Class CompositeItemFilter

    • Constructor Detail

      • CompositeItemFilter

        public CompositeItemFilter()
        Creates a composite filter with a null list of ItemFilters.
      • CompositeItemFilter

        public CompositeItemFilter​(List<ItemFilter> filters)
        Creates a composite filter with the specified list of ItemFilters.
      • CompositeItemFilter

        public CompositeItemFilter​(ItemFilter... filters)
        Creates a composite filter with the specified array of ItemFilters.
    • Method Detail

      • setFilters

        public void setFilters​(List<ItemFilter> filters)
        Sets the list of filters.
      • addFilter

        public void addFilter​(ItemFilter filter)
        Adds the specified ItemFilter to the filter list, creating the list if necessary.
      • removeFilter

        public boolean removeFilter​(ItemFilter filter)
        Removes the specified ItemFilter from the filter list, only if the list is not null.
      • runBeforeProcessing

        public boolean runBeforeProcessing()
        Always returns true so that filters that need to run before processing are called.
        Specified by:
        runBeforeProcessing in interface ItemFilter
      • runAfterProcessing

        public boolean runAfterProcessing()
        Always returns true so that filters that need to run after processing are called.
        Specified by:
        runAfterProcessing in interface ItemFilter
      • accepts

        public boolean accepts​(Item item,
                               List<Item> acceptedItems,
                               List<Item> rejectedItems,
                               boolean runningBeforeProcessing)
        If runningBeforeProcessing is true, calls all filters that need to be run before processing. If it is false, calls all filters that need to be run after processing. Filters in the chain are called until one of them rejects the item.
        Specified by:
        accepts in interface ItemFilter
        item - the item to accept or reject
        acceptedItems - the list of the currently accepted items
        rejectedItems - the list of the currently rejected items
        runningBeforeProcessing - if the filter is running before processing (true) or after processing (false)
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object