Class DSpace

  • public final class DSpace
    extends Object
    This is the DSpace helper services access object. It allows access to all core DSpace services for those who cannot or will not use the injection service to get services.

    Note that this may not include every core service but should include all the services that are useful to UI developers at least.

    This should be initialized using the constructor and then can be used as long as the kernel is not shutdown. Making multiple copies of this is cheap and can be done without worry about the cost.

    Aaron Zeckoski (azeckoski @
    • Constructor Detail

      • DSpace

        public DSpace()
        Construct a DSpace helper object which uses the default kernel.
        IllegalStateException - if the kernel is not already running
      • DSpace

        public DSpace​(String kernelName)
        Construct a DSpace helper object which uses the a specific named instance of the kernel.
        kernelName - the name of the kernel to use (null to use the default kernel)
        IllegalStateException - if the kernel is not already running or no kernel exists with this name