' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfShardsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShards

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShards()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShards in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShardsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShardsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfShardsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShards

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShards()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.filter.number_of_shards'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShards in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShardsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShardsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.filter.number_of_shards' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfShardsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicas

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicas()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.queue.number_of_replicas'.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicas in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicasAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicasAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.queue.number_of_replicas' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerQueueNumberOfReplicasAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicas

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicas()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicas in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicasAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicasAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerDataNumberOfReplicasAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicas

      public String getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicas()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.filter.number_of_replicas'.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicas in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicasAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicasAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.document.crawler.filter.number_of_replicas' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getIndexDocumentCrawlerFilterNumberOfReplicasAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexConfigIndex

      public String getIndexConfigIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.config.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess_config
      Specified by:
      getIndexConfigIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexUserIndex

      public String getIndexUserIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.user.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess_user
      Specified by:
      getIndexUserIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexLogIndex

      public String getIndexLogIndex()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.log.index'.
      The value is, e.g. fess_log
      Specified by:
      getIndexLogIndex in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDictionaryPrefix

      public String getIndexDictionaryPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.dictionary.prefix'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexDictionaryPrefix in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDictionaryPrefixAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexDictionaryPrefixAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.dictionary.prefix' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexDictionaryPrefixAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminArrayFields

      public String getIndexAdminArrayFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.array.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. lang,role,label,anchor,virtual_host
      comment: doc management
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminArrayFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminArrayFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminDateFields

      public String getIndexAdminDateFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. expires,created,timestamp,last_modified
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminDateFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminDateFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminIntegerFields

      public String getIndexAdminIntegerFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.integer.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminIntegerFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminIntegerFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminIntegerFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexAdminIntegerFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.integer.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminIntegerFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminLongFields

      public String getIndexAdminLongFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.long.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. content_length,favorite_count,click_count
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminLongFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminLongFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminFloatFields

      public String getIndexAdminFloatFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.float.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. boost
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminFloatFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminFloatFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminDoubleFields

      public String getIndexAdminDoubleFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.double.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminDoubleFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminDoubleFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminDoubleFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexAdminDoubleFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.double.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminDoubleFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexAdminRequiredFields

      public String getIndexAdminRequiredFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.admin.required.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. url,title,role,boost
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminRequiredFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexAdminRequiredFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexSearchTimeout

      public String getIndexSearchTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 3m
      comment: timeout
      Specified by:
      getIndexSearchTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexScrollSearchTimeout

      public String getIndexScrollSearchTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 3m
      Specified by:
      getIndexScrollSearchTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexIndexTimeout

      public String getIndexIndexTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.index.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 3m
      Specified by:
      getIndexIndexTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexBulkTimeout

      public String getIndexBulkTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.bulk.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 3m
      Specified by:
      getIndexBulkTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexDeleteTimeout

      public String getIndexDeleteTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.delete.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 3m
      Specified by:
      getIndexDeleteTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexHealthTimeout

      public String getIndexHealthTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10m
      Specified by:
      getIndexHealthTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexIndicesTimeout

      public String getIndexIndicesTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.indices.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 1m
      Specified by:
      getIndexIndicesTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexFiletype

      public String getIndexFiletype()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.filetype'.
      The value is, e.g. text/html=html

      comment: filetype
      Specified by:
      getIndexFiletype in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexSize

      public String getIndexReindexSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexReindexSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexBody

      public String getIndexReindexBody()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.body'.
      The value is, e.g. {"source":{"index":"__SOURCE_INDEX__","size":__SIZE__},"dest":{"index":"__DEST_INDEX__"},"script":{"source":"__SCRIPT_SOURCE__"}}
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexBody in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexRequestsPerSecond

      public String getIndexReindexRequestsPerSecond()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.requests_per_second'.
      The value is, e.g. adaptive
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexRequestsPerSecond in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexRefresh

      public String getIndexReindexRefresh()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.refresh'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexRefresh in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isIndexReindexRefresh

      public boolean isIndexReindexRefresh()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'index.reindex.refresh' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isIndexReindexRefresh in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexTimeout

      public String getIndexReindexTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 1m
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexScroll

      public String getIndexReindexScroll()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.scroll'.
      The value is, e.g. 5m
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexScroll in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexMaxDocs

      public String getIndexReindexMaxDocs()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.max_docs'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexMaxDocs in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexReindexMaxDocsAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexReindexMaxDocsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.reindex.max_docs' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getIndexReindexMaxDocsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryMaxLength

      public String getQueryMaxLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.max.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      comment: query
      Specified by:
      getQueryMaxLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryMaxLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryMaxLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.max.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      comment: query
      Specified by:
      getQueryMaxLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryTimeout

      public String getQueryTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getQueryTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryTimeoutAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryTimeoutAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.timeout' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getQueryTimeoutAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryTimeoutLogging

      public String getQueryTimeoutLogging()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.timeout.logging'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryTimeoutLogging in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryTimeoutLogging

      public boolean isQueryTimeoutLogging()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.timeout.logging' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryTimeoutLogging in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryTrackTotalHits

      public String getQueryTrackTotalHits()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getQueryTrackTotalHits in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryTrackTotalHits in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryTrackTotalHitsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryTrackTotalHitsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getQueryTrackTotalHitsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGeoFields

      public String getQueryGeoFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.geo.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. location
      Specified by:
      getQueryGeoFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryGeoFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBrowserLangParameterName

      public String getQueryBrowserLangParameterName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. browser_lang
      Specified by:
      getQueryBrowserLangParameterName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery

      public String getQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.replace.term.with.prefix.query'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery

      public boolean isQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.replace.term.with.prefix.query' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryReplaceTermWithPrefixQuery in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryOrsearchMinHitCount

      public String getQueryOrsearchMinHitCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.orsearch.min.hit.count'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryOrsearchMinHitCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryOrsearchMinHitCountAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryOrsearchMinHitCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.orsearch.min.hit.count' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryOrsearchMinHitCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTerminalChars

      public String getQueryHighlightTerminalChars()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.terminal.chars'.
      The value is, e.g. u0021u002Cu002Eu003Fu0589u061Fu06D4u0700u0701u0702u0964u104Au104Bu1362u1367u1368u166Eu1803u1809u203Cu203Du2047u2048u2049u3002uFE52uFE57uFF01uFF0EuFF1FuFF61
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTerminalChars in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTerminalChars in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightFragmentSize

      public String getQueryHighlightFragmentSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.fragment.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightFragmentSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightFragmentSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightFragmentSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.fragment.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightFragmentSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragments

      public String getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragments()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.number.of.fragments'.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragments in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragmentsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragmentsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.number.of.fragments' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightNumberOfFragmentsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightType

