Package jcifs

Interface SmbResource

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      boolean canRead()
      Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents can be read.
      boolean canWrite()
      Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents exists and is not marked read-only.
      CloseableIterator<SmbResource> children()
      Fetch all children
      CloseableIterator<SmbResource> children​(String wildcard)
      Fetch children matching pattern, server-side filtering
      CloseableIterator<SmbResource> children​(ResourceFilter filter)  
      CloseableIterator<SmbResource> children​(ResourceNameFilter filter)  
      void close()
      Close/release the file This releases all resources that this file holds.
      void copyTo​(SmbResource dest)
      This method will copy the file or directory represented by this SmbResource and it's sub-contents to the location specified by the dest parameter.
      void createNewFile()
      Create a new file but fail if it already exists.
      long createTime()
      Retrieve the time this SmbResource was created.
      void delete()
      This method will delete the file or directory specified by this SmbResource.
      boolean exists()
      Tests to see if the SMB resource exists.
      long fileIndex()
      Get the file index
      int getAttributes()
      Return the attributes of this file.
      CIFSContext getContext()
      The context this file was opened with
      long getDiskFreeSpace()
      This method returns the free disk space in bytes of the drive this share represents or the drive on which the directory or file resides.
      SmbResourceLocator getLocator()
      Gets the file locator for this file The file locator provides details about
      String getName()
      Returns the last component of the target URL.
      SID getOwnerGroup()
      Return the resolved owner group SID for this file or directory
      SID getOwnerGroup​(boolean resolve)
      Return the owner group SID for this file or directory
      SID getOwnerUser()
      Return the resolved owner user SID for this file or directory
      SID getOwnerUser​(boolean resolve)
      Return the owner user SID for this file or directory
      ACE[] getSecurity()
      Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the security descriptor associated with this file or directory.
      ACE[] getSecurity​(boolean resolveSids)
      Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the security descriptor associated with this file or directory.
      ACE[] getShareSecurity​(boolean resolveSids)
      Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the share permissions on the share exporting this file or directory.
      int getType()
      Returns type of of object this SmbResource represents.
      boolean isDirectory()
      Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is a directory.
      boolean isFile()
      Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is not a directory.
      boolean isHidden()
      Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is marked as hidden.
      long lastAccess()
      Retrieve the last acces time of the file represented by this SmbResource
      long lastModified()
      Retrieve the last time the file represented by this SmbResource was modified.
      long length()
      Returns the length of this SmbResource in bytes.
      void mkdir()
      Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbResource.
      void mkdirs()
      Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbResource and any parent directories that do not exist.
      InputStream openInputStream()
      Opens an input stream reading the file (read only, sharable)
      InputStream openInputStream​(int sharing)
      Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
      InputStream openInputStream​(int flags, int access, int sharing)
      Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
      OutputStream openOutputStream()
      Opens an output stream writing to the file (truncating, write only, sharable)
      OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append)
      Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, read sharable)
      OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append, int sharing)
      Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
      OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append, int openFlags, int access, int sharing)
      Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
      SmbRandomAccess openRandomAccess​(String mode)
      Opens the file for random access
      SmbRandomAccess openRandomAccess​(String mode, int sharing)
      Opens the file for random access
      void renameTo​(SmbResource dest)
      Changes the name of the file this SmbResource represents to the name designated by the SmbResource argument.
      void renameTo​(SmbResource dest, boolean replace)
      Changes the name of the file this SmbResource represents to the name designated by the SmbResource argument.
      SmbResource resolve​(String name)
      Fetch a child resource
      void setAttributes​(int attrs)
      Set the attributes of this file.
      void setCreateTime​(long time)
      Set the create time of the file.
      void setFileTimes​(long createTime, long lastModified, long lastAccess)
      Set the create, last modified and last access time of the file.
      void setLastAccess​(long time)
      Set the last access time of the file.
      void setLastModified​(long time)
      Set the last modified time of the file.
      void setReadOnly()
      Make this file read-only.
      void setReadWrite()
      Turn off the read-only attribute of this file.
      SmbWatchHandle watch​(int filter, boolean recursive)
      Creates a directory watch The server will notify the client when there are changes to the directories contents
    • Method Detail

      • getLocator

        SmbResourceLocator getLocator()
        Gets the file locator for this file The file locator provides details about
        the fileLocator
      • getContext

        CIFSContext getContext()
        The context this file was opened with
        the context associated with this file
      • getName

