Interface ThresholdAlgorithm

    • Method Detail

      • calculateThreshold

        double calculateThreshold​(int iteration,
                                  int epoch,
                                  Double lastThreshold,
                                  Boolean lastWasDense,
                                  Double lastSparsityRatio,
                                  INDArray updatesPlusResidual)
        iteration - Current neural network training iteration
        epoch - Current neural network training epoch
        lastThreshold - The encoding threshold used in the last iteration - if available. May be null for first iteration in an epoch (where no 'last iteration' value is available)
        lastWasDense - Whether the last encoding was dense (true) or sparse (false). May be null for the first iteration in an epoch (where no 'last iteration' value is available)
        lastSparsityRatio - The sparsity ratio of the last iteration. Sparsity ratio is defined as numElements(encoded)/length(updates). A sparsity ratio of 1.0 would mean all entries present in encoded representation; a sparsity ratio of 0.0 would mean the encoded vector did not contain any values. Note: when the last encoding was dense, lastSparsityRatio is always null - this means that the sparsity ratio is larger than 1/16 = 0.0625
        updatesPlusResidual - The actual array (updates plus residual) that will be encoded using the threshold calculated/returned by this method
      • newReducer

        ThresholdAlgorithmReducer newReducer()
        Create a new ThresholdAlgorithmReducer. Note that implementations should NOT add the curret ThresholdAlgorithm to it.