Class MultiLayerConfiguration

    • Field Detail

      • tbpttFwdLength

        protected int tbpttFwdLength
      • tbpttBackLength

        protected int tbpttBackLength
      • validateOutputLayerConfig

        protected boolean validateOutputLayerConfig
      • trainingWorkspaceMode

        protected WorkspaceMode trainingWorkspaceMode
      • inferenceWorkspaceMode

        protected WorkspaceMode inferenceWorkspaceMode
      • iterationCount

        protected int iterationCount
      • epochCount

        protected int epochCount
    • Constructor Detail

      • MultiLayerConfiguration

        public MultiLayerConfiguration()
    • Method Detail

      • getEpochCount

        public int getEpochCount()
      • setEpochCount

        public void setEpochCount​(int epochCount)
      • toYaml

        public String toYaml()
        JSON representation of NN configuration
      • toJson

        public String toJson()
        JSON representation of NN configuration
      • getMemoryReport

        public NetworkMemoryReport getMemoryReport​(InputType inputType)
        Get a MemoryReport for the given MultiLayerConfiguration. This is used to estimate the memory requirements for the given network configuration and input
        inputType - Input types for the network
        Memory report for the network
      • getLayerActivationTypes

        public List<InputType> getLayerActivationTypes​(@NonNull
                                                       @NonNull InputType inputType)
        For the given input shape/type for the network, return a list of activation sizes for each layer in the network.
        i.e., list.get(i) is the output activation sizes for layer i
        inputType - Input type for the network
        A lits of activation types for the network, indexed by layer number