Class CheckpointListener.Builder

    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder​(@NonNull
                       @NonNull String rootDir)
        rootDir - Root directory to save models to
      • Builder

        public Builder​(@NonNull
                       @NonNull File rootDir)
        rootDir - Root directory to save models to
    • Method Detail

      • saveEveryNIterations

        public CheckpointListener.Builder saveEveryNIterations​(int n,
                                                               boolean sinceLast)
        Save a model every N iterations (if sinceLast == false), or if N iterations have passed since the last model vas saved (if sinceLast == true)
      • saveEvery

        public CheckpointListener.Builder saveEvery​(long amount,
                                                    TimeUnit timeUnit)
        Save a model periodically
        amount - Quantity of the specified time unit
        timeUnit - Time unit
      • saveEvery

        public CheckpointListener.Builder saveEvery​(long amount,
                                                    TimeUnit timeUnit,
                                                    boolean sinceLast)
        Save a model periodically (if sinceLast == false), or if the specified amount of time has elapsed since the last model was saved (if sinceLast == true)
        amount - Quantity of the specified time unit
        timeUnit - Time unit
      • keepAll

        public CheckpointListener.Builder keepAll()
        Keep all model checkpoints - i.e., don't delete any. Note that this is the default.
      • keepLast

        public CheckpointListener.Builder keepLast​(int n)
        Keep only the last N most recent model checkpoint files. Older checkpoints will automatically be deleted.
        n - Number of most recent checkpoints to keep
      • keepLastAndEvery

        public CheckpointListener.Builder keepLastAndEvery​(int nLast,
                                                           int everyN)
        Keep the last N most recent model checkpoint files, and every M checkpoint files.
        For example: suppose you save every 100 iterations, for 2050 iteration, and use keepLastAndEvery(3,5). This means after 2050 iterations you would have saved 20 checkpoints - some of which will be deleted. Those remaining in this example: iterations 500, 1000, 1500, 1800, 1900, 2000.
        nLast - Most recent checkpoints to keep
        everyN - Every N checkpoints to keep (regardless of age)
      • logSaving

        public CheckpointListener.Builder logSaving​(boolean logSaving)
        If true (the default) log a message every time a model is saved
        logSaving - Whether checkpoint saves should be logged or not
      • deleteExisting

        public CheckpointListener.Builder deleteExisting​(boolean deleteExisting)
        If the checkpoint listener is set to save to a non-empty directory, should the CheckpointListener-related content be deleted?
        This is disabled by default (and instead, an exception will be thrown if existing data is found)
        WARNING: Be careful when enabling this, as it deletes all saved checkpoint models in the specified directory!