
case ChoiceIR[A](label: String, choices: Seq[A], choiceLabels: Seq[String]) extends Component[Choice[A]]

Type members

Inherited classlikes

object EqColor extends Eq[Color]
Inherited from:

Value members

Inherited methods

def explore(using a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], r: Renderer[Algebra, Drawing, Frame, Canvas]): (Frame, Choice[A] => Picture[Algebra, Drawing, Unit]) => Unit

Given a Frame and a render function, explore runs the explorer GUI, initializes the frame, and produces an animation using the render function and values from the GUI.

Given a Frame and a render function, explore runs the explorer GUI, initializes the frame, and produces an animation using the render function and values from the GUI.

Inherited from:
def exploreChanges(using a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], r: Renderer[Algebra, Drawing, Frame, Canvas], e: Eq[Choice[A]]): (Frame, Choice[A] => Picture[Algebra, Drawing, Unit]) => Unit
Inherited from:
def exploreTransformed[B](transformer: Stream[Pure, Choice[A]] => Stream[Pure, B])(frame: Frame, render: B => Picture[Algebra, Drawing, Unit])(using a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], r: Renderer[Algebra, Drawing, Frame, Canvas]): Unit

exploreTransformed is a more generic explore function. It runs transformer on the GUI's values before rendering them.

exploreTransformed is a more generic explore function. It runs transformer on the GUI's values before rendering them.

Inherited from:
def exploreWithState[B](initial: B, scanner: (B, Choice[A]) => B)(using a: AnimationRenderer[Canvas], r: Renderer[Algebra, Drawing, Frame, Canvas]): (Frame, B => Picture[Algebra, Drawing, Unit]) => Unit
Inherited from:
Inherited from:
def run: Stream[Pure, Choice[A]]
Inherited from:
Inherited from: