Class Predicates<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Serializable, Predicate<T>, Predicate<T>
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    Predicates.AllSatisfy, Predicates.AnySatisfy, Predicates.NoneSatisfy

    public abstract class Predicates<T>
    extends Object
    implements Predicate<T>
    The Predicates class can be used to build common Predicates for use in methods such as detect, select and reject which are found on Iterate, MapIterate, and ArrayIterate classes. Predicates supports equals, not equals, less than, greater than, less than or equal to, greater than or equal to, in, not in and, or, and several other Predicate type operations.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Constructor Detail

      • Predicates

        public Predicates()
    • Method Detail

      • cast

        public static <T> Predicate<T> cast​(Predicate<T> predicate)
        Allows a Java 8 lambda or method reference to be used in a method taking a predicate without requiring an actual cast. This method can be used in places where two or more method overloads could apply when used with a lambda or method reference (e.g. removeIf).
      • throwing

        public static <T> Predicate<T> throwing​(ThrowingPredicate<T> throwingPredicate)
        Allows a lambda or anonymous inner class that needs to throw a checked exception to be safely wrapped as a Predicate that will throw a RuntimeException, wrapping the checked exception that is the cause.
      • throwing

        public static <T> Predicate<T> throwing​(ThrowingPredicate<T> throwingPredicate,
                                                Function2<T,​? super Throwable,​? extends RuntimeException> rethrow)
        Allows a lambda or anonymous inner class that needs to throw a checked exception to be safely wrapped as a Predicate that will throw a user specified RuntimeException based on the provided function. The function is passed the current element and the checked exception that was thrown as context arguments.
      • bind

        public static <P,​T> Predicate<T> bind​(Predicate2<? super T,​? super P> predicate,
                                                    P parameter)
      • synchronizedEach

        public static <T> Predicate<T> synchronizedEach​(Predicate<T> predicate)
      • betweenInclusive

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> betweenInclusive​(T from,
                                                                                       T to)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is within the range, inclusive of the from and to values.
      • betweenExclusive

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> betweenExclusive​(T from,
                                                                                       T to)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is within the range, exclusive of the from and to values.
      • betweenInclusiveFrom

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> betweenInclusiveFrom​(T from,
                                                                                           T to)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is within the range, inclusive of the from and exclusive from the to value.
      • betweenInclusiveTo

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> betweenInclusiveTo​(T from,
                                                                                         T to)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is within the range, exclusive of the from and inclusive of the to value.
      • in

        public static Predicates<Object> in​(Iterable<?> iterable)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is contained in the iterable.
      • attributeIn

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeIn​(Function<? super T,​?> function,
                                                    Iterable<?> iterable)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an attribute selected from an object passed to accept method is contained in the iterable.
      • attributeBetweenInclusive

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeBetweenInclusive​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                        V from,
                                                                                                        V to)
      • attributeBetweenExclusive

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeBetweenExclusive​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                        V from,
                                                                                                        V to)
      • attributeBetweenInclusiveFrom

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeBetweenInclusiveFrom​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                            V from,
                                                                                                            V to)
      • attributeBetweenInclusiveTo

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeBetweenInclusiveTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                          V from,
                                                                                                          V to)
      • notIn

        public static Predicates<Object> notIn​(Iterable<?> iterable)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an object passed to accept method is not contained in the iterable.
      • attributeNotIn

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeNotIn​(Function<? super T,​?> function,
                                                       Iterable<?> iterable)
        Creates a predicate which returns true if an attribute selected from an object passed to accept method is not contained in the iterable.
      • attributeLessThan

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeLessThan​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                V object)
      • lessThanOrEqualTo

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> lessThanOrEqualTo​(T object)
      • attributeLessThanOrEqualTo

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeLessThanOrEqualTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                         V object)
      • greaterThan

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> greaterThan​(T object)
      • attributeGreaterThan

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeGreaterThan​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                   V object)
      • greaterThanOrEqualTo

        public static <T extends Comparable<? super T>> Predicates<T> greaterThanOrEqualTo​(T object)
      • attributeGreaterThanOrEqualTo

        public static <T,​V extends Comparable<? super V>> Predicates<T> attributeGreaterThanOrEqualTo​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                                                            V object)
      • attributePredicate

        public static <T,​V> Predicates<T> attributePredicate​(Function<? super T,​? extends V> function,
                                                                   Predicate<? super V> predicate)
      • attributeEqual

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeEqual​(Function<? super T,​?> function,
                                                       Object object)
      • attributeNoneSatisfy

        public static <T,​V> Predicates<T> attributeNoneSatisfy​(Function<? super T,​? extends Iterable<V>> function,
                                                                     Predicate<? super V> predicate)
      • attributeNotEqual

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeNotEqual​(Function<? super T,​?> function,
                                                          Object object)
      • attributeIsNull

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeIsNull​(Function<? super T,​?> function)
      • attributeNotNull

        public static <T> Predicates<T> attributeNotNull​(Function<? super T,​?> function)