Class Item

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class Item
    extends AbstractCachingAwareObject
    Represents an item of a content store. Content store items can be separated into 3 main categories:

    1. Standalone descriptors: XML files that contain metadata and content for web pages. These type of descriptors are in themselves items, so the item url and the descriptor url should be the same.
    2. Regular files: Regular non-descriptor files (like documents, images, templates, scripts, etc)
    3. Folders: Plain old folders/directories.

    Both regular files and folders can have their own metadata files or descriptors. So we can also say that there are two types of descriptors: standalone descriptors and (regular file and folder) metadata files.

    Sumer Jabri, Alfonso Vásquez
    • Field Detail

      • name

        protected String name
        The name of the item (basically the file name).
      • url

        protected String url
        The url or path of the item in the content store.
      • descriptorUrl

        protected String descriptorUrl
        The url or path of the item's descriptor in the content store. If the item is a standalone descriptor, the descriptorUrl will be the same as the url.
      • descriptorDom

        protected org.dom4j.Document descriptorDom
        The DOM (Document Object Model) of the item's descriptor.
      • properties

        protected Map<String,​Object> properties
        The properties of the item, which most of the time are metadata information on the item.
      • isFolder

        protected boolean isFolder
        Flag that indicates if the item is a folder or not.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Item

        public Item()
        Default no-arg constructor.
      • Item

        public Item​(Item item,
                    boolean deepCopy)
        Copy constructor. Performs a deep copy depending on the value of the deepCopy flag. In a deep copy, the descriptorDom and properties are cloned.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Returns name of the item (basically the file name).
      • setName

        public void setName​(String name)
        Sets the name of the item (basically the file name).
      • getUrl

        public String getUrl()
        Returns the url or path of the item in the content store.
      • setUrl

        public void setUrl​(String url)
        Sets the url or path of the item in the content store.
      • getDescriptorUrl

        public String getDescriptorUrl()
        Returns the url or path of the item's descriptor in the content store. If the item is a standalone descriptor, the descriptorUrl will be the same as the url.
      • setDescriptorUrl

        public void setDescriptorUrl​(String descriptorUrl)
        Sets the url or path of the item's descriptor in the content store. If the item is a standalone descriptor, the descriptorUrl should be set to the same value as the url.
      • getDescriptorDom

        public org.dom4j.Document getDescriptorDom()
        Returns the DOM (Document Object Model) of the item's descriptor.
      • setDescriptorDom

        public void setDescriptorDom​(org.dom4j.Document descriptorDom)
        Sets the DOM (Document Object Model) of the item's descriptor.
      • getProperties

        public Map<String,​Object> getProperties()
        Returns the properties of the item, which most of the time are metadata information on the item.
      • setProperties

        public void setProperties​(Map<String,​Object> properties)
        Sets properties of the item, which most of the time are metadata information on the item.
      • getProperty

        public Object getProperty​(String key)
        Returns the property value for the specified key.
      • setProperty

        public void setProperty​(String key,
                                Object value)
        Adds the specified property value, associated to the specified key.
      • queryDescriptorValue

        public String queryDescriptorValue​(String xpathQuery)
        Queries a single descriptor node text value. First looks in the properties, if not found it executes the XPath query.
      • queryDescriptorValues

        public List<String> queryDescriptorValues​(String xpathQuery)
        Queries multiple descriptor node text values. First looks in the properties, if not found it executes the XPath query.
      • isFolder

        public boolean isFolder()
        Returns true if the item is a folder.
      • setFolder

        public void setFolder​(boolean folder)
        Sets whether the item is a folder or not.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object o)
        Returns true if the specified Item's and this instance's name, url, descriptorUrl and isFolder are equal.
        equals in class Object
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Returns the hash code, which is the combination of the hash code of name, url, descriptorUrl and folder.
        hashCode in class Object