Class DefaultSpeciesNewStrategy

  • public class DefaultSpeciesNewStrategy
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultSpeciesNewStrategy

        public DefaultSpeciesNewStrategy()
    • Method Detail

      • speciesNew

        public <T> Collection<T> speciesNew​(Collection<?> collection)
        Creates a new instance of a collection based on the class type of collection, not on the type of objects the collections contains. e.g. CollectionFactory.<Integer>speciesNew(hashSetOfString) returns a new HashSet<Integer>(); e.g. CollectionFactory.<Date>speciesNew(linkedListOfWombles) returns a new LinkedList<Date>();
      • speciesNew

        public <T> Collection<T> speciesNew​(Collection<?> collection,
                                            int size)
        Creates a new instance of a collection based on the class type of collection and specified initial capacity, not on the type of objects the collections contains. e.g. CollectionFactory.<Integer>speciesNew(hashSetOfString, 20) returns a new HashSet<Integer>(20); e.g. CollectionFactory.<Date>speciesNew(linkedListOfWombles, 42) returns a new LinkedList<Date>(42);