Interface BatchCommand<E extends BatchExecutorBase<E,​T>,​T extends BatchCommand<E,​T>>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - type of the BatchExecutor
    T - type of the BatchCommand to be executed
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractBatchCommand, BatchInsertIntoAutoTrail.Command

    public interface BatchCommand<E extends BatchExecutorBase<E,​T>,​T extends BatchCommand<E,​T>>
    A BatchCommand is one task executed in a Batch. BatchCommands with the same executor are batched by the Batcher. Usually, a BatchCommand should hold the data unique to each command, where the executor holds the sql-queries and puts the data from all commands into the queries.
    • Method Detail

      • executor

        E executor()
        the executor for this BatchCommand.
      • callback

        CommandCallback<T> callback()
        the callback called by the batcher, after this command has been processed. Used for asynchronously notifying the caller.
      • targetTime

        long targetTime()
        the targetTime timestamp in java milliseconds until which this batch command shall be executed. This value influences how long the used batcher is collecting BatchCommands with the same executor.