      public String getQueryHighlightType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.type'.
      The value is, e.g. fvh
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTagPre

      public String getQueryHighlightTagPre()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.tag.pre'.
      The value is, e.g. <strong>
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTagPre in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTagPost

      public String getQueryHighlightTagPost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. </strong>
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTagPost in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightBoundaryChars

      public String getQueryHighlightBoundaryChars()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.chars'.
      The value is, e.g. u0009u000Au0013u0020
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryChars in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryChars in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScan

      public String getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScan()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.max.scan'.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScan in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScanAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScanAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.max.scan' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryMaxScanAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightBoundaryScanner

      public String getQueryHighlightBoundaryScanner()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.scanner'.
      The value is, e.g. chars
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryScanner in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightEncoder

      public String getQueryHighlightEncoder()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.encoder'.
      The value is, e.g. default
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightEncoder in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightForceSource

      public String getQueryHighlightForceSource()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.force.source'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightForceSource in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryHighlightForceSource

      public boolean isQueryHighlightForceSource()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.highlight.force.source' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isQueryHighlightForceSource in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightFragmenter

      public String getQueryHighlightFragmenter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.fragmenter'.
      The value is, e.g. span
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightFragmenter in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightFragmentOffset

      public String getQueryHighlightFragmentOffset()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.fragment.offset'.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightFragmentOffset in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightFragmentOffsetAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightFragmentOffsetAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.fragment.offset' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightFragmentOffsetAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightNoMatchSize

      public String getQueryHighlightNoMatchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightNoMatchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightNoMatchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightNoMatchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightNoMatchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightOrder

      public String getQueryHighlightOrder()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.order'.
      The value is, e.g. score
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightOrder in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightPhraseLimit

      public String getQueryHighlightPhraseLimit()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.phrase.limit'.
      The value is, e.g. 256
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightPhraseLimit in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightPhraseLimitAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightPhraseLimitAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.phrase.limit' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 256
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightPhraseLimitAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightContentDescriptionFields

      public String getQueryHighlightContentDescriptionFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.content.description.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. hl_content,digest
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightContentDescriptionFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightContentDescriptionFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect

      public String getQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.position.detect'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect

      public boolean isQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.highlight.boundary.position.detect' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryHighlightBoundaryPositionDetect in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentType

      public String getQueryHighlightTextFragmentType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.type'.
      The value is, e.g. query
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSize

      public String getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 3
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 3
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLength

      public String getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.prefix.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.prefix.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentPrefixLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLength

      public String getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.suffix.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.highlight.text.fragment.suffix.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      Specified by:
      getQueryHighlightTextFragmentSuffixLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryMaxSearchResultOffset

      public String getQueryMaxSearchResultOffset()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100000
      Specified by:
      getQueryMaxSearchResultOffset in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryMaxSearchResultOffsetAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryMaxSearchResultOffsetAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100000
      Specified by:
      getQueryMaxSearchResultOffsetAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalDefaultFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalDefaultFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.default.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalDefaultFields in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalDefaultFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalDefaultFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.default.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalDefaultFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalResponseFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalResponseFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.response.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalResponseFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalResponseFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalResponseFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalResponseFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.response.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalResponseFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.api.response.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.api.response.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalApiResponseFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.scroll.response.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.scroll.response.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalScrollResponseFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.cache.response.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.cache.response.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalCacheResponseFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.highlighted.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.highlighted.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalHighlightedFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalSearchFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalSearchFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSearchFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSearchFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalSearchFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalSearchFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSearchFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalFacetFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalFacetFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.facet.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalFacetFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalFacetFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalFacetFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalFacetFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.facet.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalFacetFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalSortFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalSortFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.sort.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSortFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSortFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalSortFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalSortFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.sort.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalSortFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.analyzed.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFields in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.analyzed.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFields

      public String getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.not.analyzed.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.additional.not.analyzed.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryAdditionalNotAnalyzedFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaResponseFields

      public String getQueryGsaResponseFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.response.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. UE,U,T,RK,S,LANG
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaResponseFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaResponseFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaDefaultLang

      public String getQueryGsaDefaultLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.default.lang'.
      The value is, e.g. en
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaDefaultLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaDefaultSort

      public String getQueryGsaDefaultSort()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.default.sort'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaDefaultSort in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaDefaultSortAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryGsaDefaultSortAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.default.sort' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaDefaultSortAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaMetaPrefix

      public String getQueryGsaMetaPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.meta.prefix'.
      The value is, e.g. MT_
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaMetaPrefix in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaIndexFieldCharset

      public String getQueryGsaIndexFieldCharset()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.index.field.charset'.
      The value is, e.g. charset
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaIndexFieldCharset in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaIndexFieldContentType

      public String getQueryGsaIndexFieldContentType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.index.field.content_type.'.
      The value is, e.g. content_type
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaIndexFieldContentType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResults

      public String getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResults()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 4
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResults in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResultsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResultsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 4
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseMaxConcurrentGroupResultsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseInnerHitsName

      public String getQueryCollapseInnerHitsName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. similar_docs
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSize

      public String getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.collapse.inner.hits.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.collapse.inner.hits.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSorts

      public String getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSorts()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.collapse.inner.hits.sorts'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSorts in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSorts in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSortsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSortsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.collapse.inner.hits.sorts' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryCollapseInnerHitsSortsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryDefaultLanguages

      public String getQueryDefaultLanguages()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.default.languages'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryDefaultLanguages in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryDefaultLanguages in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryDefaultLanguagesAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryDefaultLanguagesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.default.languages' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryDefaultLanguagesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryJsonDefaultPreference

      public String getQueryJsonDefaultPreference()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.json.default.preference'.
      The value is, e.g. _query
      Specified by:
      getQueryJsonDefaultPreference in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryGsaDefaultPreference

      public String getQueryGsaDefaultPreference()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.gsa.default.preference'.
      The value is, e.g. _query
      Specified by:
      getQueryGsaDefaultPreference in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryLanguageMapping

      public String getQueryLanguageMapping()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.language.mapping'.
      The value is, e.g. ar=ar

