Interface StateManager

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    ReferentialStateManagerImpl, StateManagerImpl

    public interface StateManager
    This interface is the point of contact between managed instances of Persistable classes and DataNucleus. It contains the methods used by Persistable instances to delegate behavior to DataNucleus.

    Each managed Persistable instance contains a reference to a StateManager. In principle, a StateManager might manage one or multiple instances of Persistable instances. In reality we only ever manage a single Persistable instance here, see StateManagerImpl.

    • Method Detail

      • getExecutionContextReference

        ExecutionContextReference getExecutionContextReference()
        Return the ExecutionContext that owns this instance.
        the ExecutionContext that owns this instance
      • replacingFlags

        byte replacingFlags​(Persistable pc)
        The owning StateManager uses this method to supply the value of the flags to the Persistable instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        the value of dnFlags to be stored in the Persistable instance
      • replacingStateManager

        StateManager replacingStateManager​(Persistable pc,
                                           StateManager sm)
        Replace the current value of dnStateManager.

        This method is called by the Persistable whenever dnReplaceStateManager is called and there is already an owning StateManager. This is a security precaution to ensure that the owning StateManager is the only source of any change to its reference in the Persistable.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        sm - the proposed new value for the dnStateManager
        the new value for the dnStateManager
      • isDirty

        boolean isDirty​(Persistable pc)
        Tests whether this object is dirty. Instances that have been modified, deleted, or newly made persistent in the current transaction return true.

        Transient nontransactional instances return false.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        true if this instance has been modified in the current transaction.
        See Also:
        Persistable.dnMakeDirty(String fieldName)
      • isTransactional

        boolean isTransactional​(Persistable pc)
        Tests whether this object is transactional. Instances that respect transaction boundaries return true. These instances include transient instances made transactional as a result of being the target of a makeTransactional method call; newly made persistent or deleted persistent instances; persistent instances read in data store transactions; and persistent instances modified in optimistic transactions.

        Transient nontransactional instances return false.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        true if this instance is transactional.
      • isPersistent

        boolean isPersistent​(Persistable pc)
        Tests whether this object is persistent. Instances whose state is stored in the data store return true.

        Transient instances return false.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        true if this instance is persistent.
      • isNew

        boolean isNew​(Persistable pc)
        Tests whether this object has been newly made persistent. Instances that have been made persistent in the current transaction return true.

        Transient instances return false.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        true if this instance was made persistent in the current transaction.
      • isDeleted

        boolean isDeleted​(Persistable pc)
        Tests whether this object has been deleted. Instances that have been deleted in the current transaction return true.

        Transient instances return false.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        true if this instance was deleted in the current transaction.
      • makeDirty

        void makeDirty​(Persistable pc,
                       String fieldName)
        Mark the associated Persistable field dirty.

        The StateManager will make a copy of the field so it can be restored if needed later, and then mark the field as modified in the current transaction.

        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        fieldName - the name of the field
      • getObjectId

        Object getObjectId​(Persistable pc)
        Return the object representing the identity of the calling instance. If the identity is being changed in the current transaction, this method returns the identity as of the beginning of the transaction.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        the object representing the identity of the calling instance
      • getTransactionalObjectId

        Object getTransactionalObjectId​(Persistable pc)
        Return the object representing the identity of the calling instance. If the identity is being changed in the current transaction, this method returns the current identity as changed in the transaction.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        the object representing the identity of the calling instance
      • getVersion

