Class AbstractClassMetaData

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    ClassMetaData, InterfaceMetaData

    public abstract class AbstractClassMetaData
    extends MetaData
    Abstract representation of the MetaData of a class/interface. Has a parent PackageMetaData that can contain the metadata for several classes/interfaces. Is extended by ClassMetaData and InterfaceMetaData. Of the things that it contains the main ones are the "members" which are the MetaData for all fields and properties that are persistable.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Field Detail


        public static final String GENERATED_PK_SUFFIX
        Suffix to add on to the class name for any generated primary key class.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • mmgr

        protected transient MetaDataManager mmgr
        Manager for this metadata. Set at populate.
      • name

        protected final String name
        Class name
      • entityName

        protected String entityName
        Entity name. Required by JPA $4.3.1 for accessing this class in queries.
      • mappedSuperclass

        protected boolean mappedSuperclass
        Whether this class is explicitly marked as MappedSuperclass. Will be false when using JDO.
      • instantiable

        protected boolean instantiable
        Whether the class is fully defined, and hence instantiable. This is false when it is a JPA MappedSuperclass and has no PK fields defined (will be defined in the derived Entity). This is different to whether the class is abstract - use ClassMetaData.isAbstract() for that.
      • accessViaField

        protected Boolean accessViaField
        Whether the class has been explicitly marked as using FIELD access (JPA).
      • identityType

        protected IdentityType identityType
        Identity-type tag value.
      • persistableSuperclass

        protected String persistableSuperclass
        persistable-superclass tag value (deprecated).
      • objectidClass

        protected String objectidClass
        objectid-class tag value.
      • requiresExtent

        protected boolean requiresExtent
        requires-extent tag value.
      • detachable

        protected boolean detachable
        detachable tag value.
      • embeddedOnly

        protected boolean embeddedOnly
        embedded-only tag value.
      • catalog

        protected String catalog
        Catalog name (O/R mapping).
      • schema

        protected String schema
        Schema name (O/R mapping).
      • table

        protected String table
        Table name (O/R mapping). This may be of the form "[database].[catalog].[schema].table"
      • cacheable

        protected Boolean cacheable
        cacheable tag value.
      • fullName

        protected final String fullName
        Full name (e.g org.datanucleus.MyClass)
      • versionMetaData

        protected VersionMetaData versionMetaData
        Version MetaData
      • identityMetaData

        protected IdentityMetaData identityMetaData
        Identity MetaData
      • identitySpecified

        protected boolean identitySpecified
        Flag whether the identity was specified by the user.
      • excludeSuperClassListeners

        protected Boolean excludeSuperClassListeners
        Flag to exclude superclass listeners.
      • excludeDefaultListeners

        protected Boolean excludeDefaultListeners
        Flag to exclude default listeners.
      • fetchGroupMetaDataByName

        protected Map<String,​FetchGroupMetaData> fetchGroupMetaDataByName
        Convenience lookup map of fetch group by the name.
      • pcSuperclassMetaData

        protected AbstractClassMetaData pcSuperclassMetaData
        Class MetaData for the persistable superclass (if any)
      • metaDataComplete

        protected boolean metaDataComplete
        Flag for whether the MetaData here is complete without annotations. Used by JPA.
      • serializeRead

        protected boolean serializeRead
        Whether to lock objects of this type on read operations.
      • unmappedColumns

        protected List<ColumnMetaData> unmappedColumns
        The columns that are present in the datastore yet not mapped to fields in this class.
      • uniqueConstraints

        protected List<UniqueMetaData> uniqueConstraints
        List of uniqueConstraints
      • managedMembers

        protected AbstractMemberMetaData[] managedMembers
        Managed fields/properties of this class. Subset of the AbstractMemberMetaData objects that are in "members", excluding "overriddenMembers".
      • overriddenMembers

        protected AbstractMemberMetaData[] overriddenMembers
        Fields/properties for superclasses that are overridden in this class.
      • memberPositionsByName

        protected Map<String,​Integer> memberPositionsByName
        Position numbers of members mapped by the name of the field/property.
      • allMemberPositions

        protected int[] allMemberPositions
        Positions of all fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • pkMemberPositions

        protected int[] pkMemberPositions
        Positions of the primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • nonPkMemberPositions

        protected int[] nonPkMemberPositions
        Positions of the non-primary-key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • nonPkMemberFlags