        String getName()
        Returns the last component of the target URL. This will effectively be the name of the file or directory represented by this SmbResource or in the case of URLs that only specify a server or workgroup, the server or workgroup will be returned. The name of the root URL smb:// is also smb://. If this SmbResource refers to a workgroup, server, share, or directory, the name will include a trailing slash '/' so that composing new SmbResources will maintain the trailing slash requirement.
        The last component of the URL associated with this SMB resource or smb:// if the resource is smb:// itself.
      • getType

        int getType()
             throws CIFSException
        Returns type of of object this SmbResource represents.
      • exists

        boolean exists()
                throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the SMB resource exists. If the resource refers only to a server, this method determines if the server exists on the network and is advertising SMB services. If this resource refers to a workgroup, this method determines if the workgroup name is valid on the local SMB network. If this SmbResource refers to the root smb:// resource true is always returned. If this SmbResource is a traditional file or directory, it will be queried for on the specified server as expected.
        true if the resource exists or is alive or false otherwise
      • fileIndex

        long fileIndex()
                throws CIFSException
        Get the file index
        server side file index, 0 if unavailable
      • getAttributes

        int getAttributes()
                   throws CIFSException
        Return the attributes of this file. Attributes are represented as a bitset that must be masked with ATTR_* constants to determine if they are set or unset. The value returned is suitable for use with the setAttributes() method.
        the ATTR_* attributes associated with this file
      • isHidden

        boolean isHidden()
                  throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is marked as hidden. This method will also return true for shares with names that end with '$' such as IPC$ or C$.
        true if the SmbResource is marked as being hidden
      • isFile

        boolean isFile()
                throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is not a directory.
        true if this SmbResource is not a directory
      • isDirectory

        boolean isDirectory()
                     throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents is a directory.
        true if this SmbResource is a directory
      • canWrite

        boolean canWrite()
                  throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents exists and is not marked read-only. By default, resources are considered to be read-only and therefore for smb://, smb://workgroup/, and smb://server/ resources will be read-only.
        true if the resource exists is not marked read-only
      • canRead

        boolean canRead()
                 throws CIFSException
        Tests to see if the file this SmbResource represents can be read. Because any file, directory, or other resource can be read if it exists, this method simply calls the exists method.
        true if the file is read-only
      • setReadWrite

        void setReadWrite()
                   throws CIFSException
        Turn off the read-only attribute of this file. This is shorthand for setAttributes( getAttributes() & ~ATTR_READONLY ).
      • setReadOnly

        void setReadOnly()
                  throws CIFSException
        Make this file read-only. This is shorthand for setAttributes( getAttributes() | ATTR_READ_ONLY ).
      • setAttributes

        void setAttributes​(int attrs)
                    throws CIFSException
        Set the attributes of this file. Attributes are composed into a bitset by bitwise ORing the ATTR_* constants. Setting the value returned by getAttributes will result in both files having the same attributes.
        attrs - attribute flags
      • setFileTimes

        void setFileTimes​(long createTime,
                          long lastModified,
                          long lastAccess)
                   throws CIFSException
        Set the create, last modified and last access time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the createTime(), lastModified(), lastAccess() methods.
        This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares.
        createTime - the create time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
        lastModified - the last modified time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
        lastAccess - the last access time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
        SmbUnsupportedOperationException - if CAP_NT_SMBS is unavailable
        See Also:
        setCreateTime(long), setLastAccess(long), setLastModified(long)
      • setLastAccess

        void setLastAccess​(long time)
                    throws CIFSException
        Set the last access time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the lastAccess() method.
        This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares.
        time - the last access time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
        SmbUnsupportedOperationException - if CAP_NT_SMBS is unavailable
      • setLastModified

        void setLastModified​(long time)
                      throws CIFSException
        Set the last modified time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the lastModified() method.
        This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares.
        time - the last modified time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
      • setCreateTime

        void setCreateTime​(long time)
                    throws CIFSException
        Set the create time of the file. The time is specified as milliseconds from Jan 1, 1970 which is the same as that which is returned by the createTime() method.
        This method does not apply to workgroups, servers, or shares.
        time - the create time as milliseconds since Jan 1, 1970
        SmbUnsupportedOperationException - if CAP_NT_SMBS is unavailable
      • lastAccess

        long lastAccess()
                 throws CIFSException
        Retrieve the last acces time of the file represented by this SmbResource
        The number of milliseconds since the 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970 as a long value
      • lastModified

        long lastModified()
                   throws CIFSException
        Retrieve the last time the file represented by this SmbResource was modified. The value returned is suitable for constructing a Date object (i.e. seconds since Epoch 1970). Times should be the same as those reported using the properties dialog of the Windows Explorer program.
        The number of milliseconds since the 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970 as a long value
      • createTime

