Class Chunk

  • public class Chunk
    extends Object
    A chunk of data, containing one or multiple pages.

    Chunks are page aligned (each page is usually 4096 bytes). There are at most 67 million (2^26) chunks, each chunk is at most 2 GB large.

    • Field Detail

      • id

        public final int id
        The chunk id.
      • block

        public volatile long block
        The start block number within the file.
      • len

        public int len
        The length in number of blocks.
      • maxLen

        public long maxLen
        The sum of the max length of all pages.
      • maxLenLive

        public long maxLenLive
        The sum of the max length of all pages that are in use.
      • version

        public long version
        The version stored in this chunk.
      • time

        public long time
        When this chunk was created, in milliseconds after the store was created.
      • unused

        public long unused
        When this chunk was no longer needed, in milliseconds after the store was created. After this, the chunk is kept alive a bit longer (in case it is referenced in older versions).
      • mapId

        public int mapId
        The last used map id.
      • next

        public long next
        The predicted position of the next chunk.
    • Method Detail

      • fromString

        public static Chunk fromString​(String s)
        Build a block from the given string.
        s - the string
        the block
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • asString

        public String asString()
        Get the chunk data as a string.
        the string