        protected boolean[] nonPkMemberFlags
        Flags of the non-primary key fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • dfgMemberPositions

        protected int[] dfgMemberPositions
        Positions of the default-fetch-group fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • dfgMemberFlags

        protected boolean[] dfgMemberFlags
        Flags of the default-fetch-group state for all fields/properties.
      • scoMutableMemberPositions

        protected int[] scoMutableMemberPositions
        Positions of the SCO mutable fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • scoMutableMemberFlags

        protected boolean[] scoMutableMemberFlags
        Flags of the SCO mutable state for all fields/properties.
      • scoNonContainerMemberPositions

        protected int[] scoNonContainerMemberPositions
        Absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that aren't containers.
      • relationPositions

        protected int[] relationPositions
        Absolute positions of the fields/properties that have relations.
      • noOfInheritedManagedMembers

        protected int noOfInheritedManagedMembers
        No of managed fields/properties in superclasses, that are inherited by this class.
      • usesSingleFieldIdentityClass

        protected boolean usesSingleFieldIdentityClass
        if this persistable class uses SingleFieldIdentity
      • memberCount

        protected int memberCount
        number of managed fields/properties from this class plus inherited classes.
      • implementationOfPersistentDefinition

        protected boolean implementationOfPersistentDefinition
      • persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSuperclass

        protected transient boolean persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSuperclass
        Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from superclass.
      • persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSubclass

        protected transient boolean persistentInterfaceImplNeedingTableFromSubclass
        Implementation of "persistent-interface" needing table setting from subclass.
      • secondClassContainerMemberPositions

        protected int[] secondClassContainerMemberPositions
        Positions of all SCO fields/properties that are containers.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractClassMetaData

        protected AbstractClassMetaData​(PackageMetaData parent,
                                        String name)
        Constructor. Set fields using setters, before populate().
        parent - The package to which this class/interface belongs
        name - (Simple) name of class (omitting the package name)
      • AbstractClassMetaData

        public AbstractClassMetaData​(InterfaceMetaData imd,
                                     String implClassName,
                                     boolean copyMembers)
        Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-interface".
        imd - MetaData for the "persistent-interface"
        implClassName - Name of the implementation class
        copyMembers - Whether to copy the fields/properties of the interface too
      • AbstractClassMetaData

        public AbstractClassMetaData​(ClassMetaData cmd,
                                     String implClassName)
        Constructor for creating the ClassMetaData for an implementation of a "persistent-abstract-class".
        cmd - MetaData for the implementation of the "persistent-abstract-class"
        implClassName - Name of the implementation class
    • Method Detail

      • isInstantiable

        public boolean isInstantiable()
      • isRootInstantiableClass

        public boolean isRootInstantiableClass()
      • isImplementationOfPersistentDefinition

        public boolean isImplementationOfPersistentDefinition()
        Return whether this MetaData is for an implementation of a persistent definition. This could be an implementation of a persistent interface or a persistent abstract-class.
        Whether this is an implementation
      • checkInitialised

        protected void checkInitialised()
        Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been initialised.
        NucleusException - Thrown if the Meta-Data hasn't been initialised.
      • checkPopulated

        protected void checkPopulated()
        Method to check whether the Meta-Data has been populated.
        NucleusException - Thrown if the Meta-Data hasn't been populated.
      • checkNotYetPopulated

        protected void checkNotYetPopulated()
        Method to check that the Meta-Data has not been populated yet.
        NucleusUserException - Thrown if the Meta-Data has already been populated.
      • loadClass

        protected Class loadClass​(ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                  ClassLoader primary)
        Load the persistent interface/class
        clr - the ClassLoader
        primary - the primary ClassLoader to use (or null)
        the loaded class
      • determineIdentity

        protected void determineIdentity()
        Determines the identity based on MetaData defaults or user defined MetaData
      • determineSuperClassName

        protected void determineSuperClassName​(ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                               Class cls)
        Determine the nearest superclass that is persistable (if any).
        clr - The ClassLoaderResolver
        cls - This class
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the super class cannot be loaded by the clr.
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the declared persistence-capable-superclass is not actually assignable from cls
        InvalidMetaDataException - if any of the super classes is persistable, but the MetaData says that class is not persistent.
      • validateUserInputForIdentity

        protected void validateUserInputForIdentity()
        Check for conflicts on super class and this class MetaData identity
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the user tries to overwrite a superclass identity / strategy
      • getBaseAbstractClassMetaData

