Class NtlmAuthenticator

  • public abstract class NtlmAuthenticator
    extends Object
    This class can be extended by applications that wish to trap authentication related exceptions and automatically retry the exceptional operation with different credentials. Read jCIFS Exceptions and NtlmAuthenticator for complete details.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NtlmAuthenticator

        public NtlmAuthenticator()
    • Method Detail

      • setDefault

        public static void setDefault​(NtlmAuthenticator a)
        Set the default NtlmAuthenticator. Once the default authenticator is set it cannot be changed. Calling this metho again will have no effect.
      • getRequestingURL

        protected final String getRequestingURL()
      • getRequestingException

        protected final SmbAuthException getRequestingException()
      • requestNtlmPasswordAuthentication

        public static NtlmPasswordAuthentication requestNtlmPasswordAuthentication​(String url,
                                                                                   SmbAuthException sae)
        Used internally by jCIFS when an SmbAuthException is trapped to retrieve new user credentials.
      • getNtlmPasswordAuthentication

        protected NtlmPasswordAuthentication getNtlmPasswordAuthentication()
        An application extending this class must provide an implementation for this method that returns new user credentials try try when accessing SMB resources described by the getRequestingURL and getRequestingException methods. If this method returns null the SmbAuthException that triggered the authenticator check will simply be rethrown. The default implementation returns null.