Class CursorPos

  • public class CursorPos
    extends Object
    A position in a cursor. Instance represents a node in the linked list, which traces path from a specific (target) key within a leaf node all the way up to te root (bottom up path).
    • Field Detail

      • page

        public Page page
        The page at the current level.
      • index

        public int index
        Index of the key (within page above) used to go down to a lower level in case of intermediate nodes, or index of the target key for leaf a node. In a later case, it could be negative, if the key is not present.
      • parent

        public CursorPos parent
        Next node in the linked list, representing the position within parent level, or null, if we are at the root level already.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CursorPos

        public CursorPos​(Page page,
                         int index,
                         CursorPos parent)
    • Method Detail

      • traverseDown

        public static CursorPos traverseDown​(Page page,
                                             Object key)
        Searches for a given key and creates a breadcrumb trail through a B-tree rooted at a given Page. Resulting path starts at "insertion point" for a given key and goes back to the root.
        page - root of the tree
        key - the key to search for
        head of the CursorPos chain (insertion point)