Interface CrudRepository<T>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      long count()
      Returns the number of all documents in the collection.
      long count​(String query)
      Returns the number of documents that match the query
      long count​(String query, Object... queryParams)
      Returns the number of documents that match the query
      void deleteFile​(String storeName)
      Deletes the File with the given name.
      void deleteFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
      Deletes the File with the given Id.
      Iterable<T> find​(String query)
      Search all documents in the given collection that match the query.
      Iterable<T> find​(String query, Object... queryParams)
      Finds all documents of the given collection that match the template query
      Iterable<T> findAll()
      Gets all documents of a the given collection.
      T findById​(String id)
      Finds by the Id.
      T findByStringId​(String id)
      Finds by the Id.
      T findOne​(String query)
      Search for documents of the given collection that match the query.
      In only return the first Document
      T findOne​(String query, Object... queryParams)
      Search for documents of the given collection that match the query.
      In only return the first Document
      FileInfo getFileInfo​(String storeName)
      Gets the file information based on its name..
      FileInfo getFileInfo​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
      Gets the file information based on its id..
      void insert​(T document)
      Inserts the document into the collection.
      void insert​(T... documents)
      Inserts multiple documents into the collection.
      List<FileInfo> listFilesByName​(String filename)  
      FileInfo readFile​(String storeName)
      Returns the InputStream of the file with the given name.
      FileInfo readFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
      Returns the InputStream of the file with the given id.
      void remove​(String query)
      Removes all Documents that are found using the given query.
      void remove​(String query, Object... queryParams)
      Removes all Documents that are found using the given query.
      void removeById​(String id)
      Removes a Document with the given id
      void removeByStringId​(String id)
      Removes by the Id.
      void save​(String query, Object... queryParams)
      Inserts in the given collection the json "As Is"
      Json String can contain placeholders this will allow the user to have predefine json strings
      that will be substitute with the given queryParams.Params are not Name therefor if the same value is needed multiple times for now it has to be send multiple times.Order of the queryParams should match the same in the json string.
      String Json ="{name:#,address: #,age:#}"
      save("testCollection",Json,"Dr.John Z.", new Address(), 125);
      void save​(T document)
      Saves the document into the collection.
      FileInfo saveFile​(InputStream inputStream, String storeName, String contentType)
      Saves the given InputStream as with the given name.
      FileInfo saveFile​(InputStream inputStream, String storeName, String contentType, org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
      Saves the given InputStream as with the given name.
      void update​(String id, Object updateObject)
      Updates the object with the given id with the given Object information.
      void update​(String id, Object updateObject, boolean multi, boolean upsert)
      Updates the object with the given id with the given Object information.
      void update​(String id, String modifier, boolean multi, boolean upsert)
      Updates the given
      void update​(String id, String modifier, boolean multi, boolean upsert, Object... params)
      Updates the given
      FileInfo updateFile​(InputStream inputStream, String storeName, String contentType)
      "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is NOT valid )
      FileInfo updateFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId, InputStream inputStream, String storeName, String contentType)
      "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is valid as long a file with new name does not exists)
      FileInfo updateFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId, InputStream inputStream, String storeName, String contentType, boolean sameFileId)
      "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is valid as long a file with new name does not exists)
    • Method Detail

      • insert

        void insert​(T document)
             throws MongoDataException
        Inserts the document into the collection.
        document - document to be inserted (aka Pojo).
        MongoDataException - if the document can't be inserted.
      • insert

        void insert​(T... documents)
             throws MongoDataException
        Inserts multiple documents into the collection.
        documents - documents to be inserted (aka Pojo).
        MongoDataException - if the documents can't be inserted.
      • save

        void save​(T document)
           throws MongoDataException
        Saves the document into the collection.
        document - Document to be save (aka Pojo).
        MongoDataException - if Document can't be save.
      • save

        void save​(String query,
                  Object... queryParams)
           throws MongoDataException
        Inserts in the given collection the json "As Is"
        Json String can contain placeholders this will allow the user to have predefine json strings
        that will be substitute with the given queryParams.Params are not Name therefor if the same value is needed multiple times for now it has to be send multiple times.Order of the queryParams should match the same in the json string.
        String Json ="{name:#,address: #,age:#}"
        save("testCollection",Json,"Dr.John Z.", new Address(), 125);
        query - Name of the Query to be look in default-queries.xml or
        queryParams - Params of the json.
      • update

