Module org.dyn4j

Interface AABBExpansionMethod<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the object type
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    NullAABBExpansionMethod, StaticValueAABBExpansionMethod

    public interface AABBExpansionMethod<T>
    Represents a rule used to expand an AABB based on the given type T.

    AABB expansion can be used to tweak the performance trade off between broadphase acceleration structure update time vs. detection time. A large expansion value would cause less updates to the acceleration structure, but would cause more pairs to reach the narrowphase where detection is generally more expensive. A small expansion value (or zero) would cause more updates to the acceleration structure, but would cause less pairs to reach the narrowphase.

    William Bittle
    • Method Detail

      • expand

        void expand​(T object,
                    AABB aabb)
        Expands the given AABB.
        object - the object the AABB was generated from
        aabb - the AABB to expand