        public AbstractClassMetaData getBaseAbstractClassMetaData()
        Convenience accessor for the AbstractClassMetaData of the base object in this hierarchy.
        The AbstractClassMetaData for the base object.
      • isDescendantOf

        public boolean isDescendantOf​(AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
        Convenience method to return if this class is a descendant of the supplied class metadata.
        cmd - The class to check against
        Whether the supplied metadata is an ancestor of this
      • getBaseInheritanceStrategy

        protected String getBaseInheritanceStrategy()
      • inheritIdentity

        protected void inheritIdentity()
        Inherit the identity definition from super classes.
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the MetaData of this class conflicts with super classes definition
      • newDefaultedProperty

        protected AbstractMemberMetaData newDefaultedProperty​(String name)
        Utility to add a defaulted PropertyMetaData to the class. Provided as a method since then any derived classes can override it.
        name - name of property
        the new PropertyMetaData
      • validateUserInputForInheritanceMetaData

        protected void validateUserInputForInheritanceMetaData​(boolean isAbstract)
        Check if the inheritance MetaData is credible.
        isAbstract - Whether this class is abstract
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the strategy is superclass-table, yet there are no super class
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the strategy is superclass-table, yet the super class has not specified a discriminator
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the strategy is superclass-table and discriminator is "value-map", yet no value for the discriminator has been specified
      • determineInheritanceMetaData

        protected void determineInheritanceMetaData()
        Impose a default inheritance strategy when one is not already specified. Uses the persistence property for defaultInheritanceStrategy and works to the JDO2 spec etc.
      • applyDefaultDiscriminatorValueWhenNotSpecified

        protected void applyDefaultDiscriminatorValueWhenNotSpecified()
      • validateUnmappedColumns

        protected void validateUnmappedColumns()
        Convenience method to validate the specified "unmapped" columns.
        InvalidMetaDataException - if a column is specified without its name.
      • getSuperAbstractClassMetaData

        public final AbstractClassMetaData getSuperAbstractClassMetaData()
        Accessor for the Meta-Data for the superclass of this class.
        MetaData of the superclass
      • pkIsDatastoreAttributed

        public boolean pkIsDatastoreAttributed​(StoreManager storeMgr)
        Convenience method to calculate and return if the pk has some component that is generated in the datastore.
        storeMgr - The storeManager
        Whether the PK is datastore generated
      • determineObjectIdClass

        protected void determineObjectIdClass()
        Determine the object id class.
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the class 0 or more that one primary key field and no objectid-class has been declared in the MetaData
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the objectid-class has not been set and the primary key field does not match a supported SingleFieldIdentity
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the identity type is APPLICATION but not primary key fields have been set
        InvalidMetaDataException - if the objectid-class cannot be loaded by the clr
      • validateObjectIdClass

        protected void validateObjectIdClass​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Validate the objectid-class of this class.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
      • populate

        public abstract void populate​(ClassLoaderResolver clr,
                                      ClassLoader primary,
                                      MetaDataManager mmgr)
        Method to provide the details of the class being represented by this MetaData. This can be used to firstly provide defaults for attributes that aren't specified in the MetaData, and secondly to report any errors with attributes that have been specified that are inconsistent with the class being represented. This method must be invoked by subclasses during populate operations.
        clr - ClassLoaderResolver to use in loading any classes
        primary - the primary ClassLoader to use (or null)
        mmgr - MetaData manager
      • initialiseMemberPositionInformation

        protected void initialiseMemberPositionInformation()
        Method to initialise all convenience information about member positions and what role each position performs.
      • getDiscriminatorMetaDataForTable

        public final DiscriminatorMetaData getDiscriminatorMetaDataForTable()
        Convenience method to find the discriminator MetaData defining the discrim for the same table as this class is using. Traverses up the inheritance tree to find the highest class that uses "subclass-table" that has discriminator metadata defined, and returns the MetaData.
        DiscriminatorMetaData for the highest class in this tree using subclass-table
      • getDiscriminatorStrategyForTable

        public final DiscriminatorStrategy getDiscriminatorStrategyForTable()
        Convenience accessor for the discriminator strategy applying to this class. This is specified on the class managing the table if at all.
        The discriminator strategy
      • getDiscriminatorMetaData

