Class Community

  • public class Community
    extends DSpaceObject
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    • Field Detail

      • communityService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.CommunityService communityService
      • itemService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.ItemService itemService
      • authorizeService

        protected org.dspace.authorize.service.AuthorizeService authorizeService
    • Constructor Detail

      • Community

        public Community()
      • Community

        public Community​(org.dspace.content.Community community,
                         javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext,
                         String expand,
                         org.dspace.core.Context context)
                  throws SQLException,
    • Method Detail

      • setCollections

        public void setCollections​(List<Collection> collections)
      • getCountItems

        public Integer getCountItems()
      • setCountItems

        public void setCountItems​(Integer countItems)
      • getSidebarText

        public String getSidebarText()
      • setSidebarText

        public void setSidebarText​(String sidebarText)
      • getShortDescription

        public String getShortDescription()
      • setShortDescription

        public void setShortDescription​(String shortDescription)
      • getIntroductoryText

        public String getIntroductoryText()
      • setIntroductoryText

        public void setIntroductoryText​(String introductoryText)
      • getCopyrightText

        public String getCopyrightText()
      • setCopyrightText

        public void setCopyrightText​(String copyrightText)
      • getParentCommunity

        public Community getParentCommunity()
      • setParentCommunity

        public void setParentCommunity​(Community parentCommunity)
      • setLogo

        public void setLogo​(Bitstream logo)
      • setSubcommunities

        public void setSubcommunities​(List<Community> subcommunities)