Class NbtAddress

  • public final class NbtAddress
    extends Object
    This class represents a NetBIOS over TCP/IP address. Under normal conditions, users of jCIFS need not be concerned with this class as name resolution and session services are handled internally by the smb package.

    Applications can use the methods getLocalHost, getByName, and getAllByAddress to create a new NbtAddress instance. This class is symmetric with InetAddress.

    About NetBIOS: The NetBIOS name service is a dynamic distributed service that allows hosts to resolve names by broadcasting a query, directing queries to a server such as Samba or WINS. NetBIOS is currently the primary networking layer for providing name service, datagram service, and session service to the Microsoft Windows platform. A NetBIOS name can be 15 characters long and hosts usually registers several names on the network. From a Windows command prompt you can see what names a host registers with the nbtstat command.

     C:\>nbtstat -a
            NetBIOS Remote Machine Name Table
        Name               Type         Status
     JMORRIS2        <00>  UNIQUE      Registered
     BILLING-NY      <00>  GROUP       Registered
     JMORRIS2        <03>  UNIQUE      Registered
     JMORRIS2        <20>  UNIQUE      Registered
     BILLING-NY      <1E>  GROUP       Registered
     JMORRIS         <03>  UNIQUE      Registered
     MAC Address = 00-B0-34-21-FA-3B

    The hostname of this machine is JMORRIS2. It is a member of the group(a.k.a workgroup and domain) BILLING-NY. To obtain an InetAddress for a host one might do:

       InetAddress addr = NbtAddress.getByName( "jmorris2" ).getInetAddress();

    From a UNIX platform with Samba installed you can perform similar diagnostics using the nmblookup utility.

    Michael B. Allen
    See Also:
    • Field Detail


        public static final String MASTER_BROWSER_NAME
        This is a special name for querying the master browser that serves the list of hosts found in "Network Neighborhood".
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final String SMBSERVER_NAME
        A special generic name specified when connecting to a host for which a name is not known. Not all servers respond to this name.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • B_NODE

        public static final int B_NODE
        A B node only broadcasts name queries. This is the default if a nameserver such as WINS or Samba is not specified.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • P_NODE

        public static final int P_NODE
        A Point-to-Point node, or P node, unicasts queries to a nameserver only. Natrually the jcifs.smb1.netbios.nameserver property must be set.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • M_NODE

        public static final int M_NODE
        Try Broadcast queries first, then try to resolve the name using the nameserver.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • H_NODE

        public static final int H_NODE
        A Hybrid node tries to resolve a name using the nameserver first. If that fails use the broadcast address. This is the default if a nameserver is provided. This is the behavior of Microsoft Windows machines.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • getLocalName

        public static Name getLocalName()
      • getByName

        public static NbtAddress getByName​(String host)
                                    throws UnknownHostException
        Determines the address of a host given it's host name. The name can be a NetBIOS name like "freto" or an IP address like "". It cannot be a DNS name; the analygous UniAddress or InetAddress getByName methods can be used for that.
        host - hostname to resolve
        UnknownHostException - if there is an error resolving the name
      • getByName

        public static NbtAddress getByName​(String host,
                                           int type,
                                           String scope)
                                    throws UnknownHostException
        Determines the address of a host given it's host name. NetBIOS names also have a type. Types(aka Hex Codes) are used to distiquish the various services on a host. Here is a fairly complete list of NetBIOS hex codes. Scope is not used but is still functional in other NetBIOS products and so for completeness it has been implemented. A scope of null or "" signifies no scope.
        host - the name to resolve
        type - the hex code of the name
        scope - the scope of the name
        UnknownHostException - if there is an error resolving the name
      • getAllByAddress

        public static NbtAddress[] getAllByAddress​(String host)
                                            throws UnknownHostException
        Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a host with the same IP address.
        host - hostname to lookup all addresses for
        UnknownHostException - if there is an error resolving the name
      • getAllByAddress

        public static NbtAddress[] getAllByAddress​(String host,
                                                   int type,
                                                   String scope)
                                            throws UnknownHostException
        Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a host with the same IP address. See getByName(java.lang.String) for a description of type and scope.
        host - hostname to lookup all addresses for
        type - the hexcode of the name
        scope - the scope of the name
        UnknownHostException - if there is an error resolving the name
      • getAllByAddress

        public static NbtAddress[] getAllByAddress​(NbtAddress addr)
                                            throws UnknownHostException
        Retrieve all addresses of a host by it's address. NetBIOS hosts can have many names for a given IP address. The name and IP address make the NetBIOS address. This provides a way to retrieve the other names for a host with the same IP address.
        addr - the address to query
        UnknownHostException - if address cannot be resolved
      • getWINSAddress

        public static InetAddress getWINSAddress()
      • isWINS

        public static boolean isWINS​(InetAddress svr)
      • firstCalledName

        public String firstCalledName()
      • nextCalledName

        public String nextCalledName()
      • isGroupAddress

        public boolean isGroupAddress()
                               throws UnknownHostException
        Determines if the address is a group address. This is also known as a workgroup name or group name.
        UnknownHostException - if the host cannot be resolved to find out.
      • isBeingDeleted

        public boolean isBeingDeleted()
                               throws UnknownHostException
        Determines if this address in the process of being deleted.
        UnknownHostException - if the host cannot be resolved to find out.
      • isInConflict

        public boolean isInConflict()
                             throws UnknownHostException
        Determines if this address in conflict with another address.
        UnknownHostException - if the host cannot be resolved to find out.
      • getMacAddress

        public byte[] getMacAddress()
                             throws UnknownHostException
        Retrieves the MAC address of the remote network interface. Samba returns all zeros.
        the MAC address as an array of six bytes
        UnknownHostException - if the host cannot be resolved to determine the MAC address.
      • getHostName

        public String getHostName()
        The hostname of this address. If the hostname is null the local machines IP address is returned.
        the text representation of the hostname associated with this address
      • getAddress

        public byte[] getAddress()
        Returns the raw IP address of this NbtAddress. The result is in network byte order: the highest order byte of the address is in getAddress()[0].
        a four byte array
      • getHostAddress

        public String getHostAddress()
        Returns this IP adress as a String in the form "%d.%d.%d.%d".
      • getNameType

        public int getNameType()
        Returned the hex code associated with this name(e.g. 0x20 is for the file service)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns a hashcode for this IP address. The hashcode comes from the IP address and is not generated from the string representation. So because NetBIOS nodes can have many names, all names associated with an IP will have the same hashcode.
        hashCode in class Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object obj)
        Determines if this address is equal two another. Only the IP Addresses are compared. Similar to the hashCode() method, the comparison is based on the integer IP address and not the string representation.
        equals in class Object