        public final DiscriminatorMetaData getDiscriminatorMetaData()
        Convenience accessor for the discriminator metadata applying to this class. If specified on this class then returns that, otherwise goes up to the superclass (if present) until it finds a discriminator metadata specification.
        The discriminator metadata
      • getDiscriminatorMetaDataRoot

        public final DiscriminatorMetaData getDiscriminatorMetaDataRoot()
        Convenience method to return the "root" discriminator metadata definition (that defines the strategy, column etc). Useful when using "complete-table" inheritance, so we apply the root definition to the table for this class.
        Discriminator metadata for the root
      • hasDiscriminatorStrategy

        public final boolean hasDiscriminatorStrategy()
        Accessor for whether we have a discriminator defined for this class (may be in superclasses).
        true if discriminatorStrategy is not null and not NONE
      • getDiscriminatorStrategy

        public final DiscriminatorStrategy getDiscriminatorStrategy()
        Method to return the discriminator strategy being used by this class. Returns the strategy defined on this class (if any), otherwise goes up to the superclass etc until it finds a defined strategy.
        The discriminator strategy
      • getDiscriminatorColumnName

        public String getDiscriminatorColumnName()
        Return the name of the discriminator column if defined in metadata. If not provided directly for this class, goes up to the superclass to find it.
        The column name for the discriminator
      • getDiscriminatorColumnMetaData

        public ColumnMetaData getDiscriminatorColumnMetaData()
        Return the metadata for the discriminator column if defined in metadata. If not provided directly for this class, goes up to the superclass to find it.
        The column metadata for the discriminator
      • getDiscriminatorValue

        public Object getDiscriminatorValue()
        Method returning the discriminator value to apply to an instance of this class. If using "class-name" then returns the class name, and if using the "entity-name" returns the entity name, otherwise if using "value-map" returns the value specified directly against this class metadata. The returned value is a String unless the user defined the column as holding integer-based values, in which case a Long is returned
        The discriminator value
      • setIdentityType

        public void setIdentityType​(IdentityType type)
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Accessor for the simple class name (without package name).
        class name
      • getFullClassName

        public String getFullClassName()
        Accessor for the full class name including any package name.
        full class name.
      • getObjectidClass

        public String getObjectidClass()
      • getEntityName

        public String getEntityName()
      • getCatalog

        public String getCatalog()
      • getSchema

        public String getSchema()
      • getTable

        public String getTable()
      • isRequiresExtent

        public boolean isRequiresExtent()
      • isDetachable

        public boolean isDetachable()
      • isCacheable

        public Boolean isCacheable()
      • isEmbeddedOnly

        public boolean isEmbeddedOnly()
      • getPackageName

        public String getPackageName()
      • getPersistableSuperclass

        public String getPersistableSuperclass()
      • usesSingleFieldIdentityClass

        public boolean usesSingleFieldIdentityClass()
        Whether this persistable class uses SingleFieldIdentity
        true if using SingleFieldIdentity as objectid class
      • isSameOrAncestorOf

        public boolean isSameOrAncestorOf​(AbstractClassMetaData cmd)
        Check if the argument cmd is the same as this or a descedent.
        cmd - the AbstractClassMetaData to be verify if this is an ancestor
        true if the argument is a child or same as this
      • getPrimaryKeyMemberNames

        public String[] getPrimaryKeyMemberNames()
        Accessor for the names of the primary key fields/properties. Only valid after being populated. Provided as a convenience where we need to get the names of the PK members but cant wait til initialisation.
        names of the PK fields/properties
      • hasMember

        public boolean hasMember​(String memberName)
        Method to check if a member exists in this classes definition. Will include any superclasses in the check.
        memberName - Name of member
        return true if exists.
      • getNoOfMembers

        public int getNoOfMembers()
        Accessor for the number of members defined for this class (including overrides). This is the total number of members (inc static, final etc) in this class
        no of fields/properties.
      • getMetaDataForMember

        public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForMember​(String name)
        Accessor for the Meta-Data for a member. Include superclasses.
        name - the name of the member
        Meta-Data for the member
      • getNoOfManagedMembers

        public int getNoOfManagedMembers()
        Accessor for the number of managed members (this class only).
        no of managed members in this class
      • getManagedMembers

        public AbstractMemberMetaData[] getManagedMembers()
        Accessor for the managed fields/properties in this class (not including superclass, but including overridden).
        MetaData for the managed fields/properties in this class
      • getOverriddenMembers