        void update​(String id,
                    Object updateObject,
                    boolean multi,
                    boolean upsert)
             throws MongoDataException
        Updates the object with the given id with the given Object information.
        id - Id of the object to be updated.
        multi - If set to true, updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria. If set to false, updates one document.
        upsert - If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria.
        updateObject - Object to be use to updated.
        MongoDataException - if document can't be save.
      • update

        void update​(String id,
                    String modifier,
                    boolean multi,
                    boolean upsert)
             throws MongoDataException
        Updates the given
        id - Id of the object to be updated.
        modifier - The modifications to apply.
        multi - If set to true, updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria. If set to false, updates one document.
        upsert - If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria.
        MongoDataException - if document can't be save.
      • update

        void update​(String id,
                    String modifier,
                    boolean multi,
                    boolean upsert,
                    Object... params)
             throws MongoDataException
        Updates the given
        id - Id of the object to be updated.
        modifier - The modifications to apply.
        multi - If set to true, updates multiple documents that meet the query criteria. If set to false, updates one document.
        upsert - If set to true, creates a new document when no document matches the query criteria.
        params - Params of the modifier query.
        MongoDataException - if document can't be save.
      • count

        long count()
            throws MongoDataException
        Returns the number of all documents in the collection.
        the count of all documents
        MongoDataException - if an error occurs
      • count

        long count​(String query)
            throws MongoDataException
        Returns the number of documents that match the query
        query - the query the documents should match
        the count of documents that match the query
        MongoDataException - if an error occurs
      • count

        long count​(String query,
                   Object... queryParams)
            throws MongoDataException
        Returns the number of documents that match the query
        query - the query the documents should match
        queryParams - the query parameters
        the count of documents that match the query
        MongoDataException - if an error occurs
      • findAll

        Iterable<T> findAll()
                     throws MongoDataException
        Gets all documents of a the given collection. Tries to convert them in to Instances of the given class. Order of the params should match the same in the json string.
        String Json ="{name:#,address: #,age:#}"
        find("testCollection",Json,"Dr. John.Z", new Address(), 125);
        A Iterable Instance of all the documents.This is lazy loaded
        MongoDataException - If couldn't search for the documents. or a mapping exception happen.
      • find

        Iterable<T> find​(String query)
                  throws MongoDataException
        Search all documents in the given collection that match the query.
        query - Name of the Query to be look in default-queries.xml or
        A Iterable Instance of all the documents that match the query.This is lazy loaded
      • find

        Iterable<T> find​(String query,
                         Object... queryParams)
                  throws MongoDataException
        Finds all documents of the given collection that match the template query
        query - Name of the Template Query to be look in default-queries.xml or custom-queries .properties
        queryParams - Params to be use in the template query. Must match the order of the templates .
        Template queryParams are not named, therefor they have to be send multiple times if needed
        A Iterable Instance of all the documents.This is lazy loaded
        MongoDataException - If couldn't search for the documents. or a mapping exception happen.
      • findOne

        T findOne​(String query)
           throws MongoDataException
        Search for documents of the given collection that match the query.
        In only return the first Document
        query - Name of the Template Query to be look in default-queries.xml or custom-queries .properties
        A instance of the given class. Null if nothing is found.
        MongoDataException - If couldn't search for the documents. or a mapping exception happen.
      • findOne

        T findOne​(String query,
                  Object... queryParams)
           throws MongoDataException
        Search for documents of the given collection that match the query.
        In only return the first Document
        query - Name of the Template Query to be look in default-queries.xml or custom-queries .properties
        queryParams - Params to be use in the template query. Must match the order of the templates .
        Template queryParams are not named, therefor they have to be send multiple times if needed
        A instance of the given class. Null if nothing is found.
        MongoDataException - If couldn't search for the documents. or a mapping exception happen.
      • remove

        void remove​(String query,
                    Object... queryParams)
             throws MongoDataException
        Removes all Documents that are found using the given query.
        query - Name of the Template Query to be look in default-queries.xml or custom-queries .properties
        queryParams - Params to be use in the template query. Must match the order of the templates
      • remove

        void remove​(String query)
             throws MongoDataException
        Removes all Documents that are found using the given query.
        query - Name of the Template Query to be look in default-queries.xml or custom-queries .properties
      • saveFile

        FileInfo saveFile​(InputStream inputStream,
                          String storeName,
                          String contentType,
                          org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
                   throws MongoDataException,
        Saves the given InputStream as with the given name. Closes the Stream after its done.
        inputStream - InputStream to be Save.
        storeName - File name for the inputStream.
        FileInfo with all the information of the file.
        MongoDataException - If Can't save the file. - If a file with the given file name already exists.
      • saveFile

