Class DSpaceKernelImpl

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    DynamicMBean, CommonLifecycle<DSpaceKernel>, DSpaceKernel

    public final class DSpaceKernelImpl
    extends Object
    implements DSpaceKernel, DynamicMBean
    This is the kernel implementation which starts up the core of DSpace, registers the mbean, and initializes the DSpace object. It also loads up the configuration. Sets a JRE shutdown hook.

    Note that this does not start itself and calling the constuctor does not actually start it up either. It has to be explicitly started by calling the start method so something in the system needs to do that. If the bean is already started then calling start on it again has no effect.

    The name of this instance can be specified if desired.

    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @