Class Cropping1D.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
      • Builder

        public Builder​(@NonNull
                       @lombok.NonNull int[] cropping)
        cropping - Cropping amount for top/bottom (in that order). Must be length 1 or 2 array.
      • Builder

        public Builder​(int cropTopBottom)
        cropTopBottom - Amount of cropping to apply to both the top and the bottom of the input activations
      • Builder

        public Builder​(int cropTop,
                       int cropBottom)
        cropTop - Amount of cropping to apply to the top of the input activations
        cropBottom - Amount of cropping to apply to the bottom of the input activations
    • Method Detail

      • setCropping

        public void setCropping​(int... cropping)
        cropping - Cropping amount for top/bottom (in that order). Must be length 1 or 2 array.