Class BaseUpsamplingLayer.UpsamplingBuilder<T extends BaseUpsamplingLayer.UpsamplingBuilder<T>>

    • Field Detail

      • size

        protected int[] size
        An int array to specify upsampling dimensions, the length of which has to equal to the number of spatial dimensions (e.g. 2 for Upsampling2D etc.)
    • Constructor Detail

      • UpsamplingBuilder

        protected UpsamplingBuilder​(int size)
        A single size integer is used for upsampling in all spatial dimensions
        size - int for upsampling
      • UpsamplingBuilder

        protected UpsamplingBuilder​(int[] size)
        An int array to specify upsampling dimensions, the length of which has to equal to the number of spatial dimensions (e.g. 2 for Upsampling2D etc.)
        size - int for upsampling