        public AbstractMemberMetaData[] getOverriddenMembers()
        Accessor for the overridden fields/properties in this class.
        The overridden fields/properties in this class
      • getOverriddenMember

        public AbstractMemberMetaData getOverriddenMember​(String name)
        Accessor for an overridden field/property with the specified name.
        name - Name of the field/property
        The MetaData for the field/property
      • getMemberBeingOverridden

        protected AbstractMemberMetaData getMemberBeingOverridden​(String name)
        Convenience method that navigates up a MetaData inheritance tree until it finds the base member definition for the specified name.
        name - Name of the member we require
        The metadata for the member
      • getNoOfInheritedManagedMembers

        public int getNoOfInheritedManagedMembers()
        Accessor for the number of inherited managed members in superclasses.
        No of inherited managed members in superclasses.
      • getMemberCount

        public int getMemberCount()
        Accessor for the number of managed members from this class plus inherited classes.
        The number of managed members from this class plus inherited classes.
      • getMetaDataForMemberAtRelativePosition

        public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForMemberAtRelativePosition​(int index)
        Accessor for the metadata of a member. Does not include superclasses. In general this should never be used; always use "getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition".
        index - field index relative to this class only starting from 0
        Meta-Data for the member
      • getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtRelativePosition

        public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtRelativePosition​(int position)
        Accessor for MetaData for a managed member in this class. The position is relative to the first member in this class (i.e ignores superclasses).
        position - The position of the managed field. 0 = first in the class
        The managed member at that position
      • getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition

        public AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePosition​(int position)
        Accessor for a managed member including superclass members. Allows for overriding of superclass members in this class and superclasses.
        position - The position of the managed member including the superclass. Fields are numbered from 0 in the root persistable superclass.
        The managed member at this "absolute" position.
      • getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal

        protected AbstractMemberMetaData getMetaDataForManagedMemberAtAbsolutePositionInternal​(int abs_position)
        Internal method to get the field/property for an absolute field number. If the field for that absolute field position is overridden by a field in this class then this field/property will be returned.
        abs_position - The position of the managed field including the superclass. Fields are numbered from 0 in the root superclass.
        The managed field at this "absolute" position.
      • getRelativePositionOfMember

        public int getRelativePositionOfMember​(String memberName)
        Accessor for the (relative) position of the field/property with the specified name. The returned position is relative to this class only
        memberName - Name of the member
        Relative position of the member in this class
      • getAbsolutePositionOfMember

        public int getAbsolutePositionOfMember​(String memberName)
        Accessor for the absolute position of the field/property with the specified name. The absolute position has origin in the root persistable superclass, starting at 0.
        memberName - Name of the member
        Absolute position of the member
      • getNoOfPrimaryKeyMembers

        public int getNoOfPrimaryKeyMembers()
        Accessor for the number of primary key fields/properties.
        no of primary key fields/properties
      • getAllMemberPositions

        public int[] getAllMemberPositions()
        Accessor for all field/property positions. These are absolute numbers and include superclasses and are really just 0, 1, 2, ... n.
        The positions of all (managed) fields/properties.
      • getPKMemberPositions

        public int[] getPKMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the field numbers of the primary key fields/properties. These are absolute numbers (including superclasses).
        The positions of the primary key fields/properties.
      • getNonPKMemberPositions

        public int[] getNonPKMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the positions of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass fields).
        The member positions
      • getNonPKMemberFlags

        public boolean[] getNonPKMemberFlags()
        Accessor for the flags of the non primary key fields/properties (inc superclass members).
        The flags whether the field/property is non primary key
      • getDFGMemberPositions

        public int[] getDFGMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the absolute positions of the default fetch group fields/properties (inc superclasses).
        The positions of the DFG fields/properties (inc superclasses).
      • getDFGMemberFlags

        public boolean[] getDFGMemberFlags()
        Accessor for the flags of the DFG fields/properties (inc superclass).
        The flags whether the field/property is in the DFG
      • getBasicMemberPositions

        public int[] getBasicMemberPositions​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered basic. This category includes members of all basic (primitive and immutable object class) types as defined in section 6.4 of the specification, including String, Date and its jdbc subtypes, Locale, Currency, and Enum types. Includes all inherited multivalued positions. WARNING : this includes transient fields. DO NOT USE as a way of getting the persistent fields in the class.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The absolute positions
      • getMultivaluedMemberPositions

