Class BatchNormalization.Builder

    • Field Detail

      • decay

        protected double decay
        At test time: we can use a global estimate of the mean and variance, calculated using a moving average of the batch means/variances. This moving average is implemented as:
        globalMeanEstimate = decay * globalMeanEstimate + (1-decay) * batchMean
        globalVarianceEstimate = decay * globalVarianceEstimate + (1-decay) * batchVariance
      • eps

        protected double eps
        Epsilon value for batch normalization; small floating point value added to variance (algorithm 1 in to reduce/avoid underflow issues.
        Default: 1e-5
      • isMinibatch

        protected boolean isMinibatch
        If doing minibatch training or not. Default: true. Under most circumstances, this should be set to true. If doing full batch training (i.e., all examples in a single DataSet object - very small data sets) then this should be set to false. Affects how global mean/variance estimates are calculated.
      • lockGammaBeta

        protected boolean lockGammaBeta
        If set to true: lock the gamma and beta parameters to the values for each activation, specified by gamma(double) and beta(double). Default: false -> learn gamma and beta parameter values during network training.
      • gamma

        protected double gamma
        Used only when 'true' is passed to lockGammaBeta(boolean). Value is not used otherwise.
        Default: 1.0
      • beta

        protected double beta
        Used only when 'true' is passed to lockGammaBeta(boolean). Value is not used otherwise.
        Default: 0.0
      • betaConstraints

        protected List<LayerConstraint> betaConstraints
        Set constraints to be applied to the beta parameter of this batch normalisation layer. Default: no constraints.
        Constraints can be used to enforce certain conditions (non-negativity of parameters, max-norm regularization, etc). These constraints are applied at each iteration, after the parameters have been updated.
      • gammaConstraints

        protected List<LayerConstraint> gammaConstraints
        Set constraints to be applied to the gamma parameter of this batch normalisation layer. Default: no constraints.
        Constraints can be used to enforce certain conditions (non-negativity of parameters, max-norm regularization, etc). These constraints are applied at each iteration, after the parameters have been updated.
      • cudnnAllowFallback

        protected boolean cudnnAllowFallback
        When using CuDNN and an error is encountered, should fallback to the non-CuDNN implementatation be allowed? If set to false, an exception in CuDNN will be propagated back to the user. If false, the built-in (non-CuDNN) implementation for BatchNormalization will be used
      • useLogStd

        protected boolean useLogStd
        How should the moving average of variance be stored? Two different parameterizations are supported. useLogStd(false): equivalent to 1.0.0-beta3 and earlier. The variance "parameter" is stored directly as variable
        useLogStd(true): (Default) variance is stored as log10(stdev)
        The motivation here is for numerical stability (FP16 etc) and also distributed training: storing the variance directly can cause numerical issues. For example, a standard deviation of 1e-3 (something that could be encountered in practice) gives a variance of 1e-6, which can be problematic for 16-bit floating point
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(double decay,
                       boolean isMinibatch)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(double gamma,
                       double beta)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(double gamma,
                       double beta,
                       boolean lockGammaBeta)
      • Builder

        public Builder​(boolean lockGammaBeta)
      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • dataFormat

        public BatchNormalization.Builder dataFormat​(CNN2DFormat format)
        Set the input and output array data format. Defaults to NCHW format - i.e., channels first. See CNN2DFormat for more details
        format - Format to use
      • minibatch

        public BatchNormalization.Builder minibatch​(boolean minibatch)
        If doing minibatch training or not. Default: true. Under most circumstances, this should be set to true. If doing full batch training (i.e., all examples in a single DataSet object - very small data sets) then this should be set to false. Affects how global mean/variance estimates are calculated.
        minibatch - Minibatch parameter
      • gamma

        public BatchNormalization.Builder gamma​(double gamma)
        Used only when 'true' is passed to lockGammaBeta(boolean). Value is not used otherwise.
        Default: 1.0
        gamma - Gamma parameter for all activations, used only with locked gamma/beta configuration mode
      • beta

        public BatchNormalization.Builder beta​(double beta)
        Used only when 'true' is passed to lockGammaBeta(boolean). Value is not used otherwise.
        Default: 0.0
        beta - Beta parameter for all activations, used only with locked gamma/beta configuration mode
      • decay

        public BatchNormalization.Builder decay​(double decay)
        At test time: we can use a global estimate of the mean and variance, calculated using a moving average of the batch means/variances. This moving average is implemented as:
        globalMeanEstimate = decay * globalMeanEstimate + (1-decay) * batchMean
        globalVarianceEstimate = decay * globalVarianceEstimate + (1-decay) * batchVariance
        decay - Decay value to use for global stats calculation
      • lockGammaBeta

        public BatchNormalization.Builder lockGammaBeta​(boolean lockGammaBeta)
        If set to true: lock the gamma and beta parameters to the values for each activation, specified by gamma(double) and beta(double). Default: false -> learn gamma and beta parameter values during network training.
        lockGammaBeta - If true: use fixed beta/gamma values. False: learn during
      • constrainBeta

        public BatchNormalization.Builder constrainBeta​(LayerConstraint... constraints)
        Set constraints to be applied to the beta parameter of this batch normalisation layer. Default: no constraints.
        Constraints can be used to enforce certain conditions (non-negativity of parameters, max-norm regularization, etc). These constraints are applied at each iteration, after the parameters have been updated.
        constraints - Constraints to apply to the beta parameter of this layer
      • constrainGamma

        public BatchNormalization.Builder constrainGamma​(LayerConstraint... constraints)
        Set constraints to be applied to the gamma parameter of this batch normalisation layer. Default: no constraints.
        Constraints can be used to enforce certain conditions (non-negativity of parameters, max-norm regularization, etc). These constraints are applied at each iteration, after the parameters have been updated.
        constraints - Constraints to apply to the gamma parameter of this layer
      • cudnnAllowFallback

        public BatchNormalization.Builder cudnnAllowFallback​(boolean allowFallback)
        When using CuDNN and an error is encountered, should fallback to the non-CuDNN implementatation be allowed? If set to false, an exception in CuDNN will be propagated back to the user. If true, the built-in (non-CuDNN) implementation for BatchNormalization will be used
        allowFallback - Whether fallback to non-CuDNN implementation should be used
      • helperAllowFallback

        public BatchNormalization.Builder helperAllowFallback​(boolean allowFallback)
        When using CuDNN or MKLDNN and an error is encountered, should fallback to the non-helper implementation be allowed? If set to false, an exception in the helper will be propagated back to the user. If true, the built-in (non-MKL/CuDNN) implementation for BatchNormalizationLayer will be used
        allowFallback - Whether fallback to non-CuDNN implementation should be used
      • useLogStd

        public BatchNormalization.Builder useLogStd​(boolean useLogStd)
        How should the moving average of variance be stored? Two different parameterizations are supported. useLogStd(false): equivalent to 1.0.0-beta3 and earlier. The variance "parameter" is stored directly as variable
        useLogStd(true): (Default) variance is stored as log10(stdev)
        The motivation here is for numerical stability (FP16 etc) and also distributed training: storing the variance directly can cause numerical issues. For example, a standard deviation of 1e-3 (something that could be encountered in practice) gives a variance of 1e-6, which can be problematic for 16-bit floating point