Interface ResourceProcessor<C extends org.kie.api.internal.assembler.ProcessedResource>

  • Type Parameters:
    C - The type of the processed resource.
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ResourceProcessor<C extends org.kie.api.internal.assembler.ProcessedResource>
    For a given resource, it implements a mechanism to transform such resource in a ProcessedResource. This is the interface of some "compiler" of sort, that translate a Resource into an "executable" representation of some kind, suitable for execution by some existing runtime. In most cases, implementors are expected to just extend AbstractResourceProcessor
    • Method Detail

      • process

        void process()
        Perform the processing of the given resource
      • getResource getResource()
        the resource that is processed by this object
      • getProcessedResource

        C getProcessedResource()
        the processed resource or null if there were errors
        IllegalStateException - if process() was never called
      • getErrors

        Collection<? extends org.kie.internal.builder.KnowledgeBuilderError> getErrors()
        Returns any error that have been generated while processing the resource.
        empty if no errors occurred and the resource have been successfully processed