



package core

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final class Angle extends AnyRef

    An angle in radians

  2. final case class Base64[Format](value: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Wrapper class for storing base-64 encoded bitmap data along with the format of that bitmap.

    Wrapper class for storing base-64 encoded bitmap data along with the format of that bitmap.

    E.g. val pngData = Base64[Png]("data here ...") represents a base-64 bitmap in Png format.

    By convention that formats in doodle.effect.Writer$ should be used.

  3. final case class BoundingBox(left: Double, top: Double, right: Double, bottom: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    A doodle.core.BoundingBox represents a bounding box around an picture.

    A doodle.core.BoundingBox represents a bounding box around an picture.

    A bounding box also defines a local coordinate system for a picture. The bounding box must contain the origin of the coordinate system. However the origin need not be centered within the box.

    No particular guarantees are made about the tightness of the bounding box, though it can assumed to be reasonably tight.

  4. sealed abstract class Cap extends Product with Serializable
  5. final case class ClosedPath extends Product with Serializable

    Elements are stored in reversed order to make appending, the most common operation, more efficient.

  6. sealed abstract class Color extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait CommonColors extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait Gradient extends Product with Serializable
  9. sealed abstract class Join extends Product with Serializable
  10. final case class Normalized(get: Double) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    A value in the range [0, 1]

  11. final case class OpenPath extends Product with Serializable

    Elements are stored in reversed order to make appending, the most common operation, more efficient.

  12. trait Parametric[A] extends (A) ⇒ Point
  13. sealed abstract class PathElement extends Product with Serializable
  14. sealed abstract class Point extends Product with Serializable
  15. final case class Position(value: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    Allows for more flexible relative layout by specifying a position along the line connecting the centers of bounding boxes.

    Allows for more flexible relative layout by specifying a position along the line connecting the centers of bounding boxes.

    Imagine two shapes, each enclosed by a bounding box and each bounding box has an origin that defines a local coordinate system. There is some binary layout function (e.g. above or beside) that positions these two shapes relative to each other. We'll call the first argument to this function the first shape and the second argument the second shape. Now draw a line connecting the origins of the two bounding boxes. The position specifies where upon this line the two shapes are placed.

    The default (for layout operations like beside and above) is to place the shapes so their bounding boxes just touch. This corresponds to a position of 0.0. If we place the first shape so its origin is on the edge of the bounding box of the second shape this is a position of -1.0. If we place the second shape so its origin is on the edge of the first shape's bounding box this is a position of 1.0. Other values are linearly interpolated between these cases.

    In all cases the origin of the combined shapes lies at the center of the line connecting origins.

  16. final case class Transform(elements: Array[Double]) extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of an affine transformation as an augmented matrix.

  17. final case class UnsignedByte(value: Byte) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  18. final case class Vec(x: Double, y: Double) extends Product with Serializable

    A 2D vector.

    A 2D vector. We can't use the name Vector as Scala already uses it.

Value Members

  1. object Angle
  2. object BoundingBox extends Serializable
  3. object Cap extends Serializable
  4. object ClosedPath extends Serializable
  5. object Color extends CommonColors with Serializable
  6. object Gradient extends Serializable
  7. object Join extends Serializable
  8. object Normalized extends Serializable
  9. object OpenPath extends Serializable
  10. object Parametric

    A collection of parametric curves.

    A collection of parametric curves.

    A parametric curve is a function from some input---usually a normalized number or an angle---to a Point.

  11. object PathElement extends Serializable
  12. object Point extends Serializable
  13. object Position extends Serializable
  14. object Transform extends Serializable
  15. object UnsignedByte extends Serializable
  16. object Vec extends Serializable
