Interface PropagationContext

    • Method Detail

      • getPropagationNumber

        long getPropagationNumber()
      • getRuleOrigin

        RuleImpl getRuleOrigin()
      • getTerminalNodeOrigin

        TerminalNode getTerminalNodeOrigin()
      • getFactHandle

        InternalFactHandle getFactHandle()
        fact handle that was inserted, updated or retracted that created the PropagationContext
      • getOriginOffset

        int getOriginOffset()
        Returns the offset of the fact that initiated this propagation in the current propagation context. This attribute is mutable as the same fact might have different offsets in different rules or logical branches.
        -1 for not set, and from 0 to the tuple length-1.
      • setOriginOffset

        void setOriginOffset​(int offset)
        Sets the origin offset to the given offset.
        offset - -1 to unset or from 0 to tuple length-1
      • getModificationMask

        BitMask getModificationMask()
      • setModificationMask

        void setModificationMask​(BitMask mask)
      • cleanReaderContext

        void cleanReaderContext()
      • setEntryPoint

        void setEntryPoint​(EntryPointId entryPoint)
      • isMarshalling

        boolean isMarshalling()
      • setMarshalling

        void setMarshalling​(boolean marshalling)