Class NullWritable

    • Constructor Detail

      • NullWritable

        public NullWritable()
    • Method Detail

      • write

        public void write​(DataOutput out)
                   throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Serialize the fields of this object to out.
        Specified by:
        write in interface Writable
        out - DataOuput to serialize this object into.
      • readFields

        public void readFields​(DataInput in)
                        throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Deserialize the fields of this object from in.

        For efficiency, implementations should attempt to re-use storage in the existing object where possible.

        Specified by:
        readFields in interface Writable
        in - DataInput to deseriablize this object from.
      • toDouble

        public double toDouble()
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Convert Writable to double. Whether this is supported depends on the specific writable.
        Specified by:
        toDouble in interface Writable
      • toFloat

        public float toFloat()
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Convert Writable to float. Whether this is supported depends on the specific writable.
        Specified by:
        toFloat in interface Writable
      • toInt

        public int toInt()
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Convert Writable to int. Whether this is supported depends on the specific writable.
        Specified by:
        toInt in interface Writable
      • toLong

        public long toLong()
        Description copied from interface: Writable
        Convert Writable to long. Whether this is supported depends on the specific writable.
        Specified by:
        toLong in interface Writable