Class Item

  • public class Item
    extends DSpaceObject
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    • Field Detail

      • itemService

        protected org.dspace.content.service.ItemService itemService
      • metadataExposureService

        protected metadataExposureService
      • authorizeService

        protected org.dspace.authorize.service.AuthorizeService authorizeService
    • Constructor Detail

      • Item

        public Item()
      • Item

        public Item​(org.dspace.content.Item item,
                    javax.servlet.ServletContext servletContext,
                    String expand,
                    org.dspace.core.Context context)
             throws SQLException,
    • Method Detail

      • getArchived

        public String getArchived()
      • setArchived

        public void setArchived​(String archived)
      • getWithdrawn

        public String getWithdrawn()
      • setWithdrawn

        public void setWithdrawn​(String withdrawn)
      • getLastModified

        public String getLastModified()
      • setLastModified

        public void setLastModified​(String lastModified)
      • getParentCollection

        public Collection getParentCollection()
      • getParentCollectionList

        public List<Collection> getParentCollectionList()
      • getParentCommunityList

        public List<Community> getParentCommunityList()
      • setParentCollection

        public void setParentCollection​(Collection parentCollection)
      • setParentCollectionList

        public void setParentCollectionList​(List<Collection> parentCollectionList)
      • setParentCommunityList

        public void setParentCommunityList​(List<Community> parentCommunityList)
      • setBitstreams

        public void setBitstreams​(List<Bitstream> bitstreams)