Class StatementResultMapping

  • public class StatementResultMapping
    extends Object
    Definition of the mapping of result expressions in a datastore statement. In a typical RDBMS SQL statement the result clause will contain many expressions. If the overall result of the statement maps to a class then we use StatementClassMapping. If the overall result has various expressions then we use this. Each position in the result can either be a StatementMappingIndex, or a StatementNewObjectMapping, or a StatementClassMapping.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StatementResultMapping

        public StatementResultMapping()
    • Method Detail

      • getMappingForResultExpression

        public Object getMappingForResultExpression​(int position)
        Accessor for the mapping information for the result expression at the position.
        position - The position in the result
        The mapping information
      • addMappingForResultExpression

        public void addMappingForResultExpression​(int position,
                                                  StatementMappingIndex mapping)
      • addMappingForResultExpression

        public void addMappingForResultExpression​(int position,
                                                  StatementNewObjectMapping mapping)
      • addMappingForResultExpression

        public void addMappingForResultExpression​(int position,
                                                  StatementClassMapping mapping)
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
      • getNumberOfResultExpressions

        public int getNumberOfResultExpressions()