Class FastList<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Externalizable, Serializable, Cloneable, Iterable<T>, Collection<T>, List<T>, RandomAccess, MutableCollection<T>, InternalIterable<T>, ListIterable<T>, MutableList<T>, OrderedIterable<T>, ReversibleIterable<T>, RichIterable<T>, BatchIterable<T>

    public class FastList<T>
    extends AbstractMutableList<T>
    implements Externalizable, RandomAccess, BatchIterable<T>
    FastList is an attempt to provide the same functionality as ArrayList without the support for concurrent modification exceptions. It also attempts to correct the problem with subclassing ArrayList in that the data elements are protected, not private. It is this issue that caused this class to be created in the first place. The intent was to provide optimized internal iterators which use direct access against the array of items, which is currently not possible by subclassing ArrayList.

    An empty FastList created by calling the default constructor starts with a shared reference to a static empty array (DEFAULT_SIZED_EMPTY_ARRAY). This makes empty FastLists very memory efficient. The first call to add will lazily create an array of size 10.

    An empty FastList created by calling the pre-size constructor with a value of 0 (new FastList(0)) starts with a shared reference to a static empty array (ZERO_SIZED_ARRAY). This makes FastLists presized to 0 very memory efficient as well. The first call to add will lazily create an array of size 1.

    See Also:
    Serialized Form