        public int[] getMultivaluedMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the absolute positions of fields/properties that are considered multi-valued This category includes members of all multi-valued types, including Collection, array, and Map types of basic and relationship types. Includes all inherited multivalued positions.
        The absolute positions
      • getSCOMutableMemberPositions

        public int[] getSCOMutableMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the absolute positions of the second class mutable fields/properties.
        The field numbers of the second class mutable fields (inc superclasses).
      • getSCONonContainerMemberPositions

        public int[] getSCONonContainerMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that are NOT containers (e.g Dates, Points, etc)
        Field numbers of all SCO non-container fields/properties
      • getSCOContainerMemberPositions

        public int[] getSCOContainerMemberPositions()
        Accessor for the absolute positions of all SCO fields/properties that are containers.
        Positions of all SCO container fields/properties.
      • getSCOMutableMemberFlags

        public boolean[] getSCOMutableMemberFlags()
        Accessor for the flags of the SCO mutable fields (inc superclass fields).
        The flags whether the field is second class mutable
      • hasRelations

        public boolean hasRelations​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method to return if the class has relations to other objects. Includes superclasses.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        Whether the class has any relations (that it knows about)
      • getNonRelationMemberPositions

        public int[] getNonRelationMemberPositions​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
      • getRelationMemberPositions

        public int[] getRelationMemberPositions​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method to return the absolute positions of all fields/properties that have relations.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        The absolute positions of all fields/properties that have relations
      • getBidirectionalRelationMemberPositions

        public int[] getBidirectionalRelationMemberPositions​(ClassLoaderResolver clr)
        Convenience method to return the absolute positions of fields/properties that have bidirectional relations.
        clr - ClassLoader resolver
        Absolute positions of bidirectional relation fields/properties
      • setAccessViaField

        public void setAccessViaField​(boolean flag)
      • getAccessViaField

        public Boolean getAccessViaField()
      • setMappedSuperclass

        public void setMappedSuperclass​(boolean mapped)
      • isMappedSuperclass

        public boolean isMappedSuperclass()
      • setSerializeRead

        public void setSerializeRead​(boolean serialise)
      • isSerializeRead

        public boolean isSerializeRead()
      • setMetaDataComplete

        public void setMetaDataComplete()
        Method to set that this class is "metadata complete" (see JPA spec). Means that any annotations will be ignored.
      • isMetaDataComplete

        public boolean isMetaDataComplete()
        Accessor for whether this class is fully specified by this metadata and that any annotations should be ignored.
        Whether we should ignore any annotations
      • addQuery

        public void addQuery​(QueryMetaData qmd)
        Method to add a named query to this class. Rejects the addition of duplicate named queries.
        qmd - Meta-Data for the query.
      • getNoOfQueries

        public int getNoOfQueries()
        Accessor for the number of named queries.
        no of named queries
      • getQueries

        public QueryMetaData[] getQueries()
        Accessor for the metadata of the named queries.
        Meta-Data for the named queries.
      • newQueryMetadata

        public QueryMetaData newQueryMetadata​(String queryName)
        Method to create a new QueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
        queryName - Name of the query
        The Query metadata
      • addStoredProcQuery

        public void addStoredProcQuery​(StoredProcQueryMetaData qmd)
        Method to add a named stored proc query to this class. Rejects the addition of duplicate named queries.
        qmd - Meta-Data for the query.
      • getNoOfStoredProcQueries

        public int getNoOfStoredProcQueries()
        Accessor for the number of named stored proc queries.
        no of named stored proc queries
      • getStoredProcQueries

        public StoredProcQueryMetaData[] getStoredProcQueries()
        Accessor for the metadata of the named stored proc queries.
        Meta-Data for the named stored proc queries.
      • newStoredProcQueryMetadata

        public StoredProcQueryMetaData newStoredProcQueryMetadata​(String queryName)
        Method to create a new StoredProcQueryMetadata, add it to the registered queries and return it.
        queryName - Name of the proc query
        The Query metadata
      • addQueryResultMetaData

        public void addQueryResultMetaData​(QueryResultMetaData resultMetaData)
        Method to register a query-result MetaData.
        resultMetaData - Query-Result MetaData to register
      • getQueryResultMetaData

