Interface EntityPersister<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - type of entity
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface EntityPersister<E>
    Base interface for persistent entities as members of PersistentWorkflow..
    • Method Detail

      • select

        void select​(E e,
                    EntityPersister.PostSelectedCallback<E> callback)
        Issues a select for the entity that will be executed later. The entity has to contain the identifying data used to select it. Later on, the callback is called either via entitySelected or entityNotFound
        e - the entity to select. The identifier has to be set.
        callback - the callback to call with the selection results
      • insert

        void insert​(E e)
        Issues an insert for the entity. The insertion will be effectively committed when the workflow instance is committed too.
        e - the entity to insert.
      • update

        void update​(E e)
        Issues an update for the entity. The update will be effectively committed when the workflow instance is committed too.
        e - the entity to insert.
      • delete

        void delete​(E e)
        Issues a delete for the entity. The deletion will be effectively committed when the workflow instance is committed too.
        e - the entity to insert.