Class SID

  • public class SID
    extends rpc.sid_t
    A Windows SID is a numeric identifier used to represent Windows accounts. SIDs are commonly represented using a textual format such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029 but they may also be resolved to yield the name of the associated Windows account such as Administrators or MYDOM\alice.

    Consider the following output of examples/

            toString: S-1-5-21-4133388617-793952518-2001621813-512
     toDisplayString: WNET\Domain Admins
             getType: 2
         getTypeText: Domain group
       getDomainName: WNET
      getAccountName: Domain Admins
    • Constructor Detail

      • SID

        public SID​(byte[] src,
                   int si)
      • SID

        public SID​(String textual)
            throws SmbException
        Construct a SID from it's textual representation such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029.
      • SID

        public SID​(SID domsid,
                   int rid)
        Construct a SID from a domain SID and an RID (relative identifier). For example, a domain SID S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252 and RID 1029 would yield the SID S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029.
      • SID

        public SID​(rpc.sid_t sid,
                   int type,
                   String domainName,
                   String acctName,
                   boolean decrementAuthority)
    • Method Detail

      • resolveSids

        public static void resolveSids​(String authorityServerName,
                                       NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth,
                                       SID[] sids)
                                throws IOException
        Resolve an array of SIDs using a cache and at most one MSRPC request.

        This method will attempt to resolve SIDs using a cache and cache the results of any SIDs that required resolving with the authority. SID cache entries are currently not expired because under normal circumstances SID information never changes.

        authorityServerName - The hostname of the server that should be queried. For maximum efficiency this should be the hostname of a domain controller however a member server will work as well and a domain controller may not return names for SIDs corresponding to local accounts for which the domain controller is not an authority.
        auth - The credentials that should be used to communicate with the named server. As usual, null indicates that default credentials should be used.
        sids - The SIDs that should be resolved. After this function is called, the names associated with the SIDs may be queried with the toDisplayString, getDomainName, and getAccountName methods.
      • toByteArray

        public static byte[] toByteArray​(rpc.sid_t sid)
      • getDomainSid

        public SID getDomainSid()
      • getRid

        public int getRid()
      • getType

        public int getType()
        Returns the type of this SID indicating the state or type of account.

        SID types are described in the following table.

        SID_TYPE_DOM_GRPDomain group
        SID_TYPE_ALIASLocal group
        SID_TYPE_WKN_GRPBuiltin group
      • getTypeText

        public String getTypeText()
        Return text represeting the SID type suitable for display to users. Text includes 'User', 'Domain group', 'Local group', etc.
      • getDomainName

        public String getDomainName()
        Return the domain name of this SID unless it could not be resolved in which case the numeric representation is returned.
      • getAccountName

        public String getAccountName()
        Return the sAMAccountName of this SID unless it could not be resolved in which case the numeric RID is returned. If this SID is a domain SID, this method will return an empty String.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Return the numeric representation of this sid such as S-1-5-21-1496946806-2192648263-3843101252-1029.
        toString in class Object
      • toDisplayString

        public String toDisplayString()
        Return a String representing this SID ideal for display to users. This method should return the same text that the ACL editor in Windows would display.

        Specifically, if the SID has been resolved and it is not a domain SID or builtin account, the full DOMAIN\name form of the account will be returned (e.g. MYDOM\alice or MYDOM\Domain Users). If the SID has been resolved but it is is a domain SID, only the domain name will be returned (e.g. MYDOM). If the SID has been resolved but it is a builtin account, only the name component will be returned (e.g. SYSTEM). If the sid cannot be resolved the numeric representation from toString() is returned.

      • resolve

        public void resolve​(String authorityServerName,
                            NtlmPasswordAuthentication auth)
                     throws IOException
        Manually resolve this SID. Normally SIDs are automatically resolved. However, if a SID is constructed explicitly using a SID constructor, JCIFS will have no knowledge of the server that created the SID and therefore cannot possibly resolve it automatically. In this case, this method will be necessary.
        authorityServerName - The FQDN of the server that is an authority for the SID.
        auth - Credentials suitable for accessing the SID's information.