Class GlobalPoolingLayer.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • poolingDimensions

        public GlobalPoolingLayer.Builder poolingDimensions​(int... poolingDimensions)
        Pooling dimensions. Note: most of the time, this doesn't need to be set, and the defaults can be used. Default for RNN data: pooling dimension 2 (time). Default for CNN data: pooling dimensions 2,3 (height and width) Default for CNN3D data: pooling dimensions 2,3,4 (depth, height and width)
        poolingDimensions - Pooling dimensions to use
      • collapseDimensions

        public GlobalPoolingLayer.Builder collapseDimensions​(boolean collapseDimensions)
        Whether to collapse dimensions when pooling or not. Usually you *do* want to do this. Default: true. If true:
        - 3d (time series) input with shape [miniBatchSize, vectorSize, timeSeriesLength] -> 2d output [miniBatchSize, vectorSize]
        - 4d (CNN) input with shape [miniBatchSize, channels, height, width] -> 2d output [miniBatchSize, channels]
        - 5d (CNN3D) input with shape [miniBatchSize, channels, depth, height, width] -> 2d output [miniBatchSize, channels]
        If false:
        - 3d (time series) input with shape [miniBatchSize, vectorSize, timeSeriesLength] -> 3d output [miniBatchSize, vectorSize, 1]
        - 4d (CNN) input with shape [miniBatchSize, channels, height, width] -> 2d output [miniBatchSize, channels, 1, 1]
        - 5d (CNN3D) input with shape [miniBatchSize, channels, depth, height, width] -> 2d output [miniBatchSize, channels, 1, 1, 1]
        collapseDimensions - Whether to collapse the dimensions or not
      • setPnorm

        public void setPnorm​(int pnorm)