Package org.purl.sword.client

package org.purl.sword.client
  • Class
    This is an example Client implementation to demonstrate how to connect to a SWORD server.
    Hold general constants for the client.
    Entry point for the SWORD Demonstration Client.
    List of options that are parsed from the command line.
    Interface for a client.
    Example implementation of a command line client.
    A stream that will write any output to the specified panel.
    Panel to display output messages.
    Details for a destination.
    Dialog for users to enter details of post destinations.
    Represents the details of a post to a server.
    Dialog that is used to edit the collection of properties.
    Dialog that prompts the user to enter the details for a service document location.
    The main panel for the GUI client.
    Listener for any objects that want to be notified when a collection has been selected in the ServicePanel.
    Representation of the status code and message.
    Interface for any SWORD client implementation.
    Represents an exception thrown by the SWORD Client.
    An extension of the JComboBox class.
    Utility class.