Class SiteCacheWarmerImpl

    • Field Detail

      • cacheService

        protected org.craftercms.core.service.CacheService cacheService
    • Constructor Detail

      • SiteCacheWarmerImpl

        public SiteCacheWarmerImpl()
    • Method Detail

      • setCacheService

        public void setCacheService​(org.craftercms.core.service.CacheService cacheService)
        Sets the CacheService
      • warmUpCache

        public void warmUpCache​(SiteContext siteContext,
                                boolean switchCache)
        Warms up the cache for the specified site context. If switchCache is true, then a new cache is created, warmed up and then switched with the current cache of the site.
        Specified by:
        warmUpCache in interface SiteCacheWarmer
        siteContext - the site context
        switchCache - if a new cache should be warmed and then switched with the current cache