パッケージ jcifs.smb

クラス Kerb5Authenticator

    • コンストラクタの詳細

      • Kerb5Authenticator

        public Kerb5Authenticator​(Subject subject)
        Construct a Kerb5Authenticator object with Subject which hold TGT retrieved from KDC. If multiple TGT are contained, the first one will be used to retrieve user principal.
        subject - represents the user who perform Kerberos authentication. It contains tickets retrieve from KDC.
      • Kerb5Authenticator

        public Kerb5Authenticator​(Subject subject,
                                  String domain,
                                  String username,
                                  String password)
        Construct a Kerb5Authenticator object with Subject and potential NTLM fallback (if the server does not support kerberos).
        subject - represents the user who perform Kerberos authentication. Should at least contain a TGT for the user.
        domain - domain for NTLM fallback
        username - user for NTLM fallback
        password - password for NTLM fallback