Class AbstractTaggingProcessor

    • Field Detail

      • newField

        protected String newField
        Name of the new field to add.
      • defaultValue

        protected String defaultValue
        Optional default value for the new field.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractTaggingProcessor

        public AbstractTaggingProcessor()
    • Method Detail

      • setNewField

        public void setNewField​(String newField)
      • setDefaultValue

        public void setDefaultValue​(String defaultValue)
      • getTagValues

        protected abstract String getTagValues​(Item item)
        If this method returns null or an empty string the item will not be tagged.
        item -
        values to use for tagging the item
      • addNewField

        protected void addNewField​(Item item,
                                   String values)
        Tags the item adding the new field with the specified values.
        item -
        values -