        public QueryResultMetaData[] getQueryResultMetaData()
        Get the query result MetaData registered for this class.
        Query Result MetaData defined for this class
      • addIndex

        public void addIndex​(IndexMetaData idxmd)
        Method to add an index to this class.
        idxmd - Meta-Data for the index.
      • newIndexMetadata

        public IndexMetaData newIndexMetadata()
        Method to create a new index metadata, add it, and return it.
        The index metadata
      • addForeignKey

        public void addForeignKey​(ForeignKeyMetaData fkmd)
        Method to add an foreign-key to this class.
        fkmd - Meta-Data for the foreign-key.
      • newForeignKeyMetadata

        public ForeignKeyMetaData newForeignKeyMetadata()
        Method to create a new FK metadata, add it, and return it.
        The FK metadata
      • addUniqueConstraint

        public void addUniqueConstraint​(UniqueMetaData unimd)
        Method to add a unique constraint to this class.
        unimd - Meta-Data for the unique constraint.
      • newUniqueMetadata

        public UniqueMetaData newUniqueMetadata()
        Method to create a new unique metadata, add it, and return it.
        The unique metadata
      • addUnmappedColumn

        public final void addUnmappedColumn​(ColumnMetaData colmd)
        Method to add an unmapped column.
        colmd - The metadata for the unmapped column
      • getUnmappedColumns

        public final List<ColumnMetaData> getUnmappedColumns()
        Accessor for the unmapped columns required for the datastore table.
        The list of unmapped columns
      • newUnmappedColumnMetaData

        public ColumnMetaData newUnmappedColumnMetaData()
      • newFieldMetadata

        public FieldMetaData newFieldMetadata​(String fieldName)
        Method to create a new field metadata, add it, and return it.
        fieldName - Name of the field
        The metadata
      • newPropertyMetadata

        public PropertyMetaData newPropertyMetadata​(String propName)
        Method to create a new property metadata, add it, and return it.
        propName - Name of the property
        The metadata
      • addMember

        public void addMember​(AbstractMemberMetaData mmd)
        Method to add a field/property to this interface. Rejects the addition of duplicate named fields/properties.
        mmd - Field/Property MetaData
      • addFetchGroup

        public void addFetchGroup​(FetchGroupMetaData fgmd)
        Method to add a fetch-group to this class.
        fgmd - Meta-Data for the fetch-group.
      • newFetchGroupMetaData

        public FetchGroupMetaData newFetchGroupMetaData​(String name)
        Method to create a new fetchgroup metadata, add it, and return it.
        name - Name of the group
        The fetchgroup metadata
      • getFetchGroupMetaData

        public Set<FetchGroupMetaData> getFetchGroupMetaData​(Collection<String> groupNames)
        Accessor for fetch group metadata for the specified groups (if present). The returned metadata is what is defined for this class that matches any of the names in the input set.
        groupNames - Names of the fetch groups
        MetaData for the groups
      • getFetchGroupMetaData

        public FetchGroupMetaData getFetchGroupMetaData​(String groupname)
        Accessor for the fetch group metadata for the group specified.
        groupname - Name of the fetch group
        MetaData for this group
      • getFetchGroupMetaData

        public final Set<FetchGroupMetaData> getFetchGroupMetaData()
        Accessor for all MetaData defined for fetch groups for this class. This doesn't include superclasses.
        Returns the Fetch Group metadata registered on this class
      • hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad

        public final boolean hasFetchGroupWithPostLoad()
        Whether this class or any super class has any fetch group definition with FetchGroupMetaData.getPostLoad()==true.
        Whether there is a fetch-group definition with post-load
      • addJoin

        public void addJoin​(JoinMetaData jnmd)
        Method to add a join to this class. Rejects the addition of duplicate named fields.
        jnmd - Meta-Data for the join.
      • newJoinMetaData

        public JoinMetaData newJoinMetaData()
        Method to create a new join metadata, add it, and return it.
        The join metadata
      • addListener

        public void addListener​(EventListenerMetaData listener)
        Add a listener class name
        listener - the listener metadata. Duplicated classes are ignored
      • getListenerForClass

        public EventListenerMetaData getListenerForClass​(String className)
        Accessor for the EventListener info for an EventListener class name
        className - Name of the event listener class
        EventListener info for this class (or null if the class isnt an EventListener)
      • excludeSuperClassListeners

        public void excludeSuperClassListeners()
        Toogle exclude super class listeners
      • isExcludeSuperClassListeners

        public boolean isExcludeSuperClassListeners()
        Whether super classes listeners are not going to be invoked
        true if super class listeners are not invoked
      • excludeDefaultListeners

        public void excludeDefaultListeners()
        Method to exclude default listeners.
      • isExcludeDefaultListeners

        public boolean isExcludeDefaultListeners()
        Whether default listeners are not going to be invoked
        true if default listeners are not invoked
      • setVersionMetaData

        public final void setVersionMetaData​(VersionMetaData versionMetaData)
        Mutator for the Version MetaData.
        versionMetaData - The versionMetaData to set.
      • getVersionMetaData

        public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaData()
        Accessor for Version MetaData for this class specifically. Note that this just returns what this class had defined, and if this has no version info then you really need what the superclass has (if there is one). Consider using getVersionMetaDataForClass().
        Returns the versionMetaData.
      • getVersionMetaDataForClass

        public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaDataForClass()
        Convenience accessor for the version metadata applying to this class. Differs from getVersionMetaData by searching superclasses.
        The version metadata
      • isVersioned

        public final boolean isVersioned()
        Returns whether objects of this type are versioned. A return of true means that either this class has version information, or a superclass does, and that the version information is required to be stored.
        Whether it is versioned.
      • getVersionMetaDataForTable

        public final VersionMetaData getVersionMetaDataForTable()
        Convenience method to find the version MetaData defining versioning for the same 'table' as this class is using. Traverses up the inheritance tree to find the highest class that uses "subclass-table" that has version metadata defined, or the class that owns the 'table' where this class uses "superclass-table", and returns the MetaData.
        Version MetaData for the highest class in this tree using subclass-table
      • newVersionMetadata

        public VersionMetaData newVersionMetadata()
        Method to create a new version metadata, set to use it, and return it.
        The version metadata
      • setIdentityMetaData

        public final void setIdentityMetaData​(IdentityMetaData identityMetaData)
        Mutator for the identity MetaData.
        identityMetaData - The identityMetaData to set.
      • getIdentityMetaData

        public final IdentityMetaData getIdentityMetaData()
        Accessor for identityMetaData
        Returns the identityMetaData.
      • getBaseIdentityMetaData

        public final IdentityMetaData getBaseIdentityMetaData()
        Convenience method to return the root identity metadata for this inheritance tree.
        IdentityMetaData at the base
      • newIdentityMetadata

        public IdentityMetaData newIdentityMetadata()
        Method to create a new identity metadata, set to use it, and return it.
        The identity metadata
      • setInheritanceMetaData

        public final void setInheritanceMetaData​(InheritanceMetaData inheritanceMetaData)
        Mutator for the inheritance MetaData.
        inheritanceMetaData - The inheritanceMetaData to set.
      • getInheritanceMetaData

        public final InheritanceMetaData getInheritanceMetaData()
        Accessor for inheritanceMetaData
        Returns the inheritanceMetaData.
      • newInheritanceMetadata

        public InheritanceMetaData newInheritanceMetadata()
        Method to create a new inheritance metadata, set to use it, and return it.
        The inheritance metadata
      • setPrimaryKeyMetaData

        public final void setPrimaryKeyMetaData​(PrimaryKeyMetaData primaryKeyMetaData)
        Mutator for the PrimaryKey MetaData.
        primaryKeyMetaData - The PrimaryKey MetaData to set.
      • getPrimaryKeyMetaData

        public final PrimaryKeyMetaData getPrimaryKeyMetaData()
        Accessor for primaryKeyMetaData
        Returns the primaryKey MetaData.
      • newPrimaryKeyMetadata

        public PrimaryKeyMetaData newPrimaryKeyMetadata()
        Method to create a new primary key metadata, set to use it, and return it.
        The primary key metadata
      • checkForCircularViewReferences

        protected static void checkForCircularViewReferences​(Map<String,​Set<String>> viewReferences,
                                                             String referencerName,
                                                             String referenceeName,
                                                             List<String> referenceChain)
        Check for any circular view references between referencer and referencee. If one is found, throw a NucleusUserException with the chain of references.
        viewReferences - The Map of view references to check.
        referencerName - Name of the class that has the reference.
        referenceeName - Name of the class that is being referenced.
        referenceChain - The List of class names that have been referenced
        NucleusUserException - If a circular reference is found in the view definitions.