        long createTime()
                 throws CIFSException
        Retrieve the time this SmbResource was created. The value returned is suitable for constructing a Date object (i.e. seconds since Epoch 1970). Times should be the same as those reported using the properties dialog of the Windows Explorer program. For Win95/98/Me this is actually the last write time. It is currently not possible to retrieve the create time from files on these systems.
        The number of milliseconds since the 00:00:00 GMT, January 1, 1970 as a long value
      • createNewFile

        void createNewFile()
                    throws CIFSException
        Create a new file but fail if it already exists. The check for existence of the file and it's creation are an atomic operation with respect to other filesystem activities.
      • mkdirs

        void mkdirs()
             throws CIFSException
        Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbResource and any parent directories that do not exist. This method will fail when used with smb://, smb://workgroup/, smb://server/, or smb://server/share/ URLs because workgroups, servers, and shares cannot be dynamically created (although in the future it may be possible to create shares).
      • mkdir

        void mkdir()
            throws CIFSException
        Creates a directory with the path specified by this SmbResource. For this method to be successful, the target must not already exist. This method will fail when used with smb://, smb://workgroup/, smb://server/, or smb://server/share/ URLs because workgroups, servers, and shares cannot be dynamically created (although in the future it may be possible to create shares).
      • getDiskFreeSpace

        long getDiskFreeSpace()
                       throws CIFSException
        This method returns the free disk space in bytes of the drive this share represents or the drive on which the directory or file resides. Objects other than TYPE_SHARE or TYPE_FILESYSTEM will result in 0L being returned.
        the free disk space in bytes of the drive on which this file or directory resides
      • length

        long length()
             throws CIFSException
        Returns the length of this SmbResource in bytes. If this object is a TYPE_SHARE the total capacity of the disk shared in bytes is returned. If this object is a directory or a type other than TYPE_SHARE, 0L is returned.
        The length of the file in bytes or 0 if this SmbResource is not a file.
      • delete

        void delete()
             throws CIFSException
        This method will delete the file or directory specified by this SmbResource. If the target is a directory, the contents of the directory will be deleted as well. If a file within the directory or it's sub-directories is marked read-only, the read-only status will be removed and the file will be deleted. If the file has been opened before, it will be closed.
      • copyTo

        void copyTo​(SmbResource dest)
             throws CIFSException
        This method will copy the file or directory represented by this SmbResource and it's sub-contents to the location specified by the dest parameter. This file and the destination file do not need to be on the same host. This operation does not copy extended file attributes such as ACLs but it does copy regular attributes as well as create and last write times. This method is almost twice as efficient as manually copying as it employs an additional write thread to read and write data concurrently.
        It is not possible (nor meaningful) to copy entire workgroups or servers.
        dest - the destination file or directory
      • renameTo

        void renameTo​(SmbResource dest)
               throws CIFSException
        Changes the name of the file this SmbResource represents to the name designated by the SmbResource argument.
        Remember: SmbResources are immutable and therefore the path associated with this SmbResource object will not change). To access the renamed file it is necessary to construct a new SmbResource.
        dest - An SmbResource that represents the new pathname
        NullPointerException - If the dest argument is null
      • renameTo

        void renameTo​(SmbResource dest,
                      boolean replace)
               throws CIFSException
        Changes the name of the file this SmbResource represents to the name designated by the SmbResource argument.
        Remember: SmbResources are immutable and therefore the path associated with this SmbResource object will not change). To access the renamed file it is necessary to construct a new SmbResource.
        dest - An SmbResource that represents the new pathname
        replace - Whether an existing destination file should be replaced (only supported with SMB2)
        NullPointerException - If the dest argument is null
      • watch

        SmbWatchHandle watch​(int filter,
                             boolean recursive)
                      throws CIFSException
        Creates a directory watch The server will notify the client when there are changes to the directories contents
        filter - see constants in FileNotifyInformation
        recursive - whether to also watch subdirectories
        watch context, needs to be closed when finished
      • getOwnerGroup

        SID getOwnerGroup()
                   throws IOException
        Return the resolved owner group SID for this file or directory
        the owner group SID, null if not present
      • getOwnerGroup

        SID getOwnerGroup​(boolean resolve)
                   throws IOException
        Return the owner group SID for this file or directory
        resolve - whether to resolve the group name
        the owner group SID, null if not present
      • getOwnerUser

        SID getOwnerUser()
                  throws IOException
        Return the resolved owner user SID for this file or directory
        the owner user SID, null if not present
      • getOwnerUser

        SID getOwnerUser​(boolean resolve)
                  throws IOException
        Return the owner user SID for this file or directory
        resolve - whether to resolve the user name
        the owner user SID, null if not present
      • getSecurity

        ACE[] getSecurity()
                   throws IOException
        Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the security descriptor associated with this file or directory.

