Interface ListStore<E>

  • Type Parameters:
    E - Element type for this list
    All Superinterfaces:
    CollectionStore<E>, Store

    public interface ListStore<E>
    extends CollectionStore<E>
    Interface representation of the backing store for a List. Takes the collection methods and extends them for lists.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(ObjectProvider op,
                 E element,
                 int index,
                 int size)
        Method to add an element to the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        element - Element to add
        index - Position to add the element.
        size - Current size of list (if known). -1 if not known
      • addAll

        boolean addAll​(ObjectProvider op,
                       Collection<E> c,
                       int index,
                       int size)
        Method to add a collection of elements to the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        c - Collection of elements to add
        index - Position to add the elements.
        size - Current size of the list (if known). -1 if not known
        Whether the elements were added ok
      • remove

        E remove​(ObjectProvider op,
                 int index,
                 int size)
        Method to remove an element from the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        index - Position to remove the element.
        size - Current size of the list (if known). -1 if not known
        The element that was removed.
      • get

        E get​(ObjectProvider op,
              int index)
        Method to retrieve an element from a position in the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        index - Position of the element.
        The element at that position.
      • set

        Object set​(ObjectProvider op,
                   int index,
                   Object element,
                   boolean allowDependentField)
        Method to update an element at a position in the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        index - Position of the element.
        element - The element value
        allowDependentField - Whether to enable dependent field during this operation
        The previous element at that position.
      • subList

        List subList​(ObjectProvider op,
                     int from,
                     int to)
        Accessor for a sublist of elements between from and to indices.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        from - Start position (inclusive)
        to - End position (exclusive)
        List of elements in this range.
      • indexOf

        int indexOf​(ObjectProvider op,
                    Object element)
        Method to return the position of an element in the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        element - The element value
        The position of the element.
      • lastIndexOf

        int lastIndexOf​(ObjectProvider op,
                        Object element)
        Method to return the last position of an element in the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        element - The element value
        The last position of the element.
      • listIterator

        ListIterator<E> listIterator​(ObjectProvider op)
        Accessor for a list iterator for the List.
        op - ObjectProvider for the owner of the List.
        List iterator for the List.