        Object getVersion​(Persistable pc)
        Return the object representing the version of the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        the object representing the version of the calling instance
      • isLoaded

        boolean isLoaded​(Persistable pc,
                         int field)
        Return true if the field is cached in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        whether the field is cached in the calling instance
      • preSerialize

        void preSerialize​(Persistable pc)
        Guarantee that the serializable transactional and persistent fields are loaded into the instance. This method is called by the generated dnPreSerialize method prior to serialization of the instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
      • getBooleanField

        default boolean getBooleanField​(Persistable pc,
                                        int field,
                                        boolean currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getCharField

        default char getCharField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field,
                                  char currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getByteField

        default byte getByteField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field,
                                  byte currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getShortField

        default short getShortField​(Persistable pc,
                                    int field,
                                    short currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getIntField

        default int getIntField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field,
                                int currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getLongField

        default long getLongField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field,
                                  long currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getFloatField

        default float getFloatField​(Persistable pc,
                                    int field,
                                    float currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getDoubleField

        default double getDoubleField​(Persistable pc,
                                      int field,
                                      double currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getStringField

        default String getStringField​(Persistable pc,
                                      int field,
                                      String currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • getObjectField

        default Object getObjectField​(Persistable pc,
                                      int field,
                                      Object currentValue)
        Return the value for the field.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        the new value for the field
      • setBooleanField

        void setBooleanField​(Persistable pc,
                             int field,
                             boolean currentValue,
                             boolean newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setCharField

        void setCharField​(Persistable pc,
                          int field,
                          char currentValue,
                          char newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setByteField

        void setByteField​(Persistable pc,
                          int field,
                          byte currentValue,
                          byte newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setShortField

        void setShortField​(Persistable pc,
                           int field,
                           short currentValue,
                           short newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setIntField

        void setIntField​(Persistable pc,
                         int field,
                         int currentValue,
                         int newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setLongField

        void setLongField​(Persistable pc,
                          int field,
                          long currentValue,
                          long newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setFloatField

        void setFloatField​(Persistable pc,
                           int field,
                           float currentValue,
                           float newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setDoubleField

        void setDoubleField​(Persistable pc,
                            int field,
                            double currentValue,
                            double newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setStringField

        void setStringField​(Persistable pc,
                            int field,
                            String currentValue,
                            String newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • setObjectField

        void setObjectField​(Persistable pc,
                            int field,
                            Object currentValue,
                            Object newValue)
        Mark the field as modified by the user.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
        newValue - the proposed new value of the field
      • providedBooleanField

        void providedBooleanField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field,
                                  boolean currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedCharField

        void providedCharField​(Persistable pc,
                               int field,
                               char currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedByteField

        void providedByteField​(Persistable pc,
                               int field,
                               byte currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedShortField

        void providedShortField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field,
                                short currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedIntField

        void providedIntField​(Persistable pc,
                              int field,
                              int currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedLongField

        void providedLongField​(Persistable pc,
                               int field,
                               long currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedFloatField

        void providedFloatField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field,
                                float currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedDoubleField

        void providedDoubleField​(Persistable pc,
                                 int field,
                                 double currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedStringField

        void providedStringField​(Persistable pc,
                                 int field,
                                 String currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • providedObjectField

        void providedObjectField​(Persistable pc,
                                 int field,
                                 Object currentValue)
        The value of the field requested to be provided to the StateManager.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        currentValue - the current value of the field
      • replacingBooleanField

        boolean replacingBooleanField​(Persistable pc,
                                      int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingCharField

        char replacingCharField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingByteField

        byte replacingByteField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingShortField

        short replacingShortField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingIntField

        int replacingIntField​(Persistable pc,
                              int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingLongField

        long replacingLongField​(Persistable pc,
                                int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingFloatField

        float replacingFloatField​(Persistable pc,
                                  int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingDoubleField

        double replacingDoubleField​(Persistable pc,
                                    int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingStringField

        String replacingStringField​(Persistable pc,
                                    int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingObjectField

        Object replacingObjectField​(Persistable pc,
                                    int field)
        The replacement value of the field in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Persistable instance
        field - the field number
        the new value for the field
      • replacingDetachedState

        Object[] replacingDetachedState​(Detachable pc,
                                        Object[] state)
        The replacement value of the detached state in the calling instance.
        pc - the calling Detachable instance
        state - the current value of the detached state
        the replacement value for the detached state