        Initially, the SIDs within each ACE will not be resolved however when getType(), getDomainName(), getAccountName(), or toString() is called, the names will attempt to be resolved. If the names cannot be resolved (e.g. due to temporary network failure), the said methods will return default values (usually S-X-Y-Z strings of fragments of).

        Alternatively getSecurity(true) may be used to resolve all SIDs together and detect network failures.

        array of ACEs
      • getSecurity

        ACE[] getSecurity​(boolean resolveSids)
                   throws IOException
        Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the security descriptor associated with this file or directory. If no DACL is present, null is returned. If the DACL is empty, an array with 0 elements is returned.
        resolveSids - Attempt to resolve the SIDs within each ACE form their numeric representation to their corresponding account names.
        array of ACEs
      • getShareSecurity

        ACE[] getShareSecurity​(boolean resolveSids)
                        throws IOException
        Return an array of Access Control Entry (ACE) objects representing the share permissions on the share exporting this file or directory. If no DACL is present, null is returned. If the DACL is empty, an array with 0 elements is returned.

        Note that this is different from calling getSecurity on a share. There are actually two different ACLs for shares - the ACL on the share and the ACL on the folder being shared. Go to Computer Management > System Tools > Shared Folders > Shares and look at the Properties for a share. You will see two tabs - one for "Share Permissions" and another for "Security". These correspond to the ACLs returned by getShareSecurity and getSecurity respectively.

        resolveSids - Attempt to resolve the SIDs within each ACE form their numeric representation to their corresponding account names.
        array of ACEs
      • openRandomAccess

        SmbRandomAccess openRandomAccess​(String mode,
                                         int sharing)
                                  throws CIFSException
        Opens the file for random access
        mode - access mode (r|rw)
        sharing - flags indicating for which operations others may concurrently open the file
        random access file, needs to be closed when finished
      • openRandomAccess

        SmbRandomAccess openRandomAccess​(String mode)
                                  throws CIFSException
        Opens the file for random access
        mode - access mode (r|rw)
        random access file, needs to be closed when finished
      • openOutputStream

        OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append,
                                      int openFlags,
                                      int access,
                                      int sharing)
                               throws CIFSException
        Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
        append - whether to append to or truncate the input
        openFlags - flags for open operation
        access - desired file access flags
        sharing - flags indicating for which operations others may open the file
        output stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openOutputStream

        OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append,
                                      int sharing)
                               throws CIFSException
        Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, exclusive write access)
        append - whether to append to or truncate the input
        sharing - flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
        output stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openOutputStream

        OutputStream openOutputStream​(boolean append)
                               throws CIFSException
        Opens an output stream writing to the file (write only, read sharable)
        append - whether to append to or truncate the input
        output stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openOutputStream

        OutputStream openOutputStream()
                               throws CIFSException
        Opens an output stream writing to the file (truncating, write only, sharable)
        output stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openInputStream

        InputStream openInputStream​(int flags,
                                    int access,
                                    int sharing)
                             throws CIFSException
        Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
        flags - open flags
        access - desired access flags
        sharing - flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
        input stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openInputStream

        InputStream openInputStream​(int sharing)
                             throws CIFSException
        Opens an input stream reading the file (read only)
        sharing - flags indicating for which operations others may open the file (FILE_SHARING_*)
        input stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • openInputStream

        InputStream openInputStream()
                             throws CIFSException
        Opens an input stream reading the file (read only, sharable)
        input stream, needs to be closed when finished
      • close

        void close()
        Close/release the file This releases all resources that this file holds. If not using strict mode this is currently a no-op.
        Specified by:
        close in interface AutoCloseable
        See Also:
      • children

        CloseableIterator<SmbResource> children​(String wildcard)
                                         throws CIFSException
        Fetch children matching pattern, server-side filtering

        The wildcard expression may consist of two special meta characters in addition to the normal filename characters. The '*' character matches any number of characters in part of a name. If the expression begins with one or more '?'s then exactly that many characters will be matched whereas if it ends with '?'s it will match that many characters or less.

        Wildcard expressions will not filter workgroup names or server names.

        wildcard -
        an iterator over the child resources