Class CacheLongKeyLIRS<V>

  • Type Parameters:
    V - the value type

    public class CacheLongKeyLIRS<V>
    extends Object
    A scan resistant cache that uses keys of type long. It is meant to cache objects that are relatively costly to acquire, for example file content.

    This implementation is multi-threading safe and supports concurrent access. Null keys or null values are not allowed. The map fill factor is at most 75%.

    Each entry is assigned a distinct memory size, and the cache will try to use at most the specified amount of memory. The memory unit is not relevant, however it is suggested to use bytes as the unit.

    This class implements an approximation of the LIRS replacement algorithm invented by Xiaodong Zhang and Song Jiang as described in with a few smaller changes: An additional queue for non-resident entries is used, to prevent unbound memory usage. The maximum size of this queue is at most the size of the rest of the stack. About 6.25% of the mapped entries are cold.

    Internally, the cache is split into a number of segments, and each segment is an individual LIRS cache.

    Accessed entries are only moved to the top of the stack if at least a number of other entries have been moved to the front (8 per segment by default). Write access and moving entries to the top of the stack is synchronized per segment.

    Thomas Mueller
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
      static class  CacheLongKeyLIRS.Config
      The cache configuration.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void clear()
      Remove all entries.
      boolean containsKey​(long key)
      Check whether there is a resident entry for the given key.
      boolean containsValue​(V value)
      Check whether the given value is stored.
      Set<Map.Entry<Long,​V>> entrySet()
      Get the entry set for all resident entries.
      V get​(long key)
      Get the value for the given key if the entry is cached.
      long getHits()
      Get the number of cache hits.
      Map<Long,​V> getMap()
      Convert this cache to a map.
      long getMaxItemSize()
      Determines max size of the data item size to fit into cache
      long getMaxMemory()
      Get the maximum memory to use.
      int getMemory​(long key)
      Get the memory used for the given key.
      long getMisses()
      Get the number of cache misses.
      long getUsedMemory()
      Get the currently used memory.
      boolean isEmpty()
      Check whether the cache is empty.
      List<Long> keys​(boolean cold, boolean nonResident)
      Get the list of keys.
      Set<Long> keySet()
      Get the set of keys for resident entries.
      V peek​(long key)
      Get the value for the given key if the entry is cached.
      V put​(long key, V value)
      Add an entry to the cache using the average memory size.
      V put​(long key, V value, int memory)
      Add an entry to the cache.
      void putAll​(Map<Long,​? extends V> m)
      Add all elements of the map to this cache.
      V remove​(long key)
      Remove an entry.
      void setMaxMemory​(long maxMemory)
      Set the maximum memory this cache should use.
      int size()
      Get the number of resident entries.
      int sizeHot()
      Get the number of hot entries in the cache.
      int sizeMapArray()
      Get the length of the internal map array.
      int sizeNonResident()
      Get the number of non-resident entries in the cache.
      void trimNonResidentQueue()
      Loop through segments, trimming the non resident queue.
      List<V> values()
      Get the values for all resident entries.
    • Constructor Detail

      • CacheLongKeyLIRS

        public CacheLongKeyLIRS​(CacheLongKeyLIRS.Config config)
        Create a new cache with the given memory size.
        config - the configuration
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public void clear()
        Remove all entries.
      • getMaxItemSize

        public long getMaxItemSize()
        Determines max size of the data item size to fit into cache
        data items size limit
      • containsKey

        public boolean containsKey​(long key)
        Check whether there is a resident entry for the given key. This method does not adjust the internal state of the cache.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        true if there is a resident entry
      • peek

        public V peek​(long key)
        Get the value for the given key if the entry is cached. This method does not modify the internal state.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        the value, or null if there is no resident entry
      • put

        public V put​(long key,
                     V value)
        Add an entry to the cache using the average memory size.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        value - the value (may not be null)
        the old value, or null if there was no resident entry
      • put

        public V put​(long key,
                     V value,
                     int memory)
        Add an entry to the cache. The entry may or may not exist in the cache yet. This method will usually mark unknown entries as cold and known entries as hot.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        value - the value (may not be null)
        memory - the memory used for the given entry
        the old value, or null if there was no resident entry
      • remove

        public V remove​(long key)
        Remove an entry. Both resident and non-resident entries can be removed.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        the old value, or null if there was no resident entry
      • getMemory

        public int getMemory​(long key)
        Get the memory used for the given key.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        the memory, or 0 if there is no resident entry
      • get

        public V get​(long key)
        Get the value for the given key if the entry is cached. This method adjusts the internal state of the cache sometimes, to ensure commonly used entries stay in the cache.
        key - the key (may not be null)
        the value, or null if there is no resident entry
      • getUsedMemory

        public long getUsedMemory()
        Get the currently used memory.
        the used memory
      • setMaxMemory

        public void setMaxMemory​(long maxMemory)
        Set the maximum memory this cache should use. This will not immediately cause entries to get removed however; it will only change the limit. To resize the internal array, call the clear method.
        maxMemory - the maximum size (1 or larger) in bytes
      • getMaxMemory

        public long getMaxMemory()
        Get the maximum memory to use.
        the maximum memory
      • entrySet

        public Set<Map.Entry<Long,​V>> entrySet()
        Get the entry set for all resident entries.
        the entry set
      • keySet

        public Set<Long> keySet()
        Get the set of keys for resident entries.
        the set of keys
      • sizeNonResident

        public int sizeNonResident()
        Get the number of non-resident entries in the cache.
        the number of non-resident entries
      • sizeMapArray

        public int sizeMapArray()
        Get the length of the internal map array.
        the size of the array
      • sizeHot

        public int sizeHot()
        Get the number of hot entries in the cache.
        the number of hot entries
      • getHits

        public long getHits()
        Get the number of cache hits.
        the cache hits
      • getMisses

        public long getMisses()
        Get the number of cache misses.
        the cache misses
      • size

        public int size()
        Get the number of resident entries.
        the number of entries
      • keys

        public List<Long> keys​(boolean cold,
                               boolean nonResident)
        Get the list of keys. This method allows to read the internal state of the cache.
        cold - if true, only keys for the cold entries are returned
        nonResident - true for non-resident entries
        the key list
      • values

        public List<V> values()
        Get the values for all resident entries.
        the entry set
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Check whether the cache is empty.
        true if it is empty
      • containsValue

        public boolean containsValue​(V value)
        Check whether the given value is stored.
        value - the value
        true if it is stored
      • getMap

        public Map<Long,​V> getMap()
        Convert this cache to a map.
        the map
      • putAll

        public void putAll​(Map<Long,​? extends V> m)
        Add all elements of the map to this cache.
        m - the map
      • trimNonResidentQueue

        public void trimNonResidentQueue()
        Loop through segments, trimming the non resident queue.