Class Client

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class Client extends Object implements SWORDClient
This is an example Client implementation to demonstrate how to connect to a SWORD server. The client supports BASIC HTTP Authentication. This can be initialised by setting a username and password.
Neil Taylor
  • Field Details


      public static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
      The default connection timeout. This can be modified by using the setSocketTimeout method.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • Client

      public Client()
      Create a new Client. The client will not use authentication by default.
  • Method Details

    • setServer

      public void setServer(String server, int port)
      Initialise the server that will be used to send the network access.
      Specified by:
      setServer in interface SWORDClient
      server - server address/hostname
      port - server port
    • setCredentials

      public void setCredentials(String username, String password)
      Set the user credentials that will be used when making the access to the server.
      Specified by:
      setCredentials in interface SWORDClient
      username - The username.
      password - The password.
    • setProxy

      public void setProxy(String host)
      Set a proxy that should be used by the client when trying to access the server. If this is not set, the client will attempt to make a direct direct connection to the server. The port is set to 80.
      host - The hostname.
    • setProxy

      public void setProxy(String host, int port)
      Set a proxy that should be used by the client when trying to access the server. If this is not set, the client will attempt to make a direct direct connection to the server.
      Specified by:
      setProxy in interface SWORDClient
      host - The name of the host.
      port - The port.
    • clearProxy

      public void clearProxy()
      Clear the proxy setting.
    • clearCredentials

      public void clearCredentials()
      Clear any user credentials that have been set for this client.
      Specified by:
      clearCredentials in interface SWORDClient
    • setUserAgent

      public void setUserAgent(String userAgent)
    • setSocketTimeout

      public void setSocketTimeout(int milliseconds)
      Set the connection timeout for the socket.
      milliseconds - The time, expressed as a number of milliseconds.
    • getServiceDocument

      public ServiceDocument getServiceDocument(String url) throws SWORDClientException
      Retrieve the service document. The service document is located at the specified URL. This calls getServiceDocument(url,onBehalfOf).
      Specified by:
      getServiceDocument in interface SWORDClient
      url - The location of the service document.
      The ServiceDocument, or null if there was a problem accessing the document. e.g. invalid access.
      SWORDClientException - If there is an error accessing the resource.
    • getServiceDocument

      public ServiceDocument getServiceDocument(String url, String onBehalfOf) throws SWORDClientException
      Retrieve the service document. The service document is located at the specified URL. This calls getServiceDocument(url,onBehalfOf).
      Specified by:
      getServiceDocument in interface SWORDClient
      url - The location of the service document.
      onBehalfOf - The username for the onBehalfOf access.
      The ServiceDocument, or null if there was a problem accessing the document. e.g. invalid access.
      SWORDClientException - If there is an error accessing the resource.
    • getLastUnmarshallInfo

      public SwordValidationInfo getLastUnmarshallInfo()
      SWORD validation info
    • postFile

      public DepositResponse postFile(PostMessage message) throws SWORDClientException
      Post a file to the server. The different elements of the post are encoded in the specified message.
      Specified by:
      postFile in interface SWORDClient
      message - The message that contains the post information.
      A DespoitResponse if the response is successful. If there was an error, null should be returned.
      SWORDClientException - if there is an error during the post operation.
    • getStatus

      public Status getStatus()
      Return the status information that was returned from the most recent request sent to the server.
      Specified by:
      getStatus in interface SWORDClient
      The status code returned from the most recent access.