      Specified by:
      getQueryLanguageMapping in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getQueryLanguageMapping in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostTitle

      public String getQueryBoostTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.title'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.5
      comment: boost
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostTitleAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostTitleAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.title' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.5
      comment: boost
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostTitleAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostTitleLang

      public String getQueryBoostTitleLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.title.lang'.
      The value is, e.g. 1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostTitleLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostTitleLangAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostTitleLangAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.title.lang' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostTitleLangAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostContent

      public String getQueryBoostContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.content'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.05
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostContentAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostContentAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.content' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.05
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostContentAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostContentLang

      public String getQueryBoostContentLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.content.lang'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.1
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostContentLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostContentLangAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostContentLangAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.content.lang' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.1
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostContentLangAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostImportantContent

      public String getQueryBoostImportantContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.important_content'.
      The value is, e.g. -1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostImportantContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostImportantContentAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostImportantContentAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.important_content' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. -1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostImportantContentAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostImportantContentLang

      public String getQueryBoostImportantContentLang()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.important_content.lang'.
      The value is, e.g. -1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostImportantContentLang in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostImportantContentLangAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostImportantContentLangAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.important_content.lang' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. -1.0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostImportantContentLangAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLength

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.min.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 4
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.min.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 4
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyMinLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitle

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.01
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.01
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleFuzziness

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleFuzziness()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.fuzziness'.
      The value is, e.g. AUTO
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleFuzziness in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansions

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.expansions'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansionsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansionsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.expansions' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleExpansionsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLength

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.prefix_length'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.prefix_length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitlePrefixLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.transpositions'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions

      public boolean isQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.title.transpositions' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryBoostFuzzyTitleTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContent

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyContent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.005
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryBoostFuzzyContentAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.005
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentFuzziness

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyContentFuzziness()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.fuzziness'.
      The value is, e.g. AUTO
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentFuzziness in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansions

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.expansions'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansionsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansionsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.expansions' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentExpansionsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLength

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.prefix_length'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.prefix_length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentPrefixLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions

      public String getQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.transpositions'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions

      public boolean isQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.boost.fuzzy.content.transpositions' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryBoostFuzzyContentTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryDefaultQueryType

      public String getQueryDefaultQueryType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.default.query_type'.
      The value is, e.g. bool
      Specified by:
      getQueryDefaultQueryType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryDismaxTieBreaker

      public String getQueryDismaxTieBreaker()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.dismax.tie_breaker'.
      The value is, e.g. 0.1
      Specified by:
      getQueryDismaxTieBreaker in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryDismaxTieBreakerAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getQueryDismaxTieBreakerAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.dismax.tie_breaker' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 0.1
      Specified by:
      getQueryDismaxTieBreakerAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatch

      public String getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatch()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.bool.minimum_should_match'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatch in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatchAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatchAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.bool.minimum_should_match' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryBoolMinimumShouldMatchAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryPrefixExpansions

      public String getQueryPrefixExpansions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.prefix.expansions'.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getQueryPrefixExpansions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryPrefixExpansionsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryPrefixExpansionsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.prefix.expansions' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getQueryPrefixExpansionsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryPrefixSlop

      public String getQueryPrefixSlop()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.prefix.slop'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryPrefixSlop in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryPrefixSlopAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryPrefixSlopAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.prefix.slop' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryPrefixSlopAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFuzzyPrefixLength

      public String getQueryFuzzyPrefixLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.fuzzy.prefix_length'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryFuzzyPrefixLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFuzzyPrefixLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryFuzzyPrefixLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.fuzzy.prefix_length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getQueryFuzzyPrefixLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFuzzyExpansions

      public String getQueryFuzzyExpansions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.fuzzy.expansions'.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getQueryFuzzyExpansions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFuzzyExpansionsAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryFuzzyExpansionsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.fuzzy.expansions' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50
      Specified by:
      getQueryFuzzyExpansionsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFuzzyTranspositions

      public String getQueryFuzzyTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.fuzzy.transpositions'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getQueryFuzzyTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isQueryFuzzyTranspositions

      public boolean isQueryFuzzyTranspositions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'query.fuzzy.transpositions' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isQueryFuzzyTranspositions in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFields

      public String getQueryFacetFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields'.
      The value is, e.g. label
      comment: facet
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFields in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsSize

      public String getQueryFacetFieldsSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryFacetFieldsSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCount

      public String getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.min_doc_count'.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCountAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.min_doc_count' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsMinDocCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsSort

      public String getQueryFacetFieldsSort()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.sort'.
      The value is, e.g. count.desc
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsSort in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsMissing

      public String getQueryFacetFieldsMissing()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.missing'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsMissing in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetFieldsMissingAsInteger

      public Integer getQueryFacetFieldsMissingAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.fields.missing' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetFieldsMissingAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getQueryFacetQueries

      public String getQueryFacetQueries()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'query.facet.queries'.
      The value is, e.g. labels.facet_timestamp_title:labels.facet_timestamp_1day=timestamp:[now/d-1d TO *] labels.facet_timestamp_1week=timestamp:[now/d-7d TO *] labels.facet_timestamp_1month=timestamp:[now/d-1M TO *] labels.facet_timestamp_1year=timestamp:[now/d-1y TO *]
      labels.facet_contentLength_title:labels.facet_contentLength_10k=content_length:[0 TO 9999] labels.facet_contentLength_10kto100k=content_length:[10000 TO 99999] labels.facet_contentLength_100kto500k=content_length:[100000 TO 499999] labels.facet_contentLength_500kto1m=content_length:[500000 TO 999999] labels.facet_contentLength_1m=content_length:[1000000 TO *]
      labels.facet_filetype_title:labels.facet_filetype_html=filetype:html labels.facet_filetype_word=filetype:word labels.facet_filetype_excel=filetype:excel labels.facet_filetype_powerpoint=filetype:powerpoint labels.facet_filetype_odt=filetype:odt labels.facet_filetype_ods=filetype:ods labels.facet_filetype_odp=filetype:odp labels.facet_filetype_pdf=filetype:pdf labels.facet_filetype_txt=filetype:txt labels.facet_filetype_others=filetype:others

      Specified by:
      getQueryFacetQueries in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionWindowSize

      public String getRankFusionWindowSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.window_size'.
      The value is, e.g. 200
      comment: ranking
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionWindowSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionWindowSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getRankFusionWindowSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.window_size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 200
      comment: ranking
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionWindowSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionRankConstant

      public String getRankFusionRankConstant()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.rank_constant'.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionRankConstant in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionRankConstantAsInteger

      public Integer getRankFusionRankConstantAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.rank_constant' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionRankConstantAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionThreads

      public String getRankFusionThreads()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.threads'.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionThreads in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionThreadsAsInteger

      public Integer getRankFusionThreadsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.threads' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionThreadsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRankFusionScoreField

      public String getRankFusionScoreField()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'rank.fusion.score_field'.
      The value is, e.g. rf_score
      Specified by:
      getRankFusionScoreField in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSmbRoleFromFile

      public String getSmbRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'smb.role.from.file'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: acl
      Specified by:
      getSmbRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isSmbRoleFromFile

      public boolean isSmbRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'smb.role.from.file' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: acl
      Specified by:
      isSmbRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSmbAvailableSidTypes

      public String getSmbAvailableSidTypes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'smb.available.sid.types'.
      The value is, e.g. 1,2,4:2,5:1
      Specified by:
      getSmbAvailableSidTypes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSmbAvailableSidTypes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFileRoleFromFile

      public String getFileRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'file.role.from.file'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getFileRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isFileRoleFromFile

      public boolean isFileRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'file.role.from.file' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isFileRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFtpRoleFromFile

      public String getFtpRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ftp.role.from.file'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getFtpRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isFtpRoleFromFile

      public boolean isFtpRoleFromFile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'ftp.role.from.file' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isFtpRoleFromFile in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexBackupTargets

      public String getIndexBackupTargets()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.backup.targets'.
      The value is, e.g. fess_basic_config.bulk,fess_config.bulk,fess_user.bulk,,fess.json,doc.json
      comment: backup
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupTargets in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupTargets in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexBackupLogTargets

      public String getIndexBackupLogTargets()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.backup.log.targets'.
      The value is, e.g. click_log.ndjson,favorite_log.ndjson,search_log.ndjson,user_info.ndjson
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupLogTargets in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupLogTargets in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeout

      public String getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeout()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.backup.log.load.timeout'.
      The value is, e.g. 60000
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeout in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeoutAsInteger

      public Integer getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeoutAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'index.backup.log.load.timeout' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60000
      Specified by:
      getIndexBackupLogLoadTimeoutAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLoggingSearchDocsEnabled

      public String getLoggingSearchDocsEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: logging
      Specified by:
      getLoggingSearchDocsEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLoggingSearchDocsEnabled

      public boolean isLoggingSearchDocsEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: logging
      Specified by:
      isLoggingSearchDocsEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLoggingSearchDocsFields

      public String getLoggingSearchDocsFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. filetype,created,click_count,title,doc_id,url,score,site,filename,host,digest,boost,mimetype,favorite_count,_id,lang,last_modified,content_length,timestamp
      Specified by:
      getLoggingSearchDocsFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLoggingSearchDocsFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLoggingSearchUseLogfile

      public String getLoggingSearchUseLogfile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLoggingSearchUseLogfile in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLoggingSearchUseLogfile

      public boolean isLoggingSearchUseLogfile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLoggingSearchUseLogfile in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLoggingAppPackages

      public String getLoggingAppPackages()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. org.codelibs,org.dbflute,org.lastaflute
      Specified by:
      getLoggingAppPackages in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFormAdminMaxInputSize

      public String getFormAdminMaxInputSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'form.admin.max.input.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getFormAdminMaxInputSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFormAdminMaxInputSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getFormAdminMaxInputSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'form.admin.max.input.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getFormAdminMaxInputSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled

      public String getFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled

      public boolean isFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isFormAdminLabelInConfigEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getFormAdminDefaultTemplateName

      public String getFormAdminDefaultTemplateName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. __TEMPLATE__
      Specified by:
      getFormAdminDefaultTemplateName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOsddLinkEnabled

      public String getOsddLinkEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. auto
      Specified by:
      getOsddLinkEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getClipboardCopyIconEnabled

      public String getClipboardCopyIconEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'clipboard.copy.icon.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getClipboardCopyIconEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isClipboardCopyIconEnabled

      public boolean isClipboardCopyIconEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'clipboard.copy.icon.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isClipboardCopyIconEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAuthenticationAdminUsers

      public String getAuthenticationAdminUsers()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'authentication.admin.users'.
      The value is, e.g. admin
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationAdminUsers in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationAdminUsers in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getAuthenticationAdminRoles

      public String getAuthenticationAdminRoles()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'authentication.admin.roles'.
      The value is, e.g. admin
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationAdminRoles in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationAdminRoles in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchDefaultPermissions

      public String getRoleSearchDefaultPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDefaultPermissions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDefaultPermissions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchDefaultPermissionsAsInteger

      public Integer getRoleSearchDefaultPermissionsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDefaultPermissionsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchDefaultDisplayPermissions

      public String getRoleSearchDefaultDisplayPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. {role}guest
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDefaultDisplayPermissions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDefaultDisplayPermissions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchGuestPermissions

      public String getRoleSearchGuestPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. {role}guest
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchGuestPermissions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchGuestPermissions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchUserPrefix

      public String getRoleSearchUserPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchUserPrefix in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchUserPrefix in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchUserPrefixAsInteger

      public Integer getRoleSearchUserPrefixAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchUserPrefixAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchGroupPrefix

      public String getRoleSearchGroupPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchGroupPrefix in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchGroupPrefixAsInteger

      public Integer getRoleSearchGroupPrefixAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchGroupPrefixAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchRolePrefix

      public String getRoleSearchRolePrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. R
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchRolePrefix in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getRoleSearchDeniedPrefix

      public String getRoleSearchDeniedPrefix()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. D
      Specified by:
      getRoleSearchDeniedPrefix in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCookieDefaultPath

      public String getCookieDefaultPath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'cookie.default.path'.
      The value is, e.g. /
      comment: The default path of cookie (basically '/' if no context path)
      Specified by:
      getCookieDefaultPath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCookieDefaultExpire

      public String getCookieDefaultExpire()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'cookie.default.expire'.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      comment: The default expire of cookie in seconds e.g. 31556926: one year, 86400: one day
      Specified by:
      getCookieDefaultExpire in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getCookieDefaultExpireAsInteger

      public Integer getCookieDefaultExpireAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'cookie.default.expire' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 3600
      comment: The default expire of cookie in seconds e.g. 31556926: one year, 86400: one day
      Specified by:
      getCookieDefaultExpireAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSessionTrackingModes

      public String getSessionTrackingModes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'session.tracking.modes'.
      The value is, e.g. cookie
      Specified by:
      getSessionTrackingModes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSessionTrackingModes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingPageSize

      public String getPagingPageSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 25
      comment: The size of one page for paging
      Specified by:
      getPagingPageSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingPageSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPagingPageSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 25
      comment: The size of one page for paging
      Specified by:
      getPagingPageSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingPageRangeSize

      public String getPagingPageRangeSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      comment: The size of page range for paging
      Specified by:
      getPagingPageRangeSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingPageRangeSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPagingPageRangeSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5
      comment: The size of page range for paging
      Specified by:
      getPagingPageRangeSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingPageRangeFillLimit

      public String getPagingPageRangeFillLimit()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: The option 'fillLimit' of page range for paging
      Specified by:
      getPagingPageRangeFillLimit in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isPagingPageRangeFillLimit

      public boolean isPagingPageRangeFillLimit()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      comment: The option 'fillLimit' of page range for paging
      Specified by:
      isPagingPageRangeFillLimit in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDocboostMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageDocboostMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.docboost.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      comment: fetch page size
      Specified by:
      getPageDocboostMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDocboostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageDocboostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.docboost.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      comment: fetch page size
      Specified by:
      getPageDocboostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.keymatch.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.keymatch.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageKeymatchMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.labeltype.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.labeltype.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageLabeltypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.roletype.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.roletype.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRoletypeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageUserMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageUserMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.user.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageUserMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageUserMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageUserMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.user.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageUserMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRoleMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageRoleMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.role.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRoleMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRoleMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageRoleMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.role.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRoleMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageGroupMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageGroupMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageGroupMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageGroupMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageGroupMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageGroupMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageCrawlingInfoParamMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageCrawlingInfoMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageDataConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.web.config.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.web.config.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageWebConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.file.config.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.file.config.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFileConfigMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageDuplicateHostMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.failure.url.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.failure.url.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageFailureUrlMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.favorite.log.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.favorite.log.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFavoriteLogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.file.auth.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.file.auth.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageFileAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.web.auth.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.web.auth.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageWebAuthMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSize

      public String getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.path.mapping.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.path.mapping.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPagePathMappingMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.request.header.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.request.header.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageRequestHeaderMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.scheduled.job.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.scheduled.job.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageScheduledJobMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.elevate.word.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.elevate.word.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageElevateWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageBadWordMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageBadWordMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.bad.word.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageBadWordMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageBadWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageBadWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.bad.word.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageBadWordMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.dictionary.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.dictionary.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageDictionaryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.relatedcontent.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.relatedcontent.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getPageRelatedcontentMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.relatedquery.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.relatedquery.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 5000
      Specified by:
      getPageRelatedqueryMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.thumbnail.queue.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.thumbnail.queue.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageThumbnailQueueMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.thumbnail.purge.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.thumbnail.purge.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPageThumbnailPurgeMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.score.booster.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.score.booster.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getPageScoreBoosterMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSize

      public String getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.searchlog.max.fetch.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'page.searchlog.max.fetch.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getPageSearchlogMaxFetchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits

      public String getPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits

      public boolean isPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isPageSearchlistTrackTotalHits in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageStart

      public String getPagingSearchPageStart()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      comment: search page
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageStart in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageStartAsInteger

      public Integer getPagingSearchPageStartAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      comment: search page
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageStartAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageSize

      public String getPagingSearchPageSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPagingSearchPageSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageMaxSize

      public String getPagingSearchPageMaxSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageMaxSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPagingSearchPageMaxSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getPagingSearchPageMaxSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getPagingSearchPageMaxSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogAggShardSize

      public String getSearchlogAggShardSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.agg.shard.size'.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogAggShardSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogAggShardSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchlogAggShardSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.agg.shard.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogAggShardSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogRequestHeaders

      public String getSearchlogRequestHeaders()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.request.headers'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogRequestHeaders in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogRequestHeaders in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogRequestHeadersAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchlogRequestHeadersAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.request.headers' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogRequestHeadersAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogProcessBatchSize

      public String getSearchlogProcessBatchSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.process.batch_size'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogProcessBatchSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSearchlogProcessBatchSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSearchlogProcessBatchSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'searchlog.process.batch_size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getSearchlogProcessBatchSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidth

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidth()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.min.width'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidth in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidthAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.min.width' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinWidthAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeight

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeight()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.min.height'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeight in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeightAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeightAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.min.height' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeightAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMinHeightAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatio

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatio()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.max.aspect.ratio'.
      The value is, e.g. 3.0
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatio in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatioAsDecimal

      public BigDecimal getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatioAsDecimal()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.max.aspect.ratio' as BigDecimal.
      The value is, e.g. 3.0
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatioAsDecimal in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageMaxAspectRatioAsDecimal in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidth

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidth()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.thumbnail.width'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidth in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidthAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.thumbnail.width' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailWidthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeight

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeight()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.thumbnail.height'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeight in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeightAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeightAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.thumbnail.height' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageThumbnailHeightAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageFormat

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageFormat()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.format'.
      The value is, e.g. png
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageFormat in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageXpath

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageXpath()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.xpath'.
      The value is, e.g. //IMG
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageXpath in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailHtmlImageExcludeExtensions

      public String getThumbnailHtmlImageExcludeExtensions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.html.image.exclude.extensions'.
      The value is, e.g. svg,html,css,js
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageExcludeExtensions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailHtmlImageExcludeExtensions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailGeneratorInterval

      public String getThumbnailGeneratorInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.generator.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailGeneratorInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailGeneratorIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailGeneratorIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.generator.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailGeneratorIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailGeneratorTargets

      public String getThumbnailGeneratorTargets()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.generator.targets'.
      The value is, e.g. all
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailGeneratorTargets in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailGeneratorTargets in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailCrawlerEnabled

      public String getThumbnailCrawlerEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.crawler.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailCrawlerEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isThumbnailCrawlerEnabled

      public boolean isThumbnailCrawlerEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'thumbnail.crawler.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isThumbnailCrawlerEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailSystemMonitorInterval

      public String getThumbnailSystemMonitorInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.system.monitor.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailSystemMonitorInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getThumbnailSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getThumbnailSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'thumbnail.system.monitor.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getThumbnailSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodeRequestParameter

      public String getUserCodeRequestParameter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.request.parameter'.
      The value is, e.g. userCode
      comment: user
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeRequestParameter in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodeMinLength

      public String getUserCodeMinLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.min.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMinLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodeMinLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getUserCodeMinLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.min.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 20
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMinLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMinLengthAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodeMaxLength

      public String getUserCodeMaxLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.max.length'.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMaxLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodeMaxLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getUserCodeMaxLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.max.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 100
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMaxLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getUserCodeMaxLengthAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getUserCodePattern

      public String getUserCodePattern()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'user.code.pattern'.
      The value is, e.g. [a-zA-Z0-9_]+
      Specified by:
      getUserCodePattern in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getUserCodePattern in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMailFromName

      public String getMailFromName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. Administrator
      comment: From
      Specified by:
      getMailFromName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMailFromAddress

      public String getMailFromAddress()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'mail.from.address'.
      The value is, e.g. root@localhost
      Specified by:
      getMailFromAddress in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMailHostname

      public String getMailHostname()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'mail.hostname'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getMailHostname in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getMailHostnameAsInteger

      public Integer getMailHostnameAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'mail.hostname' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getMailHostnameAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerTargetName

      public String getSchedulerTargetName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerTargetName in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerTargetName in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerTargetNameAsInteger

      public Integer getSchedulerTargetNameAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerTargetNameAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerJobClass

      public String getSchedulerJobClass()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'scheduler.job.class'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerJobClass in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerJobClass in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerConcurrentExecMode

      public String getSchedulerConcurrentExecMode()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'scheduler.concurrent.exec.mode'.
      The value is, e.g. QUIT
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerConcurrentExecMode in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerConcurrentExecMode in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerMonitorInterval

      public String getSchedulerMonitorInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'scheduler.monitor.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 30
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerMonitorInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSchedulerMonitorIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getSchedulerMonitorIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'scheduler.monitor.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 30
      Specified by:
      getSchedulerMonitorIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpBaseLink

      public String getOnlineHelpBaseLink()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.{lang}/{version}/admin/
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpBaseLink in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpInstallation

      public String getOnlineHelpInstallation()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.{lang}/{version}/install/install.html
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpInstallation in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpEol

      public String getOnlineHelpEol()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.{lang}/eol.html
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpEol in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameFailureurl

      public String getOnlineHelpNameFailureurl()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. failureurl
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameFailureurl in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameElevateword

      public String getOnlineHelpNameElevateword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. elevateword
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameElevateword in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameReqheader

      public String getOnlineHelpNameReqheader()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. reqheader
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameReqheader in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictSynonym

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictSynonym()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. synonym
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictSynonym in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDict

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDict()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. dict
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDict in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictKuromoji

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictKuromoji()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. kuromoji
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictKuromoji in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictProtwords

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictProtwords()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. protwords
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictProtwords in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictStopwords

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictStopwords()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. stopwords
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictStopwords in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictStemmeroverride

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictStemmeroverride()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. stemmeroverride
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictStemmeroverride in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDictMapping

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDictMapping()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. mapping
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDictMapping in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameWebconfig

      public String getOnlineHelpNameWebconfig()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. webconfig
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameWebconfig in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameSearchlist

      public String getOnlineHelpNameSearchlist()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. searchlist
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameSearchlist in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameLog

      public String getOnlineHelpNameLog()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. log
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameLog in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameGeneral

      public String getOnlineHelpNameGeneral()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. general
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameGeneral in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameRole

      public String getOnlineHelpNameRole()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. role
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameRole in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameJoblog

      public String getOnlineHelpNameJoblog()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. joblog
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameJoblog in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameKeymatch

      public String getOnlineHelpNameKeymatch()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. keymatch
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameKeymatch in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameRelatedquery

      public String getOnlineHelpNameRelatedquery()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. relatedquery
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameRelatedquery in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameRelatedcontent

      public String getOnlineHelpNameRelatedcontent()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. relatedcontent
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameRelatedcontent in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameWizard

      public String getOnlineHelpNameWizard()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. wizard
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameWizard in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameBadword

      public String getOnlineHelpNameBadword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. badword
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameBadword in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNamePathmap

      public String getOnlineHelpNamePathmap()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. pathmap
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNamePathmap in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameBoostdoc

      public String getOnlineHelpNameBoostdoc()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. boostdoc
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameBoostdoc in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDataconfig

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDataconfig()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. dataconfig
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDataconfig in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameSysteminfo

      public String getOnlineHelpNameSysteminfo()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. systeminfo
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameSysteminfo in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameUser

      public String getOnlineHelpNameUser()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. user
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameUser in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameGroup

      public String getOnlineHelpNameGroup()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. group
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameGroup in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDesign

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDesign()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. design
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDesign in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDashboard

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDashboard()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. dashboard
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDashboard in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameWebauth

      public String getOnlineHelpNameWebauth()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. webauth
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameWebauth in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameFileconfig

      public String getOnlineHelpNameFileconfig()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. fileconfig
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameFileconfig in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameFileauth

      public String getOnlineHelpNameFileauth()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. fileauth
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameFileauth in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameLabeltype

      public String getOnlineHelpNameLabeltype()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. labeltype
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameLabeltype in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameDuplicatehost

      public String getOnlineHelpNameDuplicatehost()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. duplicatehost
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameDuplicatehost in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameScheduler

      public String getOnlineHelpNameScheduler()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. scheduler
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameScheduler in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameCrawlinginfo

      public String getOnlineHelpNameCrawlinginfo()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. crawlinginfo
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameCrawlinginfo in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameBackup

      public String getOnlineHelpNameBackup()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. backup
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameBackup in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameUpgrade

      public String getOnlineHelpNameUpgrade()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. upgrade
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameUpgrade in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameEsreq

      public String getOnlineHelpNameEsreq()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. esreq
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameEsreq in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameAccesstoken

      public String getOnlineHelpNameAccesstoken()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. accesstoken
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameAccesstoken in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameSuggest

      public String getOnlineHelpNameSuggest()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. suggest
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameSuggest in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameSearchlog

      public String getOnlineHelpNameSearchlog()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. searchlog
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameSearchlog in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameMaintenance

      public String getOnlineHelpNameMaintenance()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. maintenance
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameMaintenance in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNamePlugin

      public String getOnlineHelpNamePlugin()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. plugin
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNamePlugin in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpNameStorage

      public String getOnlineHelpNameStorage()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. storage
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpNameStorage in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getOnlineHelpSupportedLangs

      public String getOnlineHelpSupportedLangs()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. ja
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpSupportedLangs in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getOnlineHelpSupportedLangs in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getForumLink

      public String getForumLink()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g.{lang}/
      Specified by:
      getForumLink in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getForumSupportedLangs

      public String getForumSupportedLangs()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'forum.supported.langs'.
      The value is, e.g. en,ja
      Specified by:
      getForumSupportedLangs in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getForumSupportedLangs in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordSeed

      public String getSuggestPopularWordSeed()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.seed'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordSeed in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordSeedAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordSeedAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.seed' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordSeedAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordTags

      public String getSuggestPopularWordTags()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.tags'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordTags in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordTags in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordTagsAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordTagsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.tags' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordTagsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordFields

      public String getSuggestPopularWordFields()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.fields'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordFields in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordFields in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordFieldsAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordFieldsAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.fields' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordFieldsAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordExcludes

      public String getSuggestPopularWordExcludes()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.excludes'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordExcludes in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordExcludes in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordExcludesAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordExcludesAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.excludes' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordExcludesAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordSize

      public String getSuggestPopularWordSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordWindowSize

      public String getSuggestPopularWordWindowSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.window.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 30
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordWindowSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordWindowSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordWindowSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.window.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 30
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordWindowSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreq

      public String getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreq()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.query.freq'.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreq in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreqAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreqAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.query.freq' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordQueryFreqAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestMinHitCount

      public String getSuggestMinHitCount()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.min.hit.count'.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getSuggestMinHitCount in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestMinHitCountAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestMinHitCountAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.min.hit.count' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getSuggestMinHitCountAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestFieldContents

      public String getSuggestFieldContents()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.field.contents'.
      The value is, e.g. _default
      Specified by:
      getSuggestFieldContents in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestFieldTags

      public String getSuggestFieldTags()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.field.tags'.
      The value is, e.g. label
      Specified by:
      getSuggestFieldTags in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestFieldRoles

      public String getSuggestFieldRoles()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.field.roles'.
      The value is, e.g. role
      Specified by:
      getSuggestFieldRoles in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestFieldIndexContents

      public String getSuggestFieldIndexContents()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.field.index.contents'.
      The value is, e.g. content,title
      Specified by:
      getSuggestFieldIndexContents in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateRequestInterval

      public String getSuggestUpdateRequestInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.request.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateRequestInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateRequestIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestUpdateRequestIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.request.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 0
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateRequestIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequest

      public String getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequest()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.doc.per.request'.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequest in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequestAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequestAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.doc.per.request' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 2
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateDocPerRequestAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumPercentage

      public String getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumPercentage()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.contents.limit.num.percentage'.
      The value is, e.g. 50%
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumPercentage in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNum

      public String getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNum()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.contents.limit.num'.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNum in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.contents.limit.num' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 10000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitNumAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSize

      public String getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.contents.limit.doc.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 50000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.update.contents.limit.doc.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 50000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestUpdateContentsLimitDocSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSize

      public String getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.source.reader.scroll.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.source.reader.scroll.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSourceReaderScrollSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordCacheSize

      public String getSuggestPopularWordCacheSize()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.cache.size'.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordCacheSize in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordCacheSizeAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordCacheSizeAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.cache.size' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordCacheSizeAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpire

      public String getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpire()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.cache.expire'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpire in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpireAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpireAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.popular.word.cache.expire' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getSuggestPopularWordCacheExpireAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestSearchLogPermissions

      public String getSuggestSearchLogPermissions()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. {user}guest,{role}guest
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSearchLogPermissions in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSearchLogPermissions in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestSystemMonitorInterval

      public String getSuggestSystemMonitorInterval()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.system.monitor.interval'.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSystemMonitorInterval in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getSuggestSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger

      public Integer getSuggestSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'suggest.system.monitor.interval' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 60
      Specified by:
      getSuggestSystemMonitorIntervalAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminEnabled

      public String getLdapAdminEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.enabled'.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapAdminEnabled

      public boolean isLdapAdminEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'ldap.admin.enabled' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isLdapAdminEnabled in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      isLdapAdminEnabled in interface FessProp
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminUserFilter

      public String getLdapAdminUserFilter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.user.filter'.
      The value is, e.g. uid=%s
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserFilter in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserFilter in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminUserBaseDn

      public String getLdapAdminUserBaseDn()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.user.base.dn'.
      The value is, e.g. ou=People,dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserBaseDn in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserBaseDn in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminUserObjectClasses

      public String getLdapAdminUserObjectClasses()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.user.object.classes'.
      The value is, e.g. organizationalPerson,top,person,inetOrgPerson
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserObjectClasses in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminUserObjectClasses in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminRoleFilter

      public String getLdapAdminRoleFilter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.role.filter'.
      The value is, e.g. cn=%s
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleFilter in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleFilter in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminRoleBaseDn

      public String getLdapAdminRoleBaseDn()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.role.base.dn'.
      The value is, e.g. ou=Role,dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleBaseDn in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleBaseDn in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminRoleObjectClasses

      public String getLdapAdminRoleObjectClasses()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.role.object.classes'.
      The value is, e.g. groupOfNames
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleObjectClasses in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminRoleObjectClasses in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminGroupFilter

      public String getLdapAdminGroupFilter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. cn=%s
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupFilter in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupFilter in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminGroupBaseDn

      public String getLdapAdminGroupBaseDn()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. ou=Group,dc=fess,dc=codelibs,dc=org
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupBaseDn in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupBaseDn in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminGroupObjectClasses

      public String getLdapAdminGroupObjectClasses()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. groupOfNames
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupObjectClasses in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminGroupObjectClasses in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAdminSyncPassword

      public String getLdapAdminSyncPassword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.admin.sync.password'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapAdminSyncPassword in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapAdminSyncPassword

      public boolean isLdapAdminSyncPassword()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'ldap.admin.sync.password' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapAdminSyncPassword in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAuthValidation

      public String getLdapAuthValidation()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.auth.validation'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapAuthValidation in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapAuthValidation

      public boolean isLdapAuthValidation()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'ldap.auth.validation' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapAuthValidation in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapMaxUsernameLength

      public String getLdapMaxUsernameLength()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.max.username.length'.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getLdapMaxUsernameLength in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapMaxUsernameLengthAsInteger

      public Integer getLdapMaxUsernameLengthAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.max.username.length' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. -1
      Specified by:
      getLdapMaxUsernameLengthAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getLdapMaxUsernameLengthAsInteger in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapIgnoreNetbiosName

      public String getLdapIgnoreNetbiosName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapIgnoreNetbiosName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapIgnoreNetbiosName

      public boolean isLdapIgnoreNetbiosName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapIgnoreNetbiosName in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      isLdapIgnoreNetbiosName in interface FessProp
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores

      public String getLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores

      public boolean isLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isLdapGroupNameWithUnderscores in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapLowercasePermissionName

      public String getLdapLowercasePermissionName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      getLdapLowercasePermissionName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapLowercasePermissionName

      public boolean isLdapLowercasePermissionName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. false
      Specified by:
      isLdapLowercasePermissionName in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAllowEmptyPermission

      public String getLdapAllowEmptyPermission()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.allow.empty.permission'.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapAllowEmptyPermission in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapAllowEmptyPermission

      public boolean isLdapAllowEmptyPermission()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key 'ldap.allow.empty.permission' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapAllowEmptyPermission in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled

      public String getLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled

      public boolean isLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapRoleSearchUserEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled

      public String getLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled

      public boolean isLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapRoleSearchGroupEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled

      public String getLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      getLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • isLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled

      public boolean isLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Is the property for the key '' true?
      The value is, e.g. true
      Specified by:
      isLdapRoleSearchRoleEnabled in interface FessConfig
      The determination, true or false. (if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrSurname

      public String getLdapAttrSurname()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.surname'.
      The value is, e.g. sn
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrSurname in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrGivenName

      public String getLdapAttrGivenName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.givenName'.
      The value is, e.g. givenName
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrGivenName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrEmployeeNumber

      public String getLdapAttrEmployeeNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.employeeNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. employeeNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrEmployeeNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrMail

      public String getLdapAttrMail()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.mail'.
      The value is, e.g. mail
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrMail in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrTelephoneNumber

      public String getLdapAttrTelephoneNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.telephoneNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. telephoneNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrTelephoneNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrHomePhone

      public String getLdapAttrHomePhone()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.homePhone'.
      The value is, e.g. homePhone
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrHomePhone in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrHomePostalAddress

      public String getLdapAttrHomePostalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.homePostalAddress'.
      The value is, e.g. homePostalAddress
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrHomePostalAddress in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrLabeledURI

      public String getLdapAttrLabeledURI()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.labeledURI'.
      The value is, e.g. labeledURI
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrLabeledURI in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrRoomNumber

      public String getLdapAttrRoomNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.roomNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. roomNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrRoomNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrDescription

      public String getLdapAttrDescription()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.description'.
      The value is, e.g. description
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrDescription in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrTitle

      public String getLdapAttrTitle()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.title'.
      The value is, e.g. title
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrTitle in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPager

      public String getLdapAttrPager()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.pager'.
      The value is, e.g. pager
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPager in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrStreet

      public String getLdapAttrStreet()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.street'.
      The value is, e.g. street
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrStreet in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPostalCode

      public String getLdapAttrPostalCode()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.postalCode'.
      The value is, e.g. postalCode
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPostalCode in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName

      public String getLdapAttrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.physicalDeliveryOfficeName'.
      The value is, e.g. physicalDeliveryOfficeName
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPhysicalDeliveryOfficeName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrDestinationIndicator

      public String getLdapAttrDestinationIndicator()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.destinationIndicator'.
      The value is, e.g. destinationIndicator
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrDestinationIndicator in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrInternationaliSDNNumber

      public String getLdapAttrInternationaliSDNNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.internationaliSDNNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. internationaliSDNNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrInternationaliSDNNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrState

      public String getLdapAttrState()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.state'.
      The value is, e.g. st
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrState in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrEmployeeType

      public String getLdapAttrEmployeeType()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.employeeType'.
      The value is, e.g. employeeType
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrEmployeeType in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrFacsimileTelephoneNumber

      public String getLdapAttrFacsimileTelephoneNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.facsimileTelephoneNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. facsimileTelephoneNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrFacsimileTelephoneNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPostOfficeBox

      public String getLdapAttrPostOfficeBox()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.postOfficeBox'.
      The value is, e.g. postOfficeBox
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPostOfficeBox in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrInitials

      public String getLdapAttrInitials()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.initials'.
      The value is, e.g. initials
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrInitials in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrCarLicense

      public String getLdapAttrCarLicense()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.carLicense'.
      The value is, e.g. carLicense
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrCarLicense in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrMobile

      public String getLdapAttrMobile()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. mobile
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrMobile in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPostalAddress

      public String getLdapAttrPostalAddress()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.postalAddress'.
      The value is, e.g. postalAddress
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPostalAddress in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrCity

      public String getLdapAttrCity()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. l
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrCity in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrTeletexTerminalIdentifier

      public String getLdapAttrTeletexTerminalIdentifier()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.teletexTerminalIdentifier'.
      The value is, e.g. teletexTerminalIdentifier
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrTeletexTerminalIdentifier in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrX121Address

      public String getLdapAttrX121Address()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.x121Address'.
      The value is, e.g. x121Address
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrX121Address in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrBusinessCategory

      public String getLdapAttrBusinessCategory()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.businessCategory'.
      The value is, e.g. businessCategory
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrBusinessCategory in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrRegisteredAddress

      public String getLdapAttrRegisteredAddress()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.registeredAddress'.
      The value is, e.g. registeredAddress
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrRegisteredAddress in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrDisplayName

      public String getLdapAttrDisplayName()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.displayName'.
      The value is, e.g. displayName
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrDisplayName in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrPreferredLanguage

      public String getLdapAttrPreferredLanguage()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.preferredLanguage'.
      The value is, e.g. preferredLanguage
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrPreferredLanguage in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrDepartmentNumber

      public String getLdapAttrDepartmentNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.departmentNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. departmentNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrDepartmentNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrUidNumber

      public String getLdapAttrUidNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.uidNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. uidNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrUidNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrGidNumber

      public String getLdapAttrGidNumber()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.gidNumber'.
      The value is, e.g. gidNumber
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrGidNumber in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getLdapAttrHomeDirectory

      public String getLdapAttrHomeDirectory()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'ldap.attr.homeDirectory'.
      The value is, e.g. homeDirectory
      Specified by:
      getLdapAttrHomeDirectory in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPluginRepositories

      public String getPluginRepositories()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'plugin.repositories'.
      The value is, e.g.,
      Specified by:
      getPluginRepositories in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPluginVersionFilter

      public String getPluginVersionFilter()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'plugin.version.filter'.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getPluginVersionFilter in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getPluginVersionFilter in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPluginVersionFilterAsInteger

      public Integer getPluginVersionFilterAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'plugin.version.filter' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g.
      Specified by:
      getPluginVersionFilterAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getStorageMaxItemsInPage

      public String getStorageMaxItemsInPage()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key ''.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getStorageMaxItemsInPage in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getStorageMaxItemsInPageAsInteger

      public Integer getStorageMaxItemsInPageAsInteger()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key '' as Integer.
      The value is, e.g. 1000
      Specified by:
      getStorageMaxItemsInPageAsInteger in interface FessConfig
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • getPasswordInvalidAdminPasswords

      public String getPasswordInvalidAdminPasswords()
      Description copied from interface: FessConfig
      Get the value for the key 'password.invalid.admin.passwords'.
      The value is, e.g. admin
      Specified by:
      getPasswordInvalidAdminPasswords in interface FessConfig
      Specified by:
      getPasswordInvalidAdminPasswords in interface FessProp
      The value of found property. (NotNull: if not found, exception but basically no way)
    • prepareGeneratedDefaultMap

      protected Map<String,String> prepareGeneratedDefaultMap()
      prepareGeneratedDefaultMap in class FessEnv.SimpleImpl