        FileInfo saveFile​(InputStream inputStream,
                          String storeName,
                          String contentType)
                   throws MongoDataException,
        Saves the given InputStream as with the given name. Closes the Stream after its done.
        inputStream - InputStream to be Save.
        storeName - File name for the inputStream.
        FileInfo with all the information of the file.
        MongoDataException - If Can't save the file. - If a file with the given file name already exists.
      • getFileInfo

        FileInfo getFileInfo​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
                      throws FileNotFoundException
        Gets the file information based on its id..
        fileId - file Id to look up the information.
        File Information of the file.
        FileNotFoundException - If file with the given id does not exist.
      • getFileInfo

        FileInfo getFileInfo​(String storeName)
                      throws FileNotFoundException
        Gets the file information based on its name..
        storeName - file name to look up the information.
        File Information of the file.
        FileNotFoundException - If file with the given id does not exist.
      • readFile

        FileInfo readFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
                   throws FileNotFoundException
        Returns the InputStream of the file with the given id.
        fileId - File Id to read.
        A InputStream with that file Information.
        FileNotFoundException - If there is no file with that Id.
      • readFile

        FileInfo readFile​(String storeName)
                   throws FileNotFoundException
        Returns the InputStream of the file with the given name.
        storeName - File Id to read.
        A InputStream with that file Information.
        FileNotFoundException - If there is no file with that name.
      • deleteFile

        void deleteFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId)
                 throws FileNotFoundException
        Deletes the File with the given Id.
        fileId - Id of the file to delete.
        FileNotFoundException - If there is no file with that id.
      • updateFile

        FileInfo updateFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId,
                            InputStream inputStream,
                            String storeName,
                            String contentType)
                     throws FileNotFoundException,

        "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is valid as long a file with new name does not exists)

        Mongodb Does not actually support any update Operation in GridFs therefor Calling this method should be as calling deleteFile(org.bson.types.ObjectId) and then saveFile(, String,String) It will generate also new FileInfo Including It's Id

        fileId - File id to be Updated
        inputStream - new InputStream of the file.
        storeName - File name of the inputStream (can differ from the original).
        The new FileInfo of the "Updated" file
        FileNotFoundException - If File with Given Id Does not exists.
        MongoDataException - If unable to save the File. - If a file name exists with the new storeName (this should Only happen if you change the file name)
      • updateFile

        FileInfo updateFile​(org.bson.types.ObjectId fileId,
                            InputStream inputStream,
                            String storeName,
                            String contentType,
                            boolean sameFileId)
                     throws FileNotFoundException,

        "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is valid as long a file with new name does not exists)

        Mongodb Does not actually support any update Operation in GridFs therefor Calling this method should be as calling deleteFile(org.bson.types.ObjectId) and then saveFile(, String,String) It will generate also new FileInfo Including It's Id

        fileId - File id to be Updated
        inputStream - new InputStream of the file.
        storeName - File name of the inputStream (can differ from the original).
        The new FileInfo of the "Updated" file
        FileNotFoundException - If File with Given Id Does not exists.
        MongoDataException - If unable to save the File. - If a file name exists with the new storeName (this should Only happen if you change the file name)
      • updateFile

        FileInfo updateFile​(InputStream inputStream,
                            String storeName,
                            String contentType)
                     throws FileNotFoundException,

        "Updates" the file with the new information (A name change is NOT valid )

        Mongodb Does not actually support any update Operation in GridFs therefor Calling this method should be as calling deleteFile(org.bson.types.ObjectId) and then saveFile(, String,String) It will generate also new FileInfo Including It's Id

        storeName - File id to be Updated. (Have to the the same as the original of not it will throw a FileNotFoundException)
        inputStream - new InputStream of the file.
        The new FileInfo of the "Updated" file
        FileNotFoundException - If File with Given Id Does not exists.
        MongoDataException - If unable to save the File. - this exception is highly unlikely to happen but posible.
      • findByStringId

        T findByStringId​(String id)
                  throws MongoDataException

        Finds by the Id.

        No internal Modification is done, uses Mongodb default '_id' field name

        id - String representation of the Id.
        A instance of the object with the given Id.
      • removeByStringId

        void removeByStringId​(String id)
                       throws MongoDataException

        Removes by the Id.

        No internal Modification is done, uses Mongodb default '_id' field name